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Posts posted by LPsMart

  1. 11 hours ago, Justin said:

    The Beatles did that for 3 of their albums and it's fascinating. HT is on that level.

    THIS! Their Remasters and Demo tracks are just epic! Especially for Sgt Pepper and Abbey Road. LP would do like one demo for each song and some other demos from earlier on or songs that didn't make the cut (thinking of MTM). The Beatles did quite a few takes for each song, but they wrote differently than LP, but if LP could release different versions of each song - that would be amazing (thinking of Figure.09 and like Bleed it Out I think) even if they sound similar to the final take or another demo or whatever - there's still a lot to get to know and I hope eventually we find them being released.

  2. On 6/12/2020 at 12:26 AM, Awalkinthelinkinpark said:

    don't try to squeeze anymore or I won't reply to dm s dm if you're serious about purchasing 


    To me this sounds like a child no one wants to play with, so it makes it sound like it's the other kids' fault that he has no one to play with. 

    Don't need any of that, got plenty of them at work.


    Btw thx for putting that "nice find btw" completely out of context. It was about someone else finding out that Underbite was the working title for The Catalyst.

  3. On 6/7/2020 at 11:26 AM, SerioDrew said:

    I think its safe to assume that this is indeed true for at least a couple songs. Most probable songs imo would be Pictureboard, Slip, Esaul, Reading My Eyes and Stick N Move. Its safe to assume these are songs that the band worked both as late Xero and early HT. Another thing is that the 3 Rapology songs were released in 1998 which would not be that far chronologically from early HT era (especially Fiends). But lets take intro consideration the assumption that they were indeed working on an album or an EP at that time (which is very possible considering they put out an EP within less than a year Chester joined). If they did so, I dont think they would "spend" album tracks in compilations, so I think Rapology songs would be left outs anyway and that they stopped working on them after their release. There is also the Xero Reborn song, which if actually a real demo, was worked on by both Xero and HT since Chester knew it, so thats another possible one. From the Xero Tape i think only Fuse was stopped been worked on before Chester joined, as far as we know at least. Most of these are just my ideas and opinion and not actual facts.

    Yeah and they obviously worked on Rhinestone


    I don't think the Rapology songs matter at this point - they were Mike only - maybe with assistance by Joe, they just labeled it as Xero for the time being (would even make sense if the band was already HT)


    Also Chester didn't know Xero Reborn, so that makes that impossible to have happened.

  4. 8 hours ago, Awalkinthelinkinpark said:

    The first song title is called delirium 

    There's plenty of songs made by fans in style of Meteora and since there is no vocals on them, there is no evidence any of it was made by Linkin Park or any of their respective members


    1 hour ago, DystopianBy said:

    At 2:46 we see, that The Catalyst working title was Under Bite. It took 10 years to look there.

    Very nice find btw!

  5. On 6/10/2020 at 1:21 PM, Awalkinthelinkinpark said:

    I have 27 of meteora songs that were unreleased a friend of mine who was a friend of a executive at that time at given me some demos 

    And I got to say all of them are instrumental for reason of most of them downright had terrible lyrics and some that didint fly 

    Some of them are cool but like %30 of them is dark toned which I really enjoyed 

    Nice try bud


    On 5/2/2016 at 1:31 PM, Hahninator said:

    Come 2020, this Recharged stuff will be at the back of everyone's minds and you can just slip the remix out.

    Hello there 😄

  6. 6 hours ago, Subs said:

    It doesn't belong on LP live yet a one minute random jam from MS does ? Not hating on Mike at all, yes he is LP but so is chester.


    Yeah but at the same time Mike doing something and that being mentioned here is something different from Grey Daze doing something with Chester's vocal tracks, 'cause they're not LP. I agree that old GD is something worth mentioning in LPL and Linkinpedia, 'cause that's kinda part of the evolution. Same with Xero and Tasty Snax etc. But new Grey Daze is like "hey guys check out this remix I made".


    6 hours ago, martinez said:

    Kind of I can understand why Mike doesn't want to talk about it.


    When did he state that?

  7. 3 hours ago, Astat said:

    I tried isolating the proper "Pitched Countdown" like I did with the piano from Robot Boy, with no success.

    you could try to isolate them from the Acapella from the acapella/instrumental CD maybe it turns out somewhat good

  8. On 3/13/2020 at 10:22 AM, Astat said:

    "Countdown" stems are mislabeled and have their filenames swapped, the "Backing Tracks L" track is missing, and what's labeled as "Pitched Countdown" is actually a duplicate copy of the full mix, so those stems are missing as well.


    I found none of them in the Folder not even with the names swapped

  9. 2 hours ago, Diaux said:

    Some dude on another site is making a strawpoll to leak a multitracks from a song. a lot of it is from ATS except for Sharp Edges and Halfway Right


    I have trouble getting on the other page.. might have been banned (even though there's not even a single reason to that I can think of..)

  10. 14 hours ago, Astat said:

    110% guarantee that if you took a bunch of Post Traumatic songs and changed nothing about them other than having Chester sing on them, this guy would have thought they were the greatest thing ever.


    Also 110% guarantee that "demos we want to hear" applies to like, 3 or 4 specific songs/versions of songs, and that if literally any other demos were released from the archives, this guy would bitch about them not being the right ones.


    this is why I wish I could thumbs-up comments

  11. 4 hours ago, Robrobbsen said:

    Wait, Until it breaks and the Messenger are out there?

    sorry I got Sharp Edges confused with Until it Breaks. But I'm pretty sure I got an offer for The Messenger (around 10 Tracks)


    4 hours ago, Astat said:

    Requiem/Radiance has several mislabeled/missing tracks

    you're talking about The Requiem/ The Radiance 60 Tracks, right?

  12. 9 hours ago, andros said:

    Wait, there's a Robot Boy just acapella or the full multitrack out there?

    only the acapella has been leaked
    Robot Boy, WJ&L, The Requiem/The Radiance, BITS, Jornada del Muerto, Fallout and the Messenger are all out there but none of that stuff has been leaked. Like Until It Breaks and Halfway Right haven't been.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Astat said:

    The whole track is identical except for the vocals and one of the scratch samples.

    but it does have a whole different mixing, doesn't it? (don't have the HT demo on me right now)

  14. 25 minutes ago, vinifeijo said:

    I always thought NoBrain remixed The Catalyst.

    Never knew he did anything on WTCFM

    He did do the remix on the single but the price for that was being on the album in some form. He should've been either on Jornada Del Muerto or WTCFM 

  15. On 8/9/2019 at 9:25 AM, lpliveusername said:

    Open Labs SoundSlate Pro Playback Stems:



    On 8/9/2019 at 9:25 AM, lpliveusername said:

    Open Labs SoundSlate Pro Joe Hahn Samples:



    On 8/9/2019 at 9:25 AM, lpliveusername said:

    LPConcerts Samples:



    Someone please explain the difference between those three

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