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Everything posted by Logo85

  1. I might just buy the tickets and fly out to vegas for the week. Gamble it up a bit and see the show possibly =)
  2. Logo85


    There is a 2% chance it could be a leak of the album because didn't Wilderness get that trip to London for today to get to listen to the album and review it? Maybe a few limited copies were given out to them. Then again, I have no clue haha. Just a guess that I want it to be, but almost unlikely to be it lol
  3. Logo85


    We should have these surprises more often. The site seems to get more traffic that way =) And tomorrow's surprise, watch Ryan sing the ABC's backwords to the music of Rise Against!!! what? =)
  4. twist the needle a little more why don't ya lol
  5. Goes to show what happens when I'm gone for at least 2 weeks, find something which is think is new, and dont search the other topics. whoopsie
  6. I know it's not real. But still the best live quality we've heard so far.
  7. It's hard to explain but I was surfing Youtube this morning and found this video for My Suffering by Dead By Sunrise. It's not actually a "video" but audio with a still picture in the background. The point im trying to get across is that whoever messed with it tried to make it sound like th studio version of "My Suffering" and they didn't do a bad job. Maybe they got the earpiece rip or something. But here is the link to the youtube video for anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about. I thought it was a nice little find. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_7ZJMxBIA0...feature=related There is even a download link for people who want to download the MP3. Should be able to hold some people over until the album drops next month, right? =) Thoughts?
  8. posted that a halfhour ago in the other threads comments
  9. Dead By Sunrise will release their debut album, Out Of Ashes, on October 13. The full track listing for the album, which features the lead single “Crawl Back In,” is as follows: Fire Crawl Back In Too Late Inside Of Me Let Down Give Me Your Name My Suffering Condemned Into You End Of The World Walking In Circles In The Darkness Source: Dead By Sunrise's myspace
  10. Definitely a good song. Just a taste of things to come with the album coming out in about 2 months. Now if only someone would PM me a rip so I could place it on my ipod haha
  11. Not necessarily. Remember when What I've done was released, we got the single I think the 2nd of April that year, and the album dropped a month later on the 15th. I don't want to start an argument or anything, just wanted to clear that up. Amir said on his twitter I think that they were ready to put out the single soon anyways so August 18th could very well be the date.
  12. Logo85


    sorry if this isnt supposed to be here. delete it if you must. but is this the "She Couldn't" everyone is talking about? http://www.roadtorevolutionbr.com/media/audio/Linkin%20Park/Demo/Hybrid%20Theory%20Demo%20(1998)/05%20She%20Couldn%27t.mp3
  13. ::walks in:: EPIC ::walks out::
  14. Please keep the argument going. Its passing time as I play poker online haha
  15. let the "i dont like it" begin haha I hear it now.............
  16. I think the funniest thing in the world would be if Linkin Park Rick Rolled us right when the countdown ends. No lie. I would actually laugh my ass off, then they debut the song haha. Think of it. Everyone is either listening to the radio or on the website waiting for the countdown to end, so why not mess with us a little more? =)
  17. I guess people cant take jokes and have fun anymore....
  18. Logo85

    Hello LPL

    valid point...
  19. Logo85

    Hello LPL

    Funny I read this at 2pm EST. I think yesterday. It is now 3am EST and I havent gone to bed yet. what is wrong with me. probably by the time I have a good nights sleep, something will happen lol Oh Well, keep up the good work =)
  20. I'm with LPPRJKT4. With both albums being released next year, one would only assume that this could be an un-conformed appearance by DBS to start promoting their album. That's what I am hoping for. I still love Walking In Circles and My Suffering even if it isnt the best quality in the world. It's the fact that we heard it that matters. Point is, I am hoping DBS does make an apperance and we get another audio rip of some DBS music.
  21. I enjoyed LPU's 4 and 6 as well. Loved the cover of Wish on 4 and 6 had everything from a new instrumental, to a new song, to songs played differently (Pushing Me Away Piano). LPU 3 cd kinda disappointed me because it was the 5 tracks that werent on the Audio CD part of Live In Texas, and they just so happened to be the 5 heaviest songs (in my opinion) lol. I only listen to Breaking The Habit from LPU 5 because I love how Chester interacts with the crowd with the lyrics. Thats my input lol
  22. Logo85

    LPU 8.0

    I know it was nothing to do with Linkin Park, but if they decided to put just ONE studio version song off DBS's CD, then that would shut me up lol. Tracks for LPU 8.0 1. Happy Birthday Joe Hahn (From a PR show) 2. Breaking The Habit (Special Vocals by Brad Delson) 3. The Wizard Song 4. Prayer of Somewhere I Belong (Studio Collaboration of LP and Rise Against) 5. Hanging By A Moment (LP Studio Cover) Source: No one =) Sorry, just trying to have some fun lol
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