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Posts posted by ThePretender

  1. DBS needs an official website with show announcements, press announcements, etc ASAP. Management failure. Put lyrics, pics, load it up. DBS COULD have an epic website but instead, they have none. MySpace is garbage.

    Just like the Fort Minor website. Amazing.

  2. lol sometimes I feel like i'm the only one who's expectations were exceeded by Minutes to Midnight. It was much better than I thought it would be.

    I was both dissapointed and impressed. So I'm 50% on your side. xD

  3. What the hell is going on with Fort Minor. Is it ever going to be revisited or was it a one time thing? He keeps avoiding this question like a politician whenever it gets asked.

    Didn't he say that he was putting all the Fort Minor energy to the LP record? I think that he himself doesn't know if he wants to continue the project.

  4. Are you crazy? Mike TOTALLY changed his look when he toured with Fort Minor. Changed his facial hair, straightened the bills on all his hats, started wearing big puffed-out coats and baggier pants, started cleaning his fancy sneakers with a toothbrush all the time...Mike made every effort to look more "gangsta" as soon as he started doing promo work for Fort Minor, and stopped as soon as he switched back to LP. Summer Sonic 2006 was the last time we saw him with that look, and it was the last 2 shows for Fort Minor. Coincidence? Hardly.

    Nice point made there! I guess it is the fact that Mike looks pretty natural when he wears those things, while that isn't the case with Chester.


    Back to the music, I love the first verse even more now. The music sounds like something that is trying to explode and when the chorus starts, it does. Just listen to the reaction of the fans when the chorus starts. It has a climactic feeling.

  5. I'm pretty sure they had been planning something besides a CD for the concept album. Some of the quotes they gave seemed to hint at it.

    Remember last year? Joe was working on something that would be most likely a part of the album but the article was very vague. I can't remember much of the article, maybe someone can? I think it was something visual.

  6. You know actually, in the past year, it seems like LP may not need Chester to be doing much at this point in time in regards to making the new album.


    It seems like Mike writes/produces/does a lot of the dirty work, scats the vocal melodies, and then Chester comes in and replaces the scatting with singing when it's time.


    From the work aspect, it seems all LP may be missing right now is Chester's input, which in the end only sucks for Chester. Though from a good buddy stand-point, they won't release the new LP until DBS has done its fair share of touring and such.


    And as far as the other members of LP being clean, yeah they are. And I like that, though we don't know for sure what they're into. I mean some of it is probably good natured stuff, like Mike drinking. It's legal and he's a grown man. I just want these guys to be around for a long time, I'm real glad Chester has sobered up.

    You're forgetting one thing. Chester is also writing, which is big thing.

  7. Read the newest interview with Chester on MTV.com


    Bennington said LP are once again working with producer Rick Rubin — who produced their last effort, 2007's Minutes to Midnight — on the new album. And, yes, they're still sticking to the concept Bennington had first mentioned last year, only, you know, with a slightly different, slightly more realistic twist.


    "It's like, 'Oh, let's go and make this giant opus that no one's ever done. It's going to cost billions of dollars and take forever.' And we're like, 'Wait a second, it's going to cost billions of dollars and take forever,' " he laughed. "So we might need to just make a record and still try to do a concept but figure out a way to do it without actually waiting another five or six years to put out a record, to try to pull off all the grandiose insanity we were thinking of doing. And we're doing that. So I would imagine, I'm guessing even conservatively, that we'll probably have a record out by June of next year."


    Bennington said that, in keeping with Linkin Park tradition, the new album will be sonically adventurous and that it might even feature a few tunes he'd intended for Dead by Sunrise's follow-up to Ashes.


    "It's kind of funny, because I wrote a song, and I was positive it was a Dead by Sunrise song, and I was in the studio playing it, and Brad [Delson] goes, 'You are putting that down right now!' " he said. "And I was like, 'Well, apparently that's a Linkin Park song.' The song is called 'Fucking Awesome' by the way."


    Sounds rad. And though he's pushing hard on the new Linkin Park album, Bennington's not quite finished with Dead by Sunrise — not by a long shot, it would seem.


    "We are going to tour, and we are going to make more records," he said.

  8. Soft doesn't mean pop

    I am aware of that but the snippet sounds to me like a pop song. Look at it more global; the album was more poppy so the chance that it is a song in a poppy way is there. But I'm not going to discuss four seconds anymore, kinda lame.

  9. Hey?


    I never heard of the 6th String song? :) Can anybody give me some more informations?


    and sry 4 offtopic but


    has anyone of you the Making Of MTM (THE FULL VESRION)? I only found the shorter version @YT?

    as said earlier in this topic


    When LP was recording MtM, they had a live orchestra come into the studio to do the string parts (violins, cello, stuff like that).


    They had the orchestra contribute to 6 songs. Only 5 made the album. The 6th one was played for about 5 seconds in the MtM DVD showing some dude standing there recording it. I think someone posted a link a few posts ago.

    It's a shame that this website has uploaded the Making of, but here's the link: http://www.tmf.nl/video/12578/highlights/0

  10. srry i haven't posted in a while (wedding). the song is great and all...but...it kinda sucks more than it's great... WTF DID THE OLD LP GO!!!!!!!!!!!! Pop Punk is LP's new sound we might need to get used to this...(unfortunately...........)

    it ain't pop punk

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