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  1. Wasn’t download.linkinpark.com used for the DSPs?
  2. They really should drop Crawling. Emily barely sings that song live and always lets the crowd sing, a better song could easily take Crawling's place in the setlist.
  3. Can’t say for certain. But her mouth seems to be close enough to the microphone. Also worth mentioning the vocal microphones have changed from previous tours. Previously Chester/Mike were using Sennheiser SKM 2000 microphones with the e865 capsule. Now Mike/Emily are using Shure mics however, I am unsure of the model they are currently using. This is just me nitpicking I can kinda tell it’s sort of wrong but not a big deal. This is true especially for Colin, his drums have been really loud throughout this tour compared to previous tours the sound seemed to have been more balanced back then. However, Robs and Colin’s setup are completely different and the live gear since then has been completely revamped. And like you said over time im sure the live sound will improve since this is their first tour in 7 years. There’s also a completely different FOH and monitor engineer and some of the original techs no longer work with the band anymore so it’ll take some getting used to for the new people. Pooch and Tater also were the ones that recommended the current FOH Jim Edbon which makes me wonder if LP contacted Pooch/Tater to rejoin them but they were unable to so they appointed Jim to be the FOH.
  4. Oh yeah also forgot to mention that too. On some songs I can hardly hear Emily sing
  5. He does have different strumming patterns from what I’ve noticed, he tends to down stroke more. His palm muting techniques are different compared to Brads which is why songs like Papercut sound a bit different and why APFMH sounded different too, he seems to have changed the way he does palm muting on that song though as @LPLStaff pointed out. Alex just has a different technique compared to Brad and I think he’s a pretty good fit to fill in for Brad personally. I haven’t really noticed any issues with timing, the song he does seem to mess up a lot is The Catalyst. He always seems to play the wrong chords every time they play that song. (If you can even hear the guitar most shows lol) Another thing to point out which I think I have before is the guitar tone on What I’ve done sounds horrendous, especially during the solo part it sounds extremely bland and im hoping that gets fixed. I listened to some songs from both Tokyo shows and mostly EVERY song, the guitars are mixed super low and everyone else is louder. Not just Alex’s guitar but Mikes too, on some songs the guitar volume is turned up but on a lot of older songs like POA or Lying From You the guitars are mixed too low. Same thing goes for a lot of the playback samples, they sounded pretty low these past 2 shows. (Lying From You is a good example of this). This is just personally overall what I’ve listened to and think so far. I may be wrong on some things but this is just what I’ve noticed personally as I am not a professional audio engineer. This overall seems more like an FOH issue and I hope they fix this soon.
  6. I've been listening and it really seems the guitar/amp tones (specifically for the Hybrid Theory songs) sound really off and strange. The tone for POA sounds really off and it doesn't seem like the way he's playing it is wrong , it seems more like an amp tone thing. Also the chopping effect on the guitar on POA sounds really off too. The guitars also sound really low on every video I've watched.
  7. Classic Joe. I’m still waiting for Joe to badly fuck up the bridge on New Divide like he’s done in the past
  8. No, that's not him
  9. They really need Pooch back or the FOH guy (don’t remember or know his name) from the 2017 shows. The OML shows sounded pretty good even without Pooch
  10. I’ve been seeing a lot of people complaining about the live sound ever since the comeback. Even when watching some videos the mix does not sound the best compared to shows in the past. Also the sound could be lower on outdoor shows due to loudness regulations/laws etc
  11. Picture of the stage for tomorrows show
  12. LP Touring Inc is the company that handles the touring. Someone told me about the company registration a long time ago (like around 2019 or so since it was interesting to look at) and I decided to check again and there was a report from June 2024 that has Rob Bourdon as the CEO of the company and all the other band members as the board of directors (except Emily and Colin). If I remember correctly years ago Chester was also listed as well. Since the band was active during June 2024 (in secret) this makes me wonder if Rob is possibly still involved with the business side of the band but this is just speculation.
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