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Everything posted by KATHYxx

  1. This is what I'm thinking. WB probably isn't interested in releasing them for a little thing like the LPU. They are probably most interested in putting the best stuff on a major release to bring in dollars. Or tupac insurance to release CDs after the band breaks up or something. I think it's likely that we'll see more demos in the future, just idk how far and probably not on the LPU.
  2. pffft since when? In the 7 or so years of being a LPUer I've always seen transcripts offered off LPU without a complaint from anyone, not even the moderators and admins. Information can't be copyrighted anyway, and the perk is to be present at the chat, not the transcript I'm still betting on a greatest hits. I bet they'll still have thier plate full enough to not make much of anything new. Dead horse is dead now. Shoulda stuck a sticker on that saying WARNING: METAPHORICAL ANSWER, UNLIKELY TO ACTUALLY COME TRUE. It's incredibly likely that warner bros owns the copyright to all LP songs, so it's probably not up to LP. And the LPU isn't exactly profit central.
  3. I didn't. This isn't a PM topic. I posted an open question on the LPU, and here of course. If he want's to confirm he can just do so, or not. It would be exciting, but this whole thing coming from japan is kinda weird. And for other reasons Hahninator said. It would be exciting, but I'm not ready to get excited over it yet until it's proven true.On the other side of the coin, if it's not true, someone certainly has done a lot of research behind this...
  4. I've never seen this site before. There confirmation that this is the real thing yeah? Maybe i should ask adam
  5. This. is. not. news. Since the beginning of the internet, everybody from all sides cheat on polls. Even LP fans. Furthermore, there is the simple fact that internet polls aren't scientific in the least. Just the way it's set up doesn't lend itself to an accurate measurement on whose more popular. LP may simply be losing because a larger percentage of LP fans have better things to do vs. a younger twilight-loving fanbase that have yet to find lives. The fact that this seems to be surprising to many people here kinda explains why people seem to be undertaking in this futile exercise. Voting awards have never been about who had the best popular opinion, it's always about who had the best bots..... Assuming they even COUNT the votes. Since I found out that reality TV shows with a vote system don't count their votes and picked the winner based on how much ratings it would rake in, I have no reason to assume that fuse or MTV wouldn't do the same with their award shows, much less make sure their voting machines have any integrity. And to everyone bickering about LP and paramore: LOL.
  6. Yep it's not a contest, but the LPU has been doing these sweepstakes internationally for years now, including the "trivia contest" (which I won though I got a third of the questions wrong) from last year's newsletter, and before that they just blatantly called them sweepstakes. Whatever makes the LPU lawyers happy.....
  7. http://www.sendspace.com/file/sg49df Go get im. I have to wake up tomorrow night
  8. Cleaning up the rip. I'll have parts 2-5 uploaded in a sec
  9. He did say next week. well done
  10. lol @ Chester running away with a red face hahn-face is on now
  11. You need to buy a subscription to access loveline's site now. I used to listen there but now I'm listening from KROQ, which i doubt would put them up.
  12. My gorram ancient computer took 10 mins to boot up. I've missed everything up to this first commercial. So my rip would be missin that part. Is someone else nabbing it because i'd hate to waste effort on an incomplete rip.
  13. Cool. The LP one is probably more complex or this one was being made sooner. And Level 7 probably just refers to the developer's name. Nothing special.
  14. KATHYxx


    AdBlocker can be disabled on a per-website or page basis. Have a simple request to disable AdBlock to support the site like Dragcave.net does.
  15. Hmm, I had assumed the whole time that the 18th was a Tuesday. To me it's just coming a day earlier now Having it in the night time wouldn't have been beneficial anyway. I wouldn't go to sleep and I would be tired tomorrow.
  16. audible clicking indicates a mechanical problem (which is a very bad thing). It clicks once and shuts down or do you hear clicking as it is rotating? If there is a lot of noise coming from it I suggest not starting up the drive at all, as friction will eventually tear itself apart. There are professionals who repair this kind of thing but they will charge hundreds of dollars for their services. Don't try what linkindude said because he's referring to a boot drive, not an external. Likewise, Wilderness is talking about a virus, and this sounds nothing like a software issue. springer's advice would rule out computer and cable, and vlc70r's advice would rule out an operating system issue. But again, only if there is not a ton of noise coming from it. Otherwise, get a backup device to store your files on if you have an opportunity to move them. use the drive as little as possible. The freezing thing is an absolute last resort.
