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About EmptyHusk

  • Birthday July 26

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    art, drawing, anime, linkin park, games, reading,

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  1. That's so far out though 😞. I just hope the revamped LPU means they are going continue the Underground CDs. Not likely but I can hold out hope
  2. -Were the demo's of Don't Stay, Nobody's Listening, and Numb considered for the Lost Demos? -Numb being one of your biggest hits to date, why wasn't it's demo in the Lost demos? -Did Halo or Rhinocerous have vocals at one point or even have lyrics written/planned at one point? -On the song board in Making of Meteora I believe we can make out both Plaster 2 and Figure.09. Seeing as we now know Plater 2 is the demo for Figure.09 did these songs split at one point to become two separate songs? Or were they always two separate songs and did they merge into one? -Somewhere I Belong is by far my favourite song off the album. If there is a demo with alternate lyrics will we ever hear it someday? -Non Meteora question but back in the day you did a song with LMNO when the band was still called Hybrid Theory. Do you remember this? And if so, do you remember the song name and maybe some other info on it? Like how you met LMNO and came about creating this song and maybe any other info on the song itself? -Reanimation 20th went by with very little notice. Was there a plan for it or was it harder to get things in motion due to all the guest features in the album? I got some non-Meteora questions in there but I think what I really want to know is the Plaster 2/Figure.09 situation. Correct me if I'm wrong on what I'm seeing on the song board, please, but I'm pretty sure both titles are on there at once. LMNO question is personal interest. Spent a long time looking through his catalogue and I kind of just want a direct answer now lol. I'll add more if I can think of some. Chances are high I will miss this Q&A, unfortunately.
  3. Awesome. Thank you so much. Much appreciated!
  4. Looks like my suspicions were right. Would you be able to link that Riverline song, though?
  5. Yeah, I just found the whole snippet interesting as it's a mixture of known and unknown. Whole reason I downloaded it. I don't think the last is Soaring Man. I think it's the one pulled from Making of Meteora. It could still be a fake compilation, though, with real songs added to make it more believable.
  6. Dialate and Numb, no. Someone here, I think it was Drew, told me that Mike didn't have the best equipment back in the day when they started Xero. Dialate being one of their earliest songs I was told it would be very unlikely that the samples/stems I had are real. I found these via YouTube but the video seems to no longer exist. And as for Numb I was told that the stems and samples exist online and it could be easily faked. So, both of these I deleted. As for Heavy, yes I have it. I got it from Linkin Park Sakh or maybe Linkin Park Coalition over on VK.com. It just sounds like the original but without the finalized mixing to me.
  7. Dude, I'm like 90% on those being fake. But here ya go: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ugl4ld0qip0z5x6/AAClItUdSNG7onOWQheILVPCa?dl=0 As for Warrior I can't even vaguely remember anymore. It's been like 5 years since I found that. I wish I could clean it up more to hear it better or even had found a better quality version.
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/d4jb4js7ufebndfgi5wnu/h?dl=0&rlkey=cecs4i91ntb990ud8d1wftsnu Here, dunno if you have DropBox but that was easiest for me. I tried very hard on locating some stuff but I'm kinda just done. Especially after all I went through to find the LMNO x Mike collab. I found sooooo much unknown stuff on LMNO, even an old DJ Crook demo with him, but all dead ends. So, I'm just burnt out and done on all of it. If there is something missing you want just ask. I am not claiming anything here to be legit. It's just stuff I accumulated over the years.
  9. Sure. At work atm though. I think I chatted with Drew and LPUsername and they confirmed a lot for me and debunked but I'll share what I got.
  10. I am super glad we are getting the 2002 mix of Lost still. I was concerned they dropped it. But what I'm more interested in is the hidden gem in the demos. On HT20 it was Stick N Move with Chester. That was by far my favourite of those demos. So, I am very eager to hear these.
  11. I want to forget that much like I want to forget the 100 Gecs Remix of OSC.
  12. The song deserved better than this. The song is great. The music video is mushy and confusing. And I do know about AI. I've resrarched it alot. I wanted to know about it, the system, how it works, the ethics behind it. It's scary. The legalities are confusing, it infringes on artists, and it just consumes people's hard work and outputs images faster than anyone. The problem with using AI as well is it skips so many crucial learning steps to be an artist. Part of the enjoyment is the process of creating. But peoplevwant finished products immediately now a days. It's a terrifying thing and I think people are to lax about it. And yes, you are right. They did have to feed it the information and they do get to pick out the result but its still lazy. Warner makes a ton of money (and I believe this is mostly a Warner decision) and can easily hire artists like they did with BTH. This is just lazy directing with no passion in my opinion. It screams, "good enough" to me and they didn't want to polish it further. It screams money over passion. If they went back and took an artist hand over it to make it more coherent or blend better then I'd be less harsh. But that would require paying an artist. I'm not blaming LP for this. I think this is a Warner decision to save money while making more money.
  13. You clearly don't understand AI. What is happening is they literally fed these music videos and whatever anime into a machine that diffuses and rebuilds them back into sonething different. It will uses these "references" to build a "new" image. However, it's just a machine and will, at times, just spit out the same exact image. You are seeing this with New Divide in there because the algorithm failed to make something coherent and just rebuilt the same image. There are no references in this music video. A reference is intentional. This is not. It's just cheap.
  14. I think you are right. I hear "Just a memory" as well.
  15. I could potentially record it. I have the means and I'll be off work that day.
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