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Posts posted by MONDREUS240

  1. Oh my god that was amazing. I can definitely hear some FM energy in the rapping. And it kind of reminds me of NL, how the majority is Mike with little to no Chester! It was just awesome!. If that main line is not guitar, it probably will be live though, because Mike is rapping. The begging kind of reminded me of East Jesus Nowhere by Green Day, but the speech in this one was more intense!


    This is going to be a good one live!

  2. I've honestly never understood the whole "I'm not going to ruin the experience by listening to fan-endorsed snippets of music" thing. They put those previews up on the site to be listened to, not scoffed at because you're waiting for the whole thing. Otherwise, they wouldn't even bother putting up previews :/

    I think the previews are just there for promotion. I don't think Mike and the rest of LP want to release the previews, but they have to.

  3. olddddddddddddddd, lplive last to report it as usual. first on julien k news congrats

    Not really, the topic was posted 2 days ago, right when it was uploaded...

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