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Posts posted by Adam

  1. No - that was my original problem. I had told you my net messed up and I got billed but never got to the confirmation page or any email. You replied to my support ticket and told me I was signed up under thedottenline@yahoo.com and to just to login and it will then let me make an LPU name, but i can't login and I was billed already for the plus package a month ago ha.

    PMing you now.

  2. I signed up with thedottenline@yahoo.com. But my support ticket is under realstudiolansing@yahoo.com. I pm'd you about it yesterday and I have a support ticket going, but I had replied to it a week or two ago after you gave me solution number one that to my bad luck hasnt worked.

    yeah dude I dont show you as having an LPU account. do you have a confirmation email or something you could send me?

  3. Haha whatever the exclusive IS somebody PM it to me or let me know ha I joined LPU last month and haven't been able to log into the site once.

    whats your email address? I'll look into it for you and make sure your account is all good.

  4. It's 8pm here and if I were u Adam i would just tell ppl there will be a excusive or news a hour b4 u release anythink less time to wait and guess what it is and ppm moaning

    I like watching you guys be impatient and groan about it... muahaha.


    To quote myself: "We have a little something special for LPU members coming soon... possibly friday..."


    how you guys made that out to be some huge exclusive big deal thing that is DEFINITELY happening at a certain time on friday at which all time zones all over the world come together, i'll never know.


    LAWYERED!! (Any How I Met Your Mother fans out there?)

  5. You guys are over hyping it WAY too much as usual, lol. Nothing to do with the new song, DSP release, iPod game or anything else. Mike mentioned what it is in a news post about a month ago. Just be patient. It's cool, I'm excited to see it.

    well put

  6. It's not a song. It's not a clip of a song. It's not a video. It's just a fun thing we thought LPU members would enjoy first before anyone else.


    I'm about to hop on a call about it. Hopefully we'll be emailing you soon.

  7. yeah... the numbers mean nothing. Brad's just a random, funny guy like that.


    I said, "Hey Brad, will you let me tweet you a holiday message?" and the numbers were his response. The look on his face and the confidence in which he said the numbers had me fooled for a second, too.

  8. No he was actually saying that Bob Dylan was in his band, before Bob Dylan was huge and my teacher claimed to have kicked Bob Dylan out of his band because he "sucked" and then later felt like an idiot. Just sounds like a stretched story to me. :P Missouri State University is where I am starting up, I just finished at Ozark Tech' which was a community college. So the professors there most likely weren't highly educated on what they were teaching..it just wasn't til now that I realized it. lol

    ahhh ok that makes more sense. haha. I still call Bullshit though.


    Cool I have a friend who went there and studied music business. He works for Universal Music Group now, so he seemed to do ok for himself post-college. haha.

  9. Oh yeah man, I'm definitely learning the ins and outs of all sorts of things but I'm beginning to think my professors are just kinda winging it with some of the things they say. I have one who claims that he was in a band with Bob Dylan before he got huge, and they thought his vocals sucked and kicked him out. Just seems a little stretched but anything is possible I guess. :P

    His vocals were worse than Dylan's?? Doubt it. hahaha. (jk, I'm actually a huge Dylan fan).


    Out of curiosity, what school do you go to?

  10. Yeah dude..tonight was an eye opening thing for me..I didn't like debating with everyone but I'm glad you spoke on it because I wasn't convinced at all based on what my professors were telling me. Now that I look at it, it's a big difference studying papers and becoming a teacher..compared to working in the actual field and knowing what the heck you are teaching. Quite sad but oh well...at least I will get a degree of some sort. lol

    Trust me, labels have TONS of power, but I've never heard of them telling a band what to play. An A&R guy kindly asking the band to play stuff? I'm sure that happens all the time. You obviously want them to play the songs they are marketing. But I've never seen a contract where it's written in that the label can do that.


    If your profs have old record contracts laying around that say the contrary, I'll bite my tongue. I've just never heard of it before.


    Definitely worth it to get a degree of some sort. And I'm sure you will learn some helpful stuff as well.

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