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Brazil/Europe Set:

1. No More Sorrow (Long Intro)
2. Guilty All The Same
3. Points Of Authority (Short Intro)
4. One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)
5. Blackout
(Intro and Partial Outro Instrumental Only; Ext. Papercut Beat Outro Transition)
6. Papercut (Full Song)
7. Rebellion
8. Wastelands (Album Intro)
9. Castle Of Glass (Experience Version, Piano Transition Outro)
10. Ballad Medley
11. Robot Boy (
Shortened: Intro, Synth Bridge, and Ending Instrumental Only)
12. Joe Solo Medley
13. Burn It Down (Shortened: No Second Verse Or Second Chorus)
14. Waiting For The End (
Apaches Intro w/ Until It Breaks Verse 2; Wall Of Noise Outro)
15. Final Masquerade
16. Numb (Numb Encore Outro)
17. Lost In The Echo (Shortened:
Intro/First Verse/First Chorus/Outro Only)
18. Until It's Gone (Shortened:
Intro/Hybrid Verse/Second Chorus/Transition Outro; Ext. Intro w/ With You Verse 1)
19. What I've Done (
Short Ticking Intro; Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)
20. Bleed It Out (
Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + Reading My Eyes verse 1 over the bridge; Ext. Ending)
21. Mike Solo Medley (w/Joe)
22. Lying From You
23. In The End
24. A Place For My Head (Ext. Synth Intro)
25. War
26. Faint (Ext. Outro)

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Keys To The Kingdom
All For Nothing (w / Page Hamilton)
Guilty All The Same (w / Rakim)
Given Up
Points Of Authority
Runaway Shortened (Intro/First Verse/Chorus Only); Ext. Intro; Ext. Outro Transition w/ Wastelands V1)
Figure.09 (Blood, Anger, Suffering Outro Transition)
From The Inside (Ext. Intro)
With You (Short Reanimated Intro; Reanimation-style)
By Myself (ext intro)
Somewhere I Belong
Until It's Gone
Rebellion (w / Daron Malakian)
P5HNG ME A*WY (w/ Stephen Richards)
New Divide
Lost In The Echo
In The End
A Place For My Head
Dirt Of Your Shoulder / Lying From You (w /Jay-Z)
Numb/Encore (w /Jay-Z)
Jigga-What / Faint (w /Jay-Z)
Bleed It Out [Ext. Bridge w/ Reading My Eyes V1 Ext. Outro]
One Step Closer (w / Reanimated Intro & Bridge , w/ Jonathan Davis)



Keys To The Kingdom

All For Nothing (w / Page Hamilton)

Guilty All The Same (w / Rakim)

Given Up

Points Of Authority


Runaway Shortened (Intro/First Verse/Chorus Only); Ext. Intro; Ext. Outro Transition w/ Wastelands V1)


Figure.09 (Blood, Anger, Suffering Outro Transition)

From The Inside (Ext. Intro)

With You (Short Reanimated Intro; Reanimation-style)

By Myself (ext intro)

Somewhere I Belong

Until It's Gone

Rebellion (w / Daron Malakian)

P5HNG ME A*WY (w/ Stephen Richards)

New Divide

Lost In The Echo

In The End

A Place For My Head



Dirt Of Your Shoulder / Lying From You (w /Jay-Z)

Numb/Encore (w /Jay-Z)

Jigga-What / Faint (w /Jay-Z)

Bleed It Out [Ext. Bridge w/ Reading My Eyes V1 Ext. Outro]


One Step Closer (w / Reanimated Intro & Bridge , w/ Jonathan Davis)


Very similar to Meteora 2003 setlist. Specially the first act.


Intro/Keys To The Kingdom/All For Nothing/Guilty All The Same

Foreword/Don't Stay/Somewhere I Belong/Lying From You


It seems that you've done a mixture of Linkin Park's setlist in important tours since Meteora.

However, it sounds oldschool and fun.


Assuming LP changes up their setlists, here's what I think they'll play in Brazil/Europe, given that each set contains 28 songs like Chester said:

Set A

  • Mashup Intro #2 (or #3, if they're feeling creative)
  • Guilty All The Same
  • Given Up (Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note)
  • Points Of Authority (Shortened Intro)
  • One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)
  • Blackout (Shortened Instrumental)
  • Papercut (Shortened)
  • Runaway (Shortened; Wastelands Transition Outro)
  • Wastelands
  • War
  • Rebellion
  • Castle Of Glass (Experience Version)
  • LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent
  • Joe's Solo Medley
  • Robot Boy (Shortened Instrumental)
  • Burn It Down
  • Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro; Wall Of Noise Outro)
  • Final Masquerade
  • Mike Solo Medley
  • Numb (N/E Intro + Outro)
  • In The End
  • Faint (Ext. Outro)
  • A Line In The Sand
  • Lost In The Echo (Shortened)
  • New Divide (Shortened)
  • Until It's Gone (Shortened)
  • What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)
  • Bleed It Out

