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Posts posted by MONDREUS240

  1. Did you read my post? I asked someone if they could MAKE an acapella (or beatapella) with Audacity or something. I'm not asking for an official acapella from LP.

    It would be almost impossible to make an acapella sound good from the original track, even with a large amount of filtering. Especially with songs like TLTGYA, which have vocals panning from different sides.
  2. I'm just being honest here, lots of old LP fans believe they sold out with ATS. I too, hold that belief.


    I'm just being honest here, you are the biggest f*cking synical asshole on this whole forum. You need to learn how to accept reality and stop living in your own little fantasy world. There's a difference between having an opinion and being a total c*ntface. I too, hold that belief.

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