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Posts posted by MONDREUS240

  1. My opinion of a better ATS would be:

    1. The Radiance

    2. Burning in the Skies

    3. Empty Spaces

    4. When They Come For Me

    5. Pretend to Be

    6. New Song here

    7. I Have Not Begun

    8. Jornada Del Muerto

    9. Waiting For the End

    10. Blackout

    11. Wretches and Kings

    12. Iridescent

    13. New Song here

    14. The Catalyst

    15. The Messenger

    16. Blackbirds (bonus track on deluxe edition)


    This way you have a 15 track album standard edition with 12 full tracks so it feels like an album, instead of 15 tracks with only 9 full songs (and one of them completely awful)

    No Robot Boy? Seriously? You pick Pretend To Be over one of the most powerful songs LP has ever written? When was the last time you listened to the synth solo part? God damn...

  2. Its been out for almost a whole year and I'm still listening to it. I can barely even listen to the other albums anymore, and when I do, I never listen to the whole thing, its only just 1 or 2 songs at a time. I still can't stand "songs" like Numb, and Hit the Floor. I actually tried listening to those 2 the other day and I couldn't do even get passed the first choruses. So I guess for me its ATS>>>>>>MtM>HT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Meteora.

  3. 8 tracks on a studio album is not acceptable- too many interludes.

    8 are not acceptable but 9 are...


    Anyway, I don't see why people fuss so much about the interludes. If Empty Spaces and WTCFM were the same track then it would be annoying. Every time you just want to listen to WTCFM, you would have to sit through 18 seconds of crickets. Plus I loved how the transition between the two tracks catches you off guard the first time you hear it.


    Jornada Del Muerto is an amazing track, with its powerful synth solo, off beat time signature, and haunting vocals. It compliments the cinematic and powerful ending to Robot Boy while setting the mood for WFTE's upbeat rhythm.


    Wisdom Justice And Love is one of the most moving pieces on the whole album. That moment at the end when you hear the last "Cannot be reconciled with wisdom justice and love" is so haunting that it literally made me jump the first time I heard it. And then when Iridescent comes in, its like the most beautiful thing you've ever heard. A piece of music like that has never had that much of an impact on me.


    Fallout is a great transition between Iridescent and The Catalyst because it prepares you for the "grande finale" of the album. Reincorporating the lyrics from BITS was a very smart idea. The Requiem has lyrics from The Catalyst right before BITS, and Fallout has lyrics from BITS right before the Catalyst. Its also kind of cool how in WJ&L a human voice becomes robotic but in Fallout its the other way around.

  4. MTM is full of lyrics that either address Chester's divorce and his drug and alcohol addiction or politics, and ATS is full of lyrics about humanity and the world. They are much more mature than songs on HT and Meteora that basically scream ''I hate you'' or ''Let's break up''.


    +1 I agree

    And sometimes you cannot find a word that still has the same amount of power as "FUCK".

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