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Everything posted by Geki

  1. So this was the very first Linkin Park show that I ever went to. I didn't know what to expect, all I knew is that it would be fucking awesome. And it was. Me and my best friend were going together and my Mom was driving us down. We left on May 4th, so we could be there for both two days of the festival. Minutes To Midnight had just leaked like a day or two before we left, so luckily, we had that to listen to the entire ride, and it was awesome. We got lost a few times on the ride down and I remember some funny antics of the ride, like my Mom getting annoyed at my friend for drumming on the side of the car, etc. Was funny at the time. It took us about 3 and a half hours or so to get there. We stayed at some crappy Red Roof Inn. It's funny why we stayed there actually. Back in 2007, for the promo run, the band had this thing where you could ''talk to the band''. You'd send them a text and sometimes they would reply back. I was 16, naive and stupid, so I asked where the band would be staying for Bamboozle, like what hotel. Brad replied and said Red Roof Inn. LOL. So I wanted to stay at the Red Roof Inn, naturally, being 16 and naive and stupid. For some reason, we never saw Linkin Park there, I can't imagine why. Haha. Anyways, we got to the Red Roof Inn on May 4th, like I said. We got there at about 6 or 7 PM. We relaxed for a bit, etc. I remember at like 10 PM, me and my friend were hungry. There was a Wendy's like next door to the hotel, so we literally walked over and tried to walk through the drive thru. I was a stupid kid back then, I was a typical 16 year old punk teenager, etc. I think we did get the food, though. We then just hung out at the hotel and I remember that we walked around the hotel and met some guy who was like 40, this black dude, but he was cool. He invited us into his room to listen to ''his music'', which he showed us through a nice pair of headphones. I realize now that we shouldn't have just went into some guy's hotel room that we didn't know, but like I said, I was young and naive back then. After that, we went back to the room and crashed. The next day was awesome. Day 1 of Bamboozle. My best friend's Dad and his little sister were also going to the show and they got there that day, so we met up with them, etc. We waited forever to get let in, I remember that. Not sure why we waited since LP wasn't playing that day and we could have just walked in when the gates opened, but we were excited. I remember wearing my LPU 2 beanie, which I have since lost. Sucks. We watched a shit ton of bands and artists that day. It was basically a huge festival of emo and alternative bands. I remember seeing bands like Relient-K and a shit ton of others. MC Hammer also played, as strange as that was, and we watched him. It was actually kind of awesome. LOL. My friend's girlfriend at the time and her friend also drove down for the show and they were there, too. By the end of the night, it was time for My Chemical Romance, and we watched their entire set. It was awesome. I really liked The Black Parade at that point in time, I had bought it back in November of 2006 when Bamboozle was announced because I knew Linkin Park would be headlining with them. They put on a great show, they played the entire album in full and then played some older hits after the album was done. Really epic set. We also watched Muse and shit before them, I think, or at least my friend did, who loved them. After My Chemical Romance was done, we headed back to the hotel and crashed. Exhausting day, even though it was epic. We woke up the next day and got prepared for the main event, Linkin Park. I honestly think that we waited to get let in once again, even though the entire event is GA (it was in the middle of one big parking lot) and LP didn't play until last, which was about 9:30 PM. Anyways, we waited and got let in, and I remember there being some Linkin Park merch. They had a hoodie, a hat and a shirt, all with the new logos and stuff on them. Epic. I bought them all and have since lost the hat and shirt, but I still have that hoodie. Even though it was like 70 degrees that day, I threw on the hoodie, because I thought it was extremely badass and I wanted to represent some new LP merch. I remember bringing my iPod Mini and some headphones to listen to throughout the day, because I couldn't get enough of the Minutes To Midnight leak yet. Funny. Some girl asked me what I was listening to at one point and I told her and she wanted to hear. I showed her In Between and she didn't believe me that it was LP. HAHA. I played that one purposely. We watched a shit ton of bands that day as well. I remember specifically watching The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and Taking Back Sunday during different parts of the day. There were so many bands and stages that I watched so many bands, I