Set B

  • Mashup Intro #2/#3
  • Guilty All The Same
  • Given Up (Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note)
  • With You
  • One Step Closer (Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note)
  • Blackout (Shortened Instrumental)
  • Papercut (Shortened)
  • Runaway (Shortened; Wastelands Transition)
  • Wastelands
  • War
  • Keys To The Kingdom (Hard Start)
  • Castle Of Glass (Experience Version)
  • LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent
  • Robot Boy (Shortened Instrumental)
  • Joe Solo Medley
  • Numb (N/E Outro)
  • Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro; Wall Of Noise Outro)
  • Final Masquerade
  • Mike Solo Medley
  • Dirt Off Your Shoulder/Lying From You (2014 Version)
  • Somewhere I Belong
  • In The End
  • Faint (Ext. Outro)
  • A Line In The Sand
  • Burn It Down (Short)
  • Until It's Gone (Short)
  • What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)
  • Bleed It Out

Set pls just play dis 1

  • White Noise
  • Faint (Ext. Outro)
  • Runaway (Shortened; Wastelands Transition)
  • Wastelands
  • Given Up (Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note)
  • Blackout (Shortened Instrumental)
  • Papercut (Shortened)
  • War
  • Rebellion (Ext. Intro)
  • Lost In The Echo (Short)
  • New Divide (Short)
  • Until It's Gone (Short; Outro Transition)
  • A Light That Never Comes (Short)
  • Castle Of Glass (Experience Version)
  • Drawbar (Short)
  • Final Masquerade
  • Joe Solo Medley
  • Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro w/ Extra Note)
  • Mike Solo Medley
  • When They Come For Me
  • Numb (N/E Intro + Outro)
  • In The End
  • By Myself
  • One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)
  • A Line In The Sand (Outro Transition)
  • Guilty All The Same
  • A Place For My Head
  • What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)
  • Bleed It Out

NOTE: Not counting Drawbar as its own song that actually takes up set time, so that's why it's +28.


Set pls just play dis 1

  • White Noise
  • Faint (Ext. Outro)
  • Runaway (Shortened; Wastelands Transition)
  • Wastelands
  • Given Up (Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note)
  • Blackout (Shortened Instrumental)
  • Papercut (Shortened)
  • War
  • Rebellion (Ext. Intro)
  • Lost In The Echo (Short)
  • New Divide (Short)
  • Until It's Gone (Short; Outro Transition)
  • A Light That Never Comes (Short)
  • Castle Of Glass (Experience Version)
  • Drawbar (Short)
  • Final Masquerade
  • Joe Solo Medley
  • Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro w/ Extra Note)
  • Mike Solo Medley
  • When They Come For Me
  • Numb (N/E Intro + Outro)
  • In The End
  • By Myself
  • One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)


  • A Line In The Sand (Outro Transition)
  • Guilty All The Same
  • A Place For My Head
  • What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)
  • Bleed It Out

Oh god, yes!


With You (Awesome Intro Reanimation-style)
By Myself
Guilty All The Same
Given Up (Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note)
Points Of Authority (Intro #2 w/ Petrified Verse 2; Outro w/ A Place For My Head Verse 1)
Crawling (Short Krwlng Intro)
Runaway (Shortened, Ext. Outro Transition w/ Wastelands V1)
Until It's Gone
Rebellion (Ext. Intro)
Dirt Of You Shoulder / Lying From You (2014 Abridged Version)
Somewhere I Belong (Abbreviated)
Burn It Down (Abbreviated)
What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)
Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro w/ Until It Breaks V2, Wall Of Noise Outro)
Numb (Numb/Encore Intro/Outro + Verse 1 Guitar , Keyboard Transition Outro)
Breaking The Habit (short piano version)
In The End (Keyboard Intro)
Faint (ext outro)
Drawbar (short version)
Final Masquerade
New Divide (Abbreviated)
Lost In The Echo (2012 Intro w/ Holding Company Synth)
Bleed It Out (Ext. Bridge w/ Reading My Eyes Verse 1; Ext. Outro)
One Step Closer (ext outro)

By Myself Returned to the setlist

Posted (edited)

Some realistic-ish sets I think would work for Europe:


Set A

1. Mashup Intro #2 OR Mashup Intro #3 (Either one)

2. Guilty All The Same

3. By Myself

4. Points of Authority

5. Blackout (Shortened (Intro and Partial Outro Instrumental Only); Ext. Papercut Beat Transition Outro)

6. Papercut (Shortened (No Second Verse or Chorus))

7. Rebellion (Ext. Intro)

9. No More Sorrow

10. War (Outro Transition)

11. Wastelands

12. CASTLE OF GLASS (Experience Version; Ext. Piano Transition Outro; w/ Oppenheimer Speech)

13. LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent (Ballad Medley)

14. Robot Boy (Shortened (Intro, Synth Bridge, and Outro Instrumental Only))

15. New Divide (Shortened (No First Chorus or Second Verse))

16. BURN IT DOWN (Shortened (No First Chorus or Second Verse))

17. Final Masquerade

18. Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro w/ 'UNTIL IT BREAKS' v3; Wall of Noise Outro)

