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Posts posted by MONDREUS240

  1. No hate. I was just saying the I doubt a HT-less setlist would ever happen. (and I LOVE Meteora)


    Still curious about the ITE thing. Does anyone know off the top of their head if LP has done a set without it?

    I think they might not have played it when they first started out but I'm not sure.

  2. For me its either MtM or ATS, They are both very strong albums that changed the band and how they wrote their songs. But I think I might have to go with ATS. Some of the songs on MtM aren't very original (instrumentally wise), it all sounds like songs that can come from any typical rock band. but I can't see any other band do songs like When They Come For Me, or Blackout.


    On ATS they experimented with different song structures, rhythms and arrangements. Its really impressive to see a band like LP make a powerful record with no heavy guitar at all. At first I thought that I wasn't going to like ATS because of its lack of guitar, but once I heard the album, I understood it. If all of those songs had power-chords stained all over them, they wouldn't be the same. The different instrument arrangements made the songs stand out from any type of music that I've ever heard.


    The lyrics are even stronger too (no more poor me...). They discuss war, politics, religion, and personal troubles. Things that actually have an impact on people, instead of "I HATE MY PARENTS, I"M SICK OF THIER LIES! I WANT TO RUNAWAY FROM MYSELF! I DONT KNOW WHY I"M GOING TO CRY I THINK I MIGHT DIE!!!!"


    Thats why ATS has impressed me the most.


    BTW if anyone says that Meteora impressed them...they need to get slapped.

  3. Well actually and honestly, the guys are 'good at' everything. So your going to have Mike who we all know is a man of many talents get stuck back behind a microphone rapping? Even Brad and Rob are really good at keys, so does that mean they have to stick to their respective rolls.


    I honestly think thats pretty stupid.


    Muse actually uses guitar and drums. And has a singer that didn't use to rap and then suddenly became a singer. Chester is the fucking lead singer, not Mike. Mike sounds so bad when he sings, I have no clue why the rest of the band would even allow to him to sound like shit on songs like BITS, Iridescent, Blackout, etc. Leave that to Chester. Don't compare Muse to LP.

    No offense, but I highly doubt Chester could have captured the same performance as Mike in those songs. If you honestly think he would sound better, than you are just being stubborn and ignorant. Plus, Mike was singing on LP songs since HT while during the writing process. The only difference now is that the writing process and recording process happen at the same time.
  4. What the hell has the lyrics got in common with LP flying around in a space-shuttle ?

    There's no need to interpretate the lyrics, what they mean is clear. For me, it's about if you (maybe die or) are gone (in another way) that people remind of you. Maybe the video could be a metapher for the time after your death or when you're gone and the other band members except of Chester are playing the person(s) Chester wants to think of him when he's gone. Don't know .. correct me if you think something else ;)

    I like the venue in the video but that's it :D

    Not all music videos have to relate to its song. What does Bleed it Out have to do with its lyrics? What do Given Up, OSC, ITE, BTH, WFTE, or Faint have to do with their songs? nothing. It would be moronic if every music video in the whole entire world had something to do with their respectful songs. If it was, than MTV would be loaded with porn :lol:



    BTW I choose Given Up

  5. The whole point I'm trying to make is... The songs don't have to be slow to be fucking different. LP should probably learn that and utilize that. I would have loved ATS if the beats were complex, or different, but most of the songs on ATS are really down tempo, slow beats, with depressing melodies, etc. I wouldn't even mind no heavy guitar or no raw drums if the songs were different, a few slow songs is ok, but if the whole album is just slow songs than it's really boring. When They Come For Me and Blackout are really good IMO, I love those songs. Wretches And Kings fucking sucks IMO. And the rest are slower songs, except for the Catalyst, but that's still kind of weird. It's not ''slow'' but it's not ''heavy'' like other songs.

    Most of the songs on ATS have faster tempos than the ones from HT and Meteora. And last time I checked, some of those beats are very complex. Have you heard the drums in The Catalyst? or When They Come For Me? Hell, they need 3 drummers to even play that song. That seems pretty different and complex to me.

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