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Everything posted by GreyFox-AFCA

  1. I really hope that they will add John Green or Matt as an extra member, with Mike being the frontman, and them to rotate a bit between guitar, keyboard en with some songs that person as a lead singer.
  2. I really love the fact that on the YouTube comment section of the ā€œslow versionā€ everybody is trolling by saying how good it actually is.
  3. Real or fake, cashgrab either way.
  4. Has anybody ever tought about the idea, that maybe the band does not want to release much more demoā€™s cause of how special they are for the band members themselves? maybe they just donā€™t want any outsiders to hear some of the stuff, because they care about it more than any of us could and would ever do. Think about it, if they wanted to release more it would not be an issue.
  5. Are there full versions avalible somewhere? because i have great ideas for the december 14th track.
  6. ā€œGood Things Goā€ sounds very LP-ish.
  7. @lpliveusername if you ever find that performance of man in the box, Can you please send it to me also? i would die to hear Chester on Alice ā€˜n Chains.
  8. Will it really take away fun from watching it if itā€™s dvd instead of Blu-ray? I really donā€™t understand all of the complaining.
  9. They probably wonā€™t come out before the actual release. it was all just speculation.
  10. I donā€™t really like it tbh. her voice just doesnā€™t sound right for me.
  11. Or maybe they just like giving fans of Chester and Grey Daze the same opurtunity to hear the rest of the songs, the same way as they did with amends?
  12. Maybe you should talk in more than a couple of words when youā€™re reacting to someone, and be a little clear for once.
  13. Same with She Couldnā€™t i believe, thatā€™s the only reason why that song will be released ā€œAbove Groundā€ i
  14. Seems like it. Damn, we need some IT people to help us out here
  15. The worst part is when sheā€™s doing that horse-face kinda thing when sheā€™s singing higher notes.
  16. Maybe heā€™s not very deep into all of the ins&outs of the band. i really donā€™t get why you can get so offensive about some questions.
  17. ā€œI donā€™t want to hear his voiceā€ Shit, that made me sad as hell, i canā€™t imagine what he must be feeling..
  18. That ai mori cover sounds really like sheā€™s Somekind of edgelord, so no This is not for me. hope he releases the song sometime without the collabs.
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