can't remember all of them, and a lot of them, I didn't even know the name of the band at the time. It was similar to how Warped Tour operates with all the different stages at once and like 100 bands. It came a point in the day where it was time for the Meet & Greet that I had won the day before. My friend was super bummed because he didn't win. I felt kind of guilty to go alone but there was no way in hell I was missing the opportunity. It took forever to find out where the hell the Meet & Greet actually took place. Keep in mind, this was before Smart Phones and shit, and I don't even know who ran the LPU in early 2007. We eventually found the line luckily, after searching forever and getting lost in the process. One of the venue workers actually was nice enough to drive us around on one of those little go-kart type things that they use. Haha. Once we did find the line, though, the anticipation was killing me. I saw Sal (legendary LP fan) waiting in line. Eventually, a white van pulled up and all the members of LP got out and went to sit at the table they were using for the Meet & Greet. I was literally exploding by this moment. I brought my LPU1 re-issue of Hybrid Theory EP to get signed, that I had found in a used bin at Amoeba Music in LA earlier in the year. Keep in mind, this was before the LPU re-sold early LPU CD's and albums in 2009 or 2010 or whenever it was, so it was rare as hell at the time, even the re-issue. First up was Mr. Hahn, I believe, who was cool. Next was Phoenix. I didn't talk much to either of them, it was moving fast. Chester was next and he was so fucking nice. I told him that I was freaking out because he had been my hero for so long, etc. He said no worries man, got up and gave me a hug, and he let me get a picture with him. My Mom was let in the Meet & Greet with me somehow, I think they said you could bring an adult if you were under 18, which I was only 16 at the time. So she took the picture for me and it's the greatest picture of all time. Next was Brad, who was cool, but I didn't talk much to him, I was kind of nervous still. Next up was Mike who I loved second to Chester. He was also super cool and he said ''wow, the Hybrid Theory EP'' and signed it, and he also let me take a picture with him. Also a great photo. Last was Rob and I didn't talk to much to him, although I did tell him that I hope they play No More Sorrow that night, which they did (it was in the set but I was dumb at the time). After the Meet & Greet was over, I was still freaking out. Like I had just met fucking Linkin Park. The excitement didn't fade for the rest of the night. After the Meet & Greet, we headed back to the area where LP was gonna play. We watched some more bands and finally it was time for LP. Holy fuck, what a special show. The gunshot intro for OSC echoed throughout the crowd and once the song kicked in, I remember literally falling down from the crowd around me exploding. This was the only Linkin Park show that this ever happened to me at and it was insane. The crowd was rowdy as FUCK. They only payed 3 songs from MTM but they were epic ones, Given Up, NMS and WID. The rest was HT and Meteora songs, who the hell can complain??? Not many people knew GU or NMS, I was like the only one around me singing those. It was awesome when Chester said that it was his son Tyler's first concert ever and he was gonna bring him out. He had fallen asleep by the time he wanted to and the crowd booed. Chester said ''you can't boo a fucking baby, you bastards!!''. That was funny as hell. Runaway was played at this show for the only time in 2007. That was cool to see. The entire set was just one big amount of awesome. I can't pick a favorite part because it was so surreal to me. Faint closed out the show with that epic as fuck outro they did in 2007. Chester went crazy. It's my favorite Faint outro from 2007 next to Rock AM Ring's. I wish it was released in a DSP quality. I also lost one of my shoes at one point in the show, because the crowd was so rowdy, something that once again, only ever happened at this show. The crazy part is that after searching for it once the crowd cleared out, my Mom fucking found it. Lol. There were tons of shoes around, too. It was weird .After that, we decided to get some food (I think we actually got food at one of those food things at Bamboozle) and headed back to the hotel and CRASHED. Dead tired. The next morning, we slept in a little bit, and checked out of the hotel. We headed home after that. Definitely a memorable moment in my life that I will never forget.
  2. Nobody really knows. I know that Hunger Strike is from the Burgettstown, PA show though.
  3. My best buy still doesn't have it out. I don't want to wait until December 4th!
  4. I'm sure a lot of people attended them!
  5. They should have put more stuff like Barack Your World on there. Either that, or more Mike and Mark instead of all Chester. That gets boring.
