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About GreyFox-AFCA

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  1. His girlfriend/wife is (part) Mexican i believe. Could be with the family over there.
  2. Wich music video? It's not even a single lol.
  3. That's because these guys started to believe in themselves a little too much. For them it's all about the money. Linkin Park being back is something they did not anticipate, so they're scared their income will suffer from it.
  4. I'm from the Netherlands but haven't heard anything about this. Where did you see this?
  5. Has she ever dealt with death in your family/friend circle? Maybe you can explain it to her the same way you told her how your relative passed away. If that's not the case maybe you can tell her he was really sick, and couldn't perform anymore. As she gets older you can tell the truth when she's more understanding.
  6. Unable to listen too in The Netherlands sadly.
  7. So he says anything is possible regarding his onstage return. I love Alex, but it would be great to see Brad again, even if it's only for a handfull of performances. Furthermore i think there are many people who should read this interview. There's just too many nay-sayers who claim Brad isn't really part of the band anymore, while he's still an intergral part of the band. Great interview!
  8. Probably around the same as in Arnhem, it's in one of the earlier posts in this topic.
  9. I will be there! Would love a meetup
  10. I'll be there if i can get trough the newsletter presale tomorrow Front GA is pretty much at the front of the stage, how far away from the stage really depends on what time you're going in.
  11. Will the show for tonight also be streamed?
  12. If you click on the Youtube link you will see the exact time it starts.
  13. Yeah that's not entirely true. One More Light was written in the wake of a death by cancer. A friend who'd worked at Warner. There were no connections with suicide.
  14. Linkin Park plays the Wembley the exact same date as Iron Maiden in the Olympic London. Not very thought through.
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