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Posts posted by Adam

  1. BTW, just in case people are confused. We will definitely still be offering a physical CD for LPU 10. We just wanted to add this option as well so online only members could have it and also so you get the music right away when you order your package.

  2. It's a pity the biggest wallpaper is for 1440x900 .... my monitor needs the 1920 x 1080 lol :(


    Send me a DM on here on MONDAY reminding me and I'll see if I can get that for you. Don't message me until monday though because I'll forget if you do it before then. haha.

  3. I get why the guys don't try to explain how the new album is going to sound. The minute you say its going to sound like one thing, people will start expecting something that might be completely wrong. They want to let the music speak for itself. I can respect that. I know it doesn't ease the anticipation for the new record at all, but ah well. You'll all hear it in due time!

  4. Starting tomorrow AFTER the game is out in the US, I want to try to get 8-Bit Rebellion or something like that trending on twitter. Stay tuned to the linkin park twitter and help me out when I tweet about it tomorrow!!


    Enjoy the song and enjoy the game!!!!

  5. I bet that there are lawyers in many countries who are LP fans, and wouldn't mind doing researches in that area to help you (LPHQ, LPUHQ) spread the contests to their countries.

    I'm sure it's not an easy question to be dealt with, but if you don't do anything, it won't happen on it's own.



    All I wish is that LPHQ wrote an official explanation of why they don't spread the contests to non-US countries with detailed description of the problem, and not only saying that it's connected with LAW. Give us few examples of why, for example, it can't be shipped to UK, Germany or whatever other country.

    Not sure how much more detail you want. My last post was pretty straight forward. You have to have separate legals for each country participating. We need lawyers in each of those countries to write new legals for us. I know you guys think there should be a really simple solution for this, but trust me it's not as easy as it seems. It has NOTHING to do with shipping packages. I ship stuff all over the world every day. Sorry. It sucks. I know. I can't do anything about it. But I'll be honest, editing 50 different legals every single time we do a contest does not sound like something I want to add on to my work day or something I even have time for. (yes, it would be ME editing the legals every single time). It takes me about 20 minutes to edit just the ONE legal doc for each contest as it is.

  6. Whenever we do a contest that has Official Rules, we have to make it US only because if it was open to everyone, we would have to have rules for EACH country it was available for. We don't have lawyers in all of those countries. Thats why for LPU, we try to do as many "giveaways" as possible.

  7. I'll say one more thing, then I'm leaving this alone because it's really not worth it.


    I was not hired by Linkin Park to come to talk to fans and post on messageboards and whatever else you think. I don't say what the band, management or WBR tell me to. Occasionally, I'll pass along a message to Mark, but I always let him know the source. I took it upon myself to start getting to know the fans and posting on this site because I thought it would be a benefit for YOU to have a connection straight to the band. On this messageboard, I'm speaking for myself. Whether you think I'm a douche or not is irrelevant. I couldn't care less what you think of me. I'm passionate about music. I've been passionate about music longer than Linkin Park has even been a band. I get where you're coming from with all of this. Believe me. I understand where your passion for this stuff comes from.


    That said, my opinion on this is my opinion. I've never said that what I say on here is gospel. I've never asked anyone on any fansite or messageboard to roll out a "red carpet" for me. I'm not looking for pats on the back from you and I've never demanded anything of Mark. I don't take myself too seriously.


    As far as I'm concerned, this issue is closed because I'm done thinking about it and caring about it. I and the rest of the LP team put a lot of work into making these DSPs available for you guys. A lot of work. THAT'S why I have certain views on this. Not because of the money or because of anything else.

  8. Seriously not trying to be an asshole guys. Just telling you how I feel about the situation. I'm not speaking on behalf of LP right now, I'm speaking on behalf of myself. I think the logic of this website is completely ridiculous sometimes. Can't make everyone happy. Sorry.

  9. I never said anyone was getting upset. I just think this thread is ironic. Cause it is. Mike said he'd rather you trade shows than trade youtube links because they sound better. He doesn't say, "yeah you guys have free rein to post these for download." This article is also before all the shows were made available.


    Whatever. I'm over it.


    PS - Lawyered: watch "How I Met Your Mother"

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