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Everything posted by GeekShadow

  1. We have the making off of the piano clip : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3QUzlq3I3Y&time_continue=180
  2. It was PR Breaks Anyway great release !
  3. I think I have the file for the Hybrid Theory vinyl, it was released previously.
  4. So it's seems like PlugAir is some kind of DRM device that allow you to unlock songs, but I think it will need you to play them with the right app with no access to real file. https://www.plugair.com/en/#about So this is no revolutionary device, rather an unhandy way to deliver songs. (LP could have release a good looking USB key instead !)
  5. I will replace the CD Case (I think I have a spare transparent one at home), Here is a photo of the broken case if needed : http://www.flickr.com/photos/geekshadow/66...57606197453226/ Also I ripped my own copy of LPU11 and uploaded the CD infos in freedb (for CDDB lookup).
  6. I just received my LPU11 package last friday, everything is fine, but the back of the CD case is broken :/ Anyone having this issue ? The DBS album I won had a broken CD case too.
  7. Ok I finally got it, LP needs to stay with only one company for their LPU websites.
  8. Why do they broke their LPU website each year ? I can't login with Google Account anymore... each year create a new account, design change...
  9. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpvLbjCIYYI
  10. seems like Adam confirmed the picture : http://www.lpassociation.com/forums/showth...ll=1#post954180
  11. pixels reveal this : http://parktwitter.prodapps.com/0.jpg source : http://www.lpassociation.com/forums/showth...ll=1#post954159
  12. It looks like pixels are a pixelate cover : http://www.lpassociation.com/forums/showth...ll=1#post954159 This is higly the matching picture !
  13. I didn't found cover in the swf file, just sounds
  14. http://c0020478.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacec...sofpixelsZZ.swf and I use SWFTools Files moved to : http://www2.geekshadow.com/files/output1.mp3 http://www2.geekshadow.com/files/output2.mp3
  15. ok haxing the file I got something http://geekshadow.com/fichiers/output1.mp3 http://geekshadow.com/fichiers/output2.mp3
  16. Nobody tried to hack the flash object yet ? Should I go for it ?
  17. Do anyone have all digits in text format please ? Thanks !
  18. picture say : <?xpacket begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?> <x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="Adobe XMP Core 5.0-c060 61.134777, 2010/02/12-17:32:00 "> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmlns:xmpMM="http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/mm/" xmlns:stRef="http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/sType/ResourceRef#" xmlns:xmp="http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/" xmpMM:OriginalDocumentID="xmp.did:018011740720681192B0852D87C673AB" xmpMM:DocumentID="xmp.did:EA5048EA705711DF837983563CBAD12C" xmpMM:InstanceID="xmp.iid:EA5048E9705711DF837983563CBAD12C" xmp:CreatorTool="Adobe Photoshop CS5 Macintosh"> <xmpMM:DerivedFrom stRef:instanceID="xmp.iid:058011740720681192B0852D87C673AB" stRef:documentID="xmp.did:018011740720681192B0852D87C673AB"/> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF> </x:xmpmeta> <?xpacket end="r"?>
  19. I donate 20$. LP song is very sweet
  20. This is a good news but I may buy it on LPUnderground.com soon...
  21. Can you made it more simple without all posts etc... ? This is quite confusing for me
  22. I'd say Across the line "Nanananananana the pieces and all the secrets nananana...." and 2nd FAINT !!!!!!!!!
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