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Witness 1 Thing In LP History

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If you could time travel or be a "shadow" and secretly observe, etc...any of that...what moment in Linkin Park/LP-related history would you most like to have observed? It could be a concert, it could be a moment in the studio, it could be a fight or discussion like in the ATS DVD, it could be anything.


Let's hear them.


This one by far takes the cake for me.



Watching Jay-Z, Mike and Brad pick songs for the Fort Minor album...wow.

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- The moment when they walked into the Warner Bros board meeting with all the spreadsheets and stuff explaining what they wanted to do, would have been hilarious.


- The moment when someone from Warner told Mike to rap more like Fred Durst. His expression must have been priceless.

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I would have definitely have gone to the Live 8 show because it was originally going to be my first LP show, my Dad said he would take me to it but we ended up not being able to go. Other than that, I'd love to have been able to chill with the band for the entire making of MTM.

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  • 2 weeks later...

definitely some sort of Xero/early Chester joining moment (audition, demo session, etc.)


that Lockout video, with the terrible room, Chester getting mad about being unable to afford the parking ticket always makes me feel so "oh my god, you guys have no idea what's about to happen...". moments like that would be so interesting to see first hand.


I couldn't ever pick.

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