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Everything posted by skilly

  1. the dbs show in munich is also listed here: http://www.tonhalle-muenchen.de/index.php?...&Itemid=114 really hope they'l play in the darkness and into you
  2. skilly

    My Suffering!

    this sounds a bit like little sister by queens of the stone age
  3. i fucking love this song the solo kicks ass!!!
  4. Happy birthday Mark you share your birthday with the coolest teacher at my school
  5. finally a clear date this is gonna be awesome
  6. 1 Somewhere i belong 2 Faint 3 Lying from you 4 Figure 09 5 Breaking the habit 6 Numb 7 Foreword 8 Don't stay 9 Easier to run 10 Session 11 Nobody's listening 12 Hit the floor 13 From the inside
  7. frankfurt 2008 or munich 2008 i don't like chris cornells voice on crawling and the HHH verses over the intro
  8. it's ok until he starts to scream^^ the piano player is also pretty good
  9. that's the last schoolday before summer holidays i think I'll go
  10. forgotten would be awesome
  11. meteora
  12. you can list me for germany (Vitus / bavaria)
  14. DUDE please come to munich again guys i'd prefer muse and rise against
  15. open: one step closer/No more sorrow close main: What Ive done/Bleed it out open encore: pushing me away/crawling close encore:/faint
  16. somewhere i belong and Numb
  17. my new favourite song can't wait for the album
  18. Tough battle but we're gonna make it keep on guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Anybody has 21.06.2008 Munich, Reitstadion Riem? would be really cool (I's the only show I've been to and the only projekt revolution from 2008 i can't find...)
  20. I think guitar hero 4 will be better
  21. 1. Faint - it just rocks live 2. Somewhere I belong - I think that's the first song I've heard of them 3. Bleed it out - best track on M2M
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