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Posts posted by MONDREUS240

  1. I'm still trying to figure out how this song is going to work live, it's just so layered!


    Mike will probably play both of his keyboards, including the solo, and sing at the same time.

    The beginning part will probably be sampled along with that one synth line that continues into the "Lift me up part", or Mr. Hahn can play it with his midi pads.


    Joe will be scratching his part as well.


    And maybe Dave will sing some of the Lift me up part.

  2. I think the problem here is that everyone was excpecting "rock", but this is not rock. And its not pop or techno either. I've been sitting here thinking about what category this song fits into, and I've come to my conclusion. This is LINKIN PARK!

  3. I just listened to the full song from my download. I am very impressed. It's a more paced version of the MOH trailer and it has a very fun, and energetic tone to it. I'm really starting to digg the keyboard solo, I like it more and more everytime I listen to it. I can see Joe playing that one synth line on his Midi pads live and Mike playing keyboards and singing like in New Divide.

    I am very thrilled to listen to the whole album and see the music video for this song.

  4. This song is starting to grow on me. I like it more and more everytime I listen to it. But I really hope there is some kind of actual "verse" instead of the God Bless us line being repeated over and over again. And we know that this isn't the real song because I hear no Mr. Hahn and Mike sings the Lift me up part by himself first.

  5. Well, lets just see how this unfolds. Nothing is set in stone. Mike might have miscalculated the length and it could probably be 50+ minutes, but who knows. Anyway, Quality over quantity.

  6. That would be awesome, unless they don't erase some of the classics like ITE, OSC, and Faint.


    Edit: They could do what MCR did, play the whole album, take a little break and come back and play about 10 more songs.

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