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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. Some of the vocals are a bit too processed but I am amazed on the what they did. On some cleans Chester sounds like on OML, but these vocals were recorded 20 years prior to that album. Like Holding you could be a 2016 track, fucking incredibile
  2. Totally disagree with almost everything you said because I couldn’t care less about the old songs now that we got the new ones, and I think Richard Patrick on Believe me is one of the best things on the record, BUT I’m really happy you took time to give the album a chance and expressed an opinion not influenced by your personal feelings about Sean and Mace and the “cashgrab” thing. 😊
  3. The album just hit 1 million on Spotify. Pretty cool considering it’s such a niche project.
  4. You’re welcome! What do you think about the album ? 😊
  5. The “what‘s in me is in you” part was in the original In Time, they cut that part in the Amends version of “In time”
  6. You need to mention Esjay Jones too, she did an awesome job with the album.
  7. Yeah really. If people think they’re making a ton of money from a record that will sell 20k copies and generate less than one million streams in the first like month upon the release, these people don’t know music industry. About the trackilst, totally agree with you, plus, I don’t like the fact that the record begins with the 2 singles, first time I listened to the record I skipped to Be your man immediately because I wanted the new songs
  8. I didn’t want to over hype myself because the record is super new. I did the review and then downgraded every rating of 0.5 lol. This is my thought on the album in a year. (I listened to the record like 10 times, I love it to death)
  9. Personal track by track ratings with small comments: 1) Saturation: love Chester’s screams, the instrumental is very early 2000s rock. Solid opener. 8/10. 2) Starting To Fly: sounds fire, once you get used to Sean’s vocals. Chester’s voice in the bridge is a bit too effected. 7,5/10. 3) Be your man: call it Dead by Daze or Grey by Sunrise, really cool ballad that could fit on Out of Ashes. A bit too repetitive. Aptly renamed after the actual lyrics of the song. 7,5/10. 4) Holding You: best song on the album, Dave Navarro slays with a phenomenal solo. Sounds like Kings of Chaos. 8,5/10. 5) Hole: song is really good, but that intro is so weird and quite creepy and the ending “hole yeah” sounds artificial. 7,5/10. 6) Drag: banger, perfect instrumental, very LP-ish. 8/10. 7) Believe me: really good rendition, more powerful. Richard Patrick is the MVP, his vocals are perfectly complimentary to Chester’s. 8/10. 8 ) Anything Anything: good instrumental but the vocals are too slow at the point they get almost dull. 6,5/10. 9) Spin: proof that miracles exist, they turned the original mess into a really solid Alice In Chains - esque dark ballad. Some of Chester’s vocals on this one have always been quite strange. 7,5/10. 10) Wake me: nice closing track, the In Time parts are surprisingly fitting. Not one of the better songs but nice. 7/10.
  10. Yeah i agree that the idea was cool but i’m glad that I’m not the only one who found it slightly creepy. First time I played the song I was like “what’s that ? James Wan’s Dead Silence soundtrack?”
  11. The 2018 version sounded awesome I agree. This version is inferior but still pretty good IMO. The real problem is that weird intro...
  12. Love the album! My fav is Holding You I guess, but Spin and Believe me are good contenders. Solid record. The only weird things are Hole intro and the slowed down Anything Anything, kinda weird. Verdict 8,5/10
  13. I think it’s really good! Ups and downs but really solid record. Gonna wrap up a track by track review in a few days when some stuff gets solidified in my mind.
  14. Nice find ! I can’t stand him and his music tho, plastic fake attitude Blink 182 impersonation
  15. Sweet, the little rehearsal video of Sharp Edges was ❤️❤️
  16. I guess we’ll have to wait the beginning of June at least
  17. So you guys heard the song ? Is it Mike + Mark or just Mike ?
  18. Not one of my top songs but agree with you, I fucking love it. If LP will ever return with new music and do something like NRL with a more mature and vocally capable Mike I’m super in !
  19. Yeah SO happy about it. These 2 songs deserved to be on Spotify!! ❤️ 15 years of wait
  20. Yeah maybe they’ll be updates about their lives, people really shouldn’t expect something even remotely similar to the Studio updates from 2016
  21. Definitely, this to me sounds like “don’t expect new music soon”, but within 2/3 years who knows. At this point knowing the band is still a thing is awesome news
  22. That would be gold too, I really hope so. And maybe in the future who knows
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