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  1. Going to be honest i didn't read jeff blue's book but as far as i know there was a certain amount of time when mark leave and chester join right? so maybe some songs were made there, But the fact the cd dates from november makes it more weird. I wonder how many songs were actually made in xero era since we spend decades thiking they were from HT made with chester
  2. I really wonder how step up and carousel from the nov. 1998 CD sounds, maybe there are the same as the ones on the EP but then why is kyle credited there then?
  3. hey pass me the discord

  4. Probably hundreds. It's a music sampler, so it's supposed to be out there. yep, considering that the sampler was send to all studios who maked a dub for ´´the crow 1999´´ in various lenguages it has to be somewhere aslo i found the spanish dub of that episode, i think rhinestone can be heard more in this version link:
  5. its understandble but, there are more people besides tom gramm who have the vhs? and why they hide themselves? btw i remember a rumor from so many years ago about a vhs of xero live that was sold in ebay or something like that, it was this video?
  6. You guys have to contact tom gramm and digitalize that vhs, then we will can get some good footage from that xero live (at least better than a camera in front tv)
  7. I hope they get information soon, although I still have a question, if Lee Candena was so "important" in the development of xero and hybrid theory, because we never knew anything of the fate until now?
  8. Do you see that? Lee chain also helped them when they became hybrid theory http://imgur.com/a/2KMzX
  9. O really like this new song, souns awesome piano!
  10. HYPE HYPE :v
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