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Everything posted by AlyKaye

  1. Tonight's show marks the halfway point in this Post Traumatic European Tour and will be played in Budapest, Hungary. This is only Mike's second time performing in Hungary, the first was in June of 2017 when Linkin Park played the Telekom VOLT Festival. The last stop in this tour took us to London, England and had one surprise after another, including three(!) tour debuts. Starting off strong, Mike opened the show with 'Petrified', then went into 'I.O.U.' and the fan-favorite 'Ghosts' before rapping 'Remember the Name'. During the bridge of 'Sorry For Now' after Dan's drum solo, fans in the audience asked for Mike to rap 'Step Up'. A fan handed Mike their phone with the lyrics and he rapped the first verse and chorus, making this the first live appearance of 'Step Up' in any form in nearly a decade. After a show staple mashup of 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go', Mike brought Eg White on stage and shocked the audience by playing the song they wrote together: 'One More Light'. Fans all around the world were touched by this emotional performance and flooded social media with an outpouring of love and support. The surprises didn't end there though. To open up the encore, Mike brought out Jon Green and performed a stripped version of 'Battle Symphony' and 'Nobody Can Save Me'. Jon Green co-wrote both of these songs with Linkin Park and also joined the last time they were performed live at the Hollywood Bowl show in October of 2017. What songs are you hoping will be the next debuts on this Post Traumatic European Tour? Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest updates, and join the LPLive Discord for discussion with fans around the world! Subscribe to the LPLive Archive YouTube Channel, which is loaded with hours of rare content from the Linkin Park world (including full concert footage from the Post Traumatic Tour)! Be sure to subscribe! Follow our Instagram too for pictures and videos from the shows! Check out the rest of Mike Shinoda's 2019 touring schedule here.
  2. The Post Traumatic Tour is nearly at its end but the surprises are far from over. Theres no telling what the penultimate show being played in Detroit, Michigan will hold. At the last show in Boston, Massachusetts, Mike shocked everyone by ending the set with A Place For My Head. When Mike was finished performing Running From My Shadow, the song thats been ending the set all tour, Don Broco joined him on stage and went straight into A Place For My Head. Tonight Mike is making his way back to Detroit and back to The Fillmore Theater. Not only has Detroit been frequented by Linkin Park over the years, but The Fillmore also holds a special place in their history. Their first show, at what was the called the State Theatre then, was almost exactly 18 years ago as the first stop of the P.O.Ds King Of The Game Tour in November 2000. That show was the third show ever played in Michigan and the second in Detroit. They returned to State Theatre next in March 2003 to film part of the MTV $2 Bill series. At this point one would think it'd be easier to have a grasp of what this show may contain but Mike has proven time and again that predictable is one thing this tour is not. What do you think is going to be played tonight? What are you hoping to see before the end of this tour? For those going to the show, be sure to say hello to myself (Aly Kaye) and Nick (SasstielExperience) if you spot us!
  3. If Mike brought back that Bleed It Out/ No Roads Left/ A Place For My Head mashup (with a little bit of tweaking obviously) people would lose their minds. If he could somehow manage one super epic mashup with how he has Good Goodbye and Bleed It Out in the set now, the world may just implode. I'd love any version of NRL though, in a mashup or just on it's own. Either Devil's Drop or It Goes Through would be awesome. I'm a huge fan of the live version of Cigarettes as well. I know odds are slim-none but if Mike ever wants to add Nobody Can Save Me to a set list, he should definitely do it in Detroit because it would make my life
  4. Nah, no one needs that kind of homophobic negativity and ignorance. It's not tolerated here or anywhere in this community. We've done just fine without him in the past, I'm sure we'll manage to survive again.