  6. Mike better say something at least...
  7. Why is is SO hard to give us ONE b-side or demo? Fuck.
  8. I only have 2, 3 and 6. I need 1, 4 and 5, can someone PLEASE upload?
  9. Can someone upload the whole CD in mp3?
  10. For real. We pay EVERY year, we are the ones who support the band no matter what, we are the ones that think extremely highly of the band and they reward us with this bullshit. Maybe to them it's funny because they have millions of dollars, but to us, it's not funny. I'm honestly starting to think the fame has got to LP's head and they don't care about their real fans anymore.
  11. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? This isn't cool. I was expecting something real, something that would be worth my money. Fuck it, I'm doing online only. I can't believe LP would do this to us!!! This is worse than LPUfucking7!
  12. Mansfield is definitely the best version.
  13. Do you even own the making of Meteora DVD?
  14. I first heard Hybrid Theory from my best friend at the time who bought the CD and showed it to me, this was in 2001, so I was 10/11 years old during that year. And then I heard APFMH in some X-Games video game intro for PS2 and I loved it. I then forgot about the band. One day in 2003, I heard Faint on the radio. I was hearing it a lot on the radio and I always wondered who it was because I liked the song. So eventually I found out it was Linkin Park and I went out and bought Meteora, the album it was on. I then got really into the band and started collecting and listening to live stuff, etc. and the rest is history from there. I would say that was in mid to late 2003. So I've been around since then, basically.
  15. I love this CD. Hunger Strike is amazing from it, great quality and a much better performance than the Woodlands show recording that we have. I think for 5.99 it's a cool deal. The artwork is really awesome IMO.
  16. I think Chester kind of sucked at Milton Keynes, but that's just me. It's a good DVD, I like it, it's just not the show I would have chose for a DVD. Why not something like Shanghai from last year, which was the biggest rock show in China? Or why not Madison Square Garden, that would have been perfect. I don't think Chester has sounded that great since after PR07. He sang pretty well at some shows last year, but ever since, he kind of is losing it. Maybe he's just tired from all the touring, and he's been sick. I love the DVD, but the CD sucks pretty much. It's not worth listening to because it's not even as good of quality as the DSP and it's not the full show, they cut the best songs like Papercut.
  17. I thought he did pretty well on the US arena tour until he got sick. He nailed the scream in Given Up twice on that tour, both before he got sick. Plus he sounded really good on APFMH and stuff. My December and Valentine's Day weren't bad either IMO.
  18. I also loved the US arena tour too though, that was great. I went to the show in Manchester, NH. I was front row on the bar the entire show and Chester had a lot of energy that night. It was also the first show Valentine's Day had an intro and the second time ever that Mike did Umbrella. A Place For My Head and One Step Closer ending the show was fucking amazing, the best closing songs IMO.
  19. Hartford 2007 was such a kick ass show, probably one of my favorite shows that I've been to. I listen to the DSP all the time. But I agree, I loved all the bands on PR07 and I think that it made for a better experience. I loved the bands on PR08 too, it's just I was more into the bands last year and the weather was better last year, too. I also hated being the beginning of the tour, I went to Mansfield which was the first day and Hartford which was like the 4th show.
  20. I think the only different line is ''stand alone on the outside'' but I'm not sure. I'm not using my computer right now so I can't check my rips.
  21. I just picked up two copies, one for collection and one for use. The artwork is cool, the disc itself is pretty awesome looking. Hunger Strike is from the PA show, like Crawling, and I'm not sure where My December is from. Great quality though, this version of Hunger Strike is much better than the Woodlands version.
  22. I just picked up two copies, one for collection and one for use. The artwork is cool, the disc itself is pretty awesome looking. Hunger Strike is from the PA show, like Crawling, and I'm not sure where My December is from. Great quality though, this version of Hunger Strike is much better than the Woodlands version.
  23. There's hope! Maybe there really are secrets after all. I'm no good at decoding stuff, so I'll leave that to the tech smart people.
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