  17. I don't trust DJ's for a second. In every instance I've seen DJ's get information first, they're wrong. I don't see them as any different than your run-of-the-mill casual fan. I think it was a DJ who started that "Chester is dead/left the band" rule that's been floating through the casual fans for a while now. DJ's aren't anybody special, they don't have great ties to anyone, but they're good for spreading rumors far and wide. After seeing Gator's post about the Incubus mixup, it seems Gator's theory makes the most sense. PS: any guesses about Warner and contract stuff is pure speculation. A Greatest Hits might not even count as an album towards the contract. You guys don't know that stuff.
  18. The use of caps lock in your first post implied that you were yelling or being hostile towards me, and I took offense to it. I realize the opposite now. I apologize for the misunderstanding. EDIT: I wasn't calling you macho, I was illustrating how dumb it sounded when you tried to tell me that I was being desperate or however you put it. You got the sounding dumb part but not the point I was getting at.
  19. If LP Live went and covered every band that LP ever worked and toured with, why not become a general music news site then? Why only Julien-K? Why didn't you bag on the guy that posted the remixes that arent by LP? and I'm talking about Julien-K, not DBS. they're fine but they're seperate bands. DBS = relevant JK = not relevant, they're not touring or doing anything with LP. Also, do you really expcet the LA times to list all 9000+ bands that would be affected by this? Would that have been so much better if they just explicitly said "Linkin Park" instead of "Nickelback" or "Miley Cyrus" when they're already implied to be in this article to begin with. If I didn't think the page wasn't news worthy I wouldn't have posted it to begin with, so naturally it follows that I would be able to explain why it was relevant.
  20. This has 8 x more to do with LP than the Julien-K stuff that keeps getting onto the front page for some reason. You guys keep repeatedly posting that you're low on news, and now you don't want none? It has everything to do with LP, especially Live LP news, and it seemed in the interest to the LP live community at large. If the price increase is significant enough it might even deter fans from seeing LP at all.
  21. (Hahninator edit): Future Linkin Park ticket prices can be affected by this, so this is pretty important (even more so than the YouTube/Warner nonsense). I wonder if Mike and/or LP has followed this and what their take on it is. It'd be interesting to see a blog post from "the man himself" (as many people refer to Mike as) on the issue. From the LA Times: "Live Nation Inc. and Ticketmaster Entertainment Inc. today announced that the two goliaths would merge, combining the biggest concert promoter with the leading ticketing and artist-management company. The combined company, with almost $6 billion in sales, would touch virtually every aspect of the concert business. ... The deal is likely to attract antitrust scrutiny, lawyers said. One source estimated that the combined company would control ticketing rights for 80% of the concert halls, amphitheaters, sports arenas and other venues where live events are staged. A lawsuit filed against Ticketmaster alleges that it manipulated the market for event tickets and cheated customers out of millions of dollars. The suit, filed on behalf of one ticket buyer, Ellen Diamond, claims that fans who attempted to buy tickets for a Feb. 2 Bruce Springsteen concert were redirected to TicketsNow.com, where tickets were marked up hundreds of dollars beyond their original face value. Ticketmaster effectively profits twice from the sale of its tickets -- once from the sale to its wholly owned subsidiary, and through a 15% commission on the sale of the tickets at marked-up prices -- the suit claims. Springsteen posted an open letter to fans on his website, condemning the practice and noting, "Ticketmaster has made us as furious as it has made many of you." The New Jersey attorney general's office launched an investigation after hundreds of fans contacted its Division of Consumer Affairs. "Ticketmaster profits twice as the result of the monopolistic scheme," wrote Paul Kiesel, of Kiesel, Boucher & Larson, in the complaint filed Feb. 6 in Los Angeles federal court. Defendants have bilked consumers of millions of dollars." Entire article here. Updates to this are in the comments (including a post about it being illegal, etc).
  22. Well that killed that rumor dead. Adam fixed that fast.
  23. Jacket. black with red stripes and a logo running down one of the sleeves. It's from the Live in Texas era.
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