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Posts posted by MONDREUS240

  1. That was really cool! I think this is going to be one of their best videos. And during one of Dave's interviews, you can see the elephant in the background =D


    Edit: I think it's the elephant, I can't tell... I hope it is though!

  2. It sounds like Chester is struggling on some parts on PTB, and I hate the guitar sound especially the main riff. But other than that, I like it. Not as much as TC though.

  3. not going to lie....i'm currenttly refreshing youtube and pirate bay every so often to see if it leaks.




    Anyway, I have only been an LPU member once, in LPU7. I was just going to renew it because when they come back around to the states, I can get better tickets for shows. But now that its 60 dollars, no fucking way.

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