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  • Birthday 12/27/1989

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  1. 100 percent. Im biased as I love OML, but the songs are excellent, and i think the hate for it stemmed from fans expecting a different sound back in 2017. All they had to do was wait and the next album would have been different if Chester was still here.
  2. To be fair Justin, no your correct, of course i would say that, because it is literally true in a sense. It literally was the end of OG LP with Chester of course. The rest is subjective, if you consider the new version “ true “ is completely up to you. Mike Shinoda doesnt get to tell you that. Seems to be a lot of OML disrespect by virtue of FZ coming out though, seen a ridiculous comment saying that everyone is listening to LP again because of FZ, its like duh of course, they came back, thats how the tick tok generation works, they wont go back 7 months let alone 7 years, doesnt mean its better than previous stuff. Sorry off subject but hopefully i explained well enough.
  3. Oh so much OML disrespect here… its the last true LP album sorry. Its a banger and ill never stop saying it. It has more ambition than FZ will ever have
  4. cheers man ! I still have very strong feelings on that and im finding it difficult to see this new era as something other than a cheap copy, but i want to try and like it as no matter how i feel CB is never coming back. Difficult times
  5. Leaked. I would honestly just wait, it isn't anything you must hear.
  6. Only listened to it twice, but i find it extremely, weak/generic.
  7. No negativity intended. We were asked to stop arguing, im not looking for an argument, i just say my feelings lol. Roll on thursday/friday so we can judge fairly. Genuinely sorry if it pissed people off, no drama intended.
  8. Thats fine, you actually articulated your point very well. Your correct we haven't heard anything yet. Even if the material is only as good as Mike’s solo stuff, thats still very good. But I wouldn't expect fireworks. We will see this week.
  9. While im slowly slowly starting to accept the reality of a Linkin Park without Chester, i think people are setting their hopes too high for this new LP. Too much emphasis is put on Mike and Brad being the masterminds behind the scenes and forget the fact that they had the legendary chester to work with. This new band ill enjoy because its Mike, but I can never get hyped for it because it will always be a second rate LP, no jaw dropping previews with Chester doing some insane screams, it will be just another band. Im not even trying to be negative, i mean thats just the reality now. If we must have another vocalist I really hope its a female.
  10. All good man my fault anyway im constantly misspelling and typing things wrong
  11. I agree. I just find it funny and ironic after waiting 7 years.
  12. No, yeah your correct i meant to type first single in the second week as posted by alt guy, i have this rare illness lol not quite as articulate as I used to be.
  13. I wasnt attacking you man. I know, im having a bit of fun and being sarcastic. Your meant to support them no matter what guys !! Hillarious that the marketing campaign has made people be this mad.
  14. my bad, i meant the first single on the second week, my bad
  15. Altguy post from 2 hours ago. I dont know why your all so upset about this I really dont. I wasnt allowed to be angry about LP coming back without Chester but your all angry about a marketing campaign thats going to result in new material/tours 🤣 ( plus youve waited 7 years, hold out another week ) Be grateful they are coming back if you support them, you can wait a tad longer
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