  5. I remember waking up that morning and watching the sunrise. I'd been taking steps forward with my illnesses but I still felt empty for months. I watched some LPTV episodes I hadn't seen before, which had become part of my normal routine, then watched a movie that really touched me and made me feel optimistic. Then I saw the TMZ post and had the worst panic attack of my life that last about an hour until Mike's tweet. That whole first week is a blur. The darkest day was the 26th for me. I hadn't eaten for 6 days, I was getting an hour of sleep here and there and kept waking up from nightmares. I've lived with mental illnesses since I was 7 and was diagnosed with depression at 12. I've lived through being assaulted, abused, and survived a drug overdose given to me by a medical professional that very nearly took my life. I've lived with severe PTSD and agoraphobia for 5.5 years now and it's still just as hard today as the day I developed it. In that moment, all I felt was pain. Pain from of my own personal battles with mental illnesses, from the loss of that stable foundation LP had been in my recovery, pain from his loss. Mixed with no food and very little sleep, it was the first time in 13 years that I'd had a plan and was following through with it. It's the first time that beyond just not wanting to be alive, I genuinely wanted to die, if only to make the pain stop. But I'm still here. It's all still kind of surreal to me how everything worked out and how I ended up being a part of all of this. Looking back it's obvious I was not myself in those moments. It was impossible to think a clear thought, but all it took was a leap of faith. I sat down and talked to people and I think the first major lesson I learned from this was that I need to be more responsible about not putting myself in situations like that. I allowed myself to be completely alone for days in one of the worst times of my life and that's something I know to look out for now. Because as soon as I talked to someone, it broke me out of that isolation. There are still days that my demons tell me I should have done it. There are still a lot of bad days with my illnesses. There are days where there is no light at the end of the tunnel and I know I'm not the only one who feels like that. So on the days there's no light, please just have some faith in yourself and that there will be light again at some point. Just keep walking, for all you know it could just be nighttime and when the sun rises the light may be closer than you thought. Also remember strength comes in many different forms. If you're out there fighting your demons every day and kicking ass, that's great, you're so incredibly strong, but also recognize that there is so much strength in knowing when it's time to take a step back, take a day off of work, soak your feet in the tub, and watch nice fluffy movies in bed all day. You don't have to be fighting as hard as you can to be strong, you just have to be doing your best. And some days your best may be getting some extra sleep and taking care of yourself. It's hard to believe it's been a year, most of it's been a blur. I feel like I've learned so much about myself and grown so much. In a weird way this has helped me piece together a few more pieces of the puzzle. I don't think I'd have gone to the doctor to find a therapist and I definitely wouldn't be looking for a second one right now because the first didn't work out. It's hard to find a silver lining because it still hurts so much sometimes, but I think about him and how proud he'd be and it's allowed me to take a step back and be proud of myself. Even on my worst days, I've accomplished so many things that I deserve to be proud of and that's something I've never really allowed myself to feel before. I love this community and this family more than words will ever say and I am forever grateful for all of you.
  6. I whole-heartedly agree with all of these. Ghosts sounds great live and the people in the audience dressing up as Boris or bringing their home-made Boris sock puppets is an added bonus. Makes my day every time I see them. I hope Kenji gets mixed in some future shows. It's such a powerful song and I think at this point in time, we need to remember our history more than ever. SFN and Roads Untraveled are two of my top five fav LP songs so I'm never disappointed with them. Mike's voice sounds so incredible on them. I think they really capture how brilliant of a singer he's become.
  7. Yessss, I love this version! The guests were great but I'll take Mike's second verse over both of them because it's savage.
  8. I'm stoked to see what people come up with! The remixes I've seen floating around already have been pretty awesome.
  9. I want to build a house and live in those "oh's" in Over Again. They're even more beautiful and haunting a cappella. There are so many layers with these moments of dissonance and it works so perfectly. I've always thought Mike could sing really well but this is honestly a whole new level. It's been weeks and I'm still in awe of these songs. I keep finding new pieces that I'd been overlooking before. I can't wait to see what else he's been working on.
  10. I will gladly accept any information or tips from anyone who wants to help with Detroit! This is a super busy month for me but I will do everything I can to bring y'all info on who to talk to and what to do. As for now, everyone in Michigan, especially if you live in or near Detroit, call your local stations and request "Over Again"! Show them that we Michiganders love him and want him here!
  11. I'm excited to see where everything goes from here! And I'm all for making noise, let's make this huge!
  12. There's no question Mike is one of the most brilliant creators of our generation, I'd go as far to say of all time. We've all seen and grown to love the Mike he's shown us: the performer, the creator, his brilliant mind. These songs go so far beyond all of that. They aren't just his mind, they are his heart and soul bared for all of us to see and experience. It's brutal to see the raw emotions he's been going through, but there's also catharsis. There's understanding and love and support. I feel like for the first time I can truly see him, like he's shown us what's underneath the mask. It's gut-wrenching and glorious and beyond anything I could've possibly imagined from him. They're so vulnerable and I connect with them, especially Place to Start, to the deepest corners of my soul. They expose the pain I've been trying to bury for too long now and offer comfort in being able to relate with the words being said. I hope he continues down this path for as long as he needs to and shares whatever he feels comfortable sharing, because it's incredible. Truly breathtaking.
  13. Yeah, NCSM seems to be a mix of at least two of the shows (London definitely and I'm guessing Krakow too). I noticed the lyric flub from the show they played with Jon Green the second night in London but it's not exactly the same as what's on the album. I wonder if other songs are mixes from multiple shows as well. Also, if they were mixing and mashing the songs from multiple shows, I find it intriguing that they kept bits where they messed up the lyrics.
