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Everything posted by irresistiblecookie

  1. I actually wouldn't mind that set.
  2. Well, apparently not, as I just found out.
  3. Let's wait for Astat to answer this. He knows too much about the band.
  4. I'm jealous of British Columbia.
  5. Here in Canada, fall apparently lasted about two months this year. November is cold as fuck.
  6. I don't think the headphones have wires. Either they're wireless or soundproof.
  7. Which is why I use the desktop version. And the text box glitches too.
  8. What are you sassing 'bout? You have no soul. I think we should leave the sass to Nick.
  9. ^ and don't stay. plenty of awesome. whats with the hate?
  10. ...I just got owned. I don't think anyone said 14 was worse than 5/7. At least we have CDs of those performances, instead of having to 'Youtube-mp3' all the time (LPU, I'm looking at you).
  11. Which is what I meant. Damian's basically saying LPU 14 is as bad as LPU 5. Justin misunderstood him saying LPU 7.
  12. Dave's Beat is their opener for the American 2015 tours. Bubbles is the closer.
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