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Everything posted by Ashwhisker

  1. Hi, I have a question about this year's LPU download. Does anyone know when the song is from or where it was recorded? Thanks.
  2. I like the older live versions, they sound much less polished and manufactured, which I prefer.
  3. Then he probably is the most likely subject.
  4. As much as I like all three of them, She Couldn't and Across The Line definitely have the most personality, and I just prefer the older LP sound to Across The Line.
  5. But did Jeff Blue ever claim to have written all of Linkin Park's music, like the guy in Get Me Gone?
  6. Oh, I had just put it on MediaFire. But you can still put it up on LPL if you want. =D
  7. Unless someone else can upload the PDF, I'll have to take it down, because it's killing my computer having people download it.
  8. Thank you. And, glad someone appreciates it. Enjoy!
  9. Before or after, it was independent of LPA, so I don't see a need to give credit. Especially considering that none of his "hard work" resulted in Jim sending me an email, it was my request.
  10. I find it difficult to believe that we requested the information the same exact night. And maybe I didn't have it first, but I had no knowledge whatsoever of LPA's "part" in this, I thought I was the only one who had this stuff. How was I supposed to credit LPA for something that at that point, I didn't know had anything to do with LPA? edit: here is the email Jim sent me, with no mention of LPA: http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu121/A...w/untitled1.jpg I sent him the request at 8:42 PM, 12/30/09, and recieved the information at 8:59 PM on 12/30/09.
  11. What news post? I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you are talking about. edit: i saw it And anyway, I was the one who asked for the info. I believe I was first to have this information. exact email from Jim: Hey Ash,Thanks for your email, and thanks for being a TRF fan. Glad to hear people are still enjoying those songs! I attached alot of information you wanted below. There are the track-listings as well as the band write-ups about the songs that we included in the orders for the first 100 people to order the record back in 2005. It just gives a little insight into how each song came together, etc. I don't have the covers for Stereo Left and Right. I don't know where those would even be at this point. Thanks for writing and enjoy the stuff...all the best,Jim
  12. The Rosewood Fall is a band formed by former Snax members and signed to Machine Shop by Phoenix. To quote TRF's MySpace: In early 2003, Jim was at breakfast with former band-mate and old friend, Phoenix from Linkin Park, and told him about the new band that he had just recorded with. After breakfast Jim, Phoenix, and two other friends piled in a car and listened to the new demos, after which Phoenix asked if he could hold onto the copy. A few weeks later a meeting was set up between Phoenix and The Rosewood Fall where the band was offered a deal with Machine Shop Records. Now defunct, this band's tracks are in high demand. An almost complete discography is available courtesy of LPAssociation. However, when LPA hosted the entire TRF discography, due to an error on someone's part, not all tracks were actually released. Now, for the first time, you have the opportunity to listen to three tracks missing from the LPA-released discography, "I Flood", "25 Years" and "God Bless". They are available for download in good quality mp3 format. For your convenience, all tracks have track info filled in in the file properties, ready for iTunes importing. A lot of effort went into obtaining these tracks, so a simple "thank you" would be appreciated. "I Flood" - Stereo - 48 kHz - LYRICS "God Bless" - Stereo - 64kHz - LYRICS "25 Years" - m4a - LYRICS "Coming Home Soon" - m4a (Stereo Left track 13) "Below Your Window - m4a (Stereo Right track 1) "Come on and Rise" - m4a (Stereo Right track 2) "Below Your Window (alt version) - m4a (Stereo Right track 12) Thanks to Mark for providing us with "Coming Home Soon", "Below Your Window", "Come on and Rise", and "Below Your Window (alt version)". You might also like the Demonstrate EP cover (great quality) and the Stereo Left/Right Cover (poor quality) Click here to download PDF, or view online version. This PDF contains never-before-seen track listings for The Rosewood Fall's album Stereo Left/Right, as well as the meanings of the songs that the band wrote and included in the first 100 copies sold. Thanks to Jim Roach for his help in obtaining this information. *If Jim Roach or any other copyright holder would like these tracks to be removed, email me at blizz_ww@yahoo.com, I will be happy to cooperate.*
  13. The members of Grey Daze went on to form the band "waterface" which has one album, Seven Days, released in 2000. I don't know what happened to them next, though.
  14. I just got it all from LPA when they hosted it a few years back, and I have to agree, it is really good music.
  15. It is like LP Underground, except for Fort Minor. It doesn't really work anymore, though. D:
  16. is that some figure.09 i see in there?
  17. Oh really? I didn't know that... It's hard to say, really. Looks legit, but at that price, it's hardly worth the risk IMO.
  18. That's right, a second copy of the 8-Track Hybrid Theory demo cd, featuring She Couldn't, is for sale on ebay here: http://cgi.ebay.com/Hybrid-Theory-DEMO-Lin...=item3358c3cdef It starts at $99.00, with a reserve, and considering it's available for free here I don't think even a hardcore collector will bid as much as the guy wants. But still, pretty cool item. I love the sexy gold cd.
  19. Gah. Still waiting for my membership, I'm getting it for Christmas. =/ Oh well, I'll have to wait a day or two.
  20. What is Waterface? Please explain. I have never heard of this!
  21. Hi. I don't know if this should be in audio or video, because I don't know which one actually exists, if either do. Is there any known performances of the Tasty Snax/ Snax, Grey Daze, Xero, or Hybrid Theory that someone could give me links to download? Again, audio or video, because I don't know which is actually out there. Thanks!
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