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  1. POA back again. that's quite boring tbh.
  2. Bugs me out that no one mentioned My December and High Voltage. Wow.
  3. guess what? blaming warner is easy when LP is doing crap like this since 2017 lol
  4. I wonder if the needed for sounding different from HT/Meteora caused that, they were like obsessed on trying to 'reinvent' themselves, one of the reasons i found FZ sound choice ironic lol.
  5. someone already posted it somewhere, nothing new on it
  6. that's the bad part of the comeback, no more old demos will be released, sad.
  7. same, Thoughts that take away my pride is so much better, hopefully is on a old session or hardrive never noticed that the drums from Healing Foot aren't live drums
  8. i would love to see All for Nothing and More the Victim
  9. Even mute Chester sounds better, don't even try it.
  10. he didn't lied tho, stop pretending she can do it.
  11. really sucks that they have songs that they kept hidden for 20 years, and when they finally have a chance to be played live, they short it and do that same old boring version. why they didn't play more the victim, fighting myself or other new stuff?
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