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Everything posted by ManuelHT

  1. here's the link at my gallery... http://linkinparkphotos.eu/freshy/gallery?...&gallery=24 If u would like to edit the first post with this link it will be a good thing xD
  2. I've downloaded the photos in original size an if someone want them I will put them on my site....let me know if you are interested so I will post the link at the gallery
  3. yeah black is better but I would have preferred more Mike Shinoda style in this shoes
  4. The shoes by the DC that we seen at the GLXS Dies are made by DC in collaboration with the SURU and Mike Shinoda, that contribute at the original artwork for the sole of the sneakers. The shoes will be released in December 2009 limited to 500 pairs. On the tongue there are the logos MS DC and Suru, and on the side there is the SURU logo. To watch some images of the soes you can go here or at my article, where I've also add the photos of the sneakers from GLXS.
  5. The site LP Russia has posted 3 videos about Crawl back In, Fire and My Suffering in high definition (1280 x 720 pixel) of the live at Ferropolis, in Graefenhainiche - Germany I've uploaded them on megaupload, there are the links: Single archive .zip - Crawl Back In + Fire + My Suffering - HD - 169 mb Crawl Back In - HD - 60 mb Fire - HD - 63 mb My Suffering - 47 mb Links by LinkinParkPhotos.eu
  6. DBS:Brasil was right....yesss...
  7. mmh....i think that il 30$ also for Italy...mmh to much for me....I wait for what scans on the web xD
  8. The Honda Fury customized "Icon" is on selling on eBay at this link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260469673117#ht_500wt_1182
  9. yessàààààà that's so cool....xD
  10. ok...i think this could be a almos-official source... better for me...cause i posted it on my site...obviusoly with the link to DBSbr
  11. very nice!!! good job man...
  12. no official source for now....probably is just a supposition of the staff... this can be the why they wrote "the date can be suffer some changes"
  13. yes that is obviusoly thanks Japanese release!!!
  14. usually i don't think that WB is so stupid to leave New Divide in their server before the release.....u can find it some moments before the release, but not some days before... And for the CD of DBS i think that dbsbrazil would like to say that they sell the CD before online (but not on MySpace)...and then in the stores...
  15. Dead By Sunrise Brazil said that the video will be avaiable on the DBS MySpace from the 8 September. They add also that the complete CD will be avaiable on web from 8 October. Is it real or is only a supposition?
  16. the book is of the Glorious Excess BORN, and the other item is the possibility to assist at the conversation and is for member only!!!
  17. yeah this logo is not really cool...but... that guy is a genius...the logo can be read witj any rotation of the logo....woooww
  18. Tons of new stuff! - The second part of the New Divide videoshoot has been posted on LPUTV. If you haven't seen the first "extra" clip they had, then go watch that as well as the new one. - Mike is doing an online interview tomorrow. "Tomorrow, Friday (8.28) @ 4 PM PDT online interview with DailyDuJour...LIVE from the setup of Glorious Excess!" - His art show merchandise will be available to buy Monday. There are new skate decks too - sweet! I'll be getting one this time, what about you? Read all about it here. - Mike also gave us info on his "Metric" remix.... "PS - For all you Metric fans: stay tuned, an announcement about that remix--and its relationship to Glorious Excess (Dies)--is coming soon." A new Shinoda remix! Heck yeah!
  19. There will be an interview tomorrow on Daily DU Jour http://www.mikeshinoda.com/blog/mike_shinoda_artwork/daily_du_jour_tomorrow The video will be LIVE from the setup of glorious Excess - Linkin Park Photos
  20. I don't know if is important but I see the update in LinkinPark:Br - LinkinParkPhotos.eu
  21. Kings Of Leon are coming out with a live DVD in the fall as well as a remix album, and Billboard.com / NME.com report that Linkin Park is remixing at track for them. "Even more exciting, however, is a remix album that came to life after Kings of Leon learned that other artists such as Justin Timberlake and Pharrell had started working on revisions of the band's songs. Mark Ronson, Kenna, Lykke Li and Linkin Park are also contributing remixes, according to Followill." What do you think? Will it just be Mike, or perhaps Mike and Joe? Or will they do something cool and maybe record something cool like new drums/guitar and backing vocals? To what extent do you think they'll remix the track? Thanks to LinkinParkPhotos.eu for the information!
  22. DELETED BY AUTOR. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I did a mistake with the photos.
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