  14. I absolutely love the artwork for this! I'm always blown away by the details in James Jean's work. I especially love the little bat in this, it's adorable! I've been captivated by this from the moment I saw it though. To me, I see it as showing that even though a part of us is missing, even though the loss has left a gaping hole in all of us, there's still an opportunity for life to grow in it's presence. There's still a way to find beauty. I still had a few months before renewing but I really admire them for what they've been doing these last few months. They could have easily satisfied some petty fans and made the live album an LPU exclusive, but instead they made it available to everyone, as it should be. And as for LPU17 CD, I have hope they'll give us something later on. They need time, and I'm a patient person. They've never once given me a reason to doubt their love and appreciation for their fans, so I haven't a reason to stop supporting them. They're still picking up the pieces, I'll be sure to show them they're still loved by supporting them in any way that I can.
  15. Hello Hello!!! Let's party!
  16. Mike, Joe, and Dave interview in Linkin Park: Life After Chester On Triple M with Brendan Annakin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAzS3gtvKCY
  17. I didn't realize it until I heard Mike say it here, but I really did need this show as closure. I kept feeling the pain of the loss over and over and even with the gatherings with people in the LP family and with all the online things, it was never enough. Over time, a lot of those emotions were buried and that show ripped them out of me. It hurt more than it has for months, and it continued to hurt for a few days, but then came the catharsis. I watched the show again this weekend and was able to celebrate now. There's definitely a weight that's been lifted.
  18. In the days since the show, I can't seem to get Mike's voice out of my head. The songs that get stuck in there, I hear his voice singing them now. I knew no matter what they'd planned he would do great, but I'm blown away. I revisit certain parts of the show and each time, I find something new that makes me love it even more when I didn't think that was possible. I sincerely hope Mike never doubts his ability to take the lead here, he more than proved himself capable. And Joe too! Joe's backing vocals were beautiful throughout the night and I never would have expected that because I don't think I've ever really heard him sing before. I also got the feeling that this show felt like an ending, but I have high hopes that it was just an ending of a chapter and not the ending of the book. Even if they spend the next few years in the studio and make another album with even more music that can be put into a show, I will always want them to get back on stage. Without a doubt though, I will support them whatever they decide to do.
  19. I think he did a great job with this. Made the song hurt a little less when listening to it.
  20. I hope they print a lot! lol
  21. "There were some fans that we met outside last night. We were rehearsing really late and they were here the whole time. It was like most of the day and into the night and we went out there and they gave me hugs and they gave me reassurance and they told us that it’s gonna be ok. And it’s not one emotion that we’re feeling, I have to imagine you guys are feeling the same, it’s a roller coaster of everything, one after the other, and you can’t predict when it’s gonna go left on you. And the thing that helps us get through it is each other and I’m very grateful for that, so thank you. I was at, I was at like a, we were doing like a photo thing when I found out about Chester and the first, for hours, I was just in disbelief, it didn’t, I wouldn’t believe anybody, what anybody had to say about anything. And fast forward, you know, you go through a whole rollercoaster of things and eventually I realized that one of the things that always helps me get through something is actually not only listening to music, but actually playing music. And I sat down, I don’t think at the time when I did this, I don’t think I had even had the courage to like listen to our music yet. Like, I hadn’t even listened to one of our songs yet. But I sat down, in my studio and I wrote something. It was about eight days after and I want to share it with you guys tonight, if that’s ok? I don’t know what’s gonna happen with this song, it could just be this, you know, for tonight and whatever, whoever else is watching, the internet and the rest of the world who might be watching. But if we do continue, I want to continue to build on this song and keep writing it and keep working on it. And it’ll be a really unique time for you guys, for us to be able to share with you guys a glimpse into how a song gets made. So this is literally the first piece, and then after this, you know, on our Instagram and Twitter and everything else, we’ll show you guys how it goes, assuming it goes. This song is called Looking for an Answer."
  22. Bawled my eyes out at this. The melody is hauntingly beautiful and the lyrics are too relate-able. What got me the most though was being able to picture Mike in his home studio pouring his soul into this, trying to find comfort in any way possible, trying to stop that pain if only momentarily. I cant imagine what this must have been like for him. That line and "they say it's gonna be alright but can't begin to tell me how" both hit me really hard.
  23. Yesss I need NCSM
  24. Idk if that's something I'll ever be ready for, but I know it'd be amazing to hear Mike sing it. To be honest, as tragic and heartbreaking this is, there's still a part of me that's excited to see what kind of brilliant stuff Mike puts together for this.
  25. Absolutely incredible video
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