19. Mike Solo Medley (w/ 'Wretches and Kings', 'Remember The Name', 'High Voltage'; Ext. Outro Transition)

20. Numb (Numb/Encore Intro/Outro + v1 Guitar)

21. In The End

22. Bleed it Out (Ext. Intro w/ 'Reading My Eyes' v1; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'The Catalyst' Refrain; Ext. Ending)


23. LOST IN THE ECHO (Ext. Intro)

24. Until It's Gone (Ext. Intro w/ 'With You' v1)

25. What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)

26. One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)

27. A Line In The Sand


Set B

1. One Step Closer (Long Intro; Ext. Outro)

2. Keys To The Kingdom (Hard Start)

3. With You

4. Given Up (Ext. Outro)


6. Blackout (Shortened (Intro and Partial Outro Instrumental Only); Ext. Papercut Beat Transition Outro)

7. Papercut (Shortened (No Second Verse and Chorus))

8. Rebellion (Ext. Intro)

9. When They Come For Me

10. Wastelands ('War' Outro Sample Intro)

11. In The End

12. Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro w/ 'UNTIL IT BREAKS' v3; Wall of Noise Outro)

13. CASTLE OF GLASS (Experience Version; Ext. Piano Transition Outro; w/ Oppenheimer Speech)

14. Breaking The Habit (Piano + A Capella Intro)

15. Numb (Numb/Encore Outro)

16. BURN IT DOWN (Shortened (No First Chorus or Second Verse))

17. Final Masquerade

18. Mike Solo Medley (w/ 'Wretches and Kings', 'Remember The Name', 'Frgt/10'; Ext. Outro Transition)

19. Dirt Off Your Shoulders/Lying From You (2014 Abridged Version)

20. Faint (Ext. Outro)


21. Guilty All The Same

22. Until It's Gone (Ext. Intro w/ 'Points of Authority' rap; Ext. Transition Outro)


24. New Divide (Shortened (No First Chorus or Second Verse))

25. What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)

26. Bleed it Out (Ext. Intro w/ 'Reading My Eyes' v1; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'The Catalyst' Refrain; Ext. Ending)


12 song set. Would save Chester's voice each night and it would keep the show short and sweet. My dream.


01. Guilty All The Same

02. Given Up

03. One Step Closer

04. Rebellion

05. Wastelands

06. Leave Out All The Rest/Shadow Of The Day/Iridescent


08. Waiting For The End

09. Final Masquerade

10. Numb

11. In The End

12. Bleed It Out


If they're gonna do a short, 12 song set, it better be packed with jams.


1. Guilty All The Same

2. No More Sorrow (Long Intro)

3. Keys To The Kingdom (Hard Start)


5. With You


7. Rebellion

8. Wastelands

9. Mike Solo Medley (w/ 'Wretches and Kings', 'Remember The Name', 'When They Come For Me'; Ext. Outro Transition)

10. Dirt Off Your Shoulders/Lying From You (2014 Abridged Version)

11. Faint (Ext. Outro)

12. One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)


I had to skip a lot of my favorite songs, but pretty much everyone in the fucking world would explode to this shit.


12 song set. Would save Chester's voice each night and it would keep the show short and sweet. My dream.


01. Guilty All The Same

02. Given Up

03. One Step Closer

04. Rebellion

05. Wastelands

06. Leave Out All The Rest/Shadow Of The Day/Iridescent


08. Waiting For The End

09. Final Masquerade

10. Numb

11. In The End

12. Bleed It Out

So your sacrificing the actually experience of the show just because of Chester? He can clearly handle 28 songs at least two nights in a row, all 12 of these included. Absolutely no reason to shorten it to 12 songs. I would NOT go to that show.


So your sacrificing the actually experience of the show just because of Chester? He can clearly handle 28 songs at least two nights in a row, all 12 of these included. Absolutely no reason to shorten it to 12 songs. I would NOT go to that show.


I know some big bands who really only play like 16 songs a night. 28 songs a night seems very hard, but you're right, I guess Chester can handle it if he wants to do it.


Well, saying 28 songs isn't really true. I mean, that's accounting for the Mashup Intro, Blackout and Robot Boy Interludes, Joe's and Mike's Medleys, and a plethora of shortened crap that doesn't really need to be shortened. So, in reality, Chester really only does sing about 20-21 full songs after combining some of the shortened songs to make full ones on the last tour. It's still significantly more than 12, but saying he sings 28 songs is inaccurate. Though, he is clearly capable of 24-25 songs.


Set C:

1. No More Sorrow (Long Intro)
2. Points Of Authority (Reanimation Intro)
3. Lost In The Echo
4. Faint (Ext. Outro)
5. Blackout (Instrumental Interlude)
6. Papercut
7. Rebellion
8. War
9. Castle Of Glass (Experience Version; Bridge w/MLK speech; Oppenheimer Outro)
10. Drawbar (Shortened)
11. Final Masquerade
12. Joe Solo Medley
13. Burn It Down (Shortened)
14. Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro; Wall Of Noise Outro)
15. What I've Done (Ext. Bridge)
16. Mike Solo Medley
17. Lying From You
18. Numb (Album Intro; Numb Encore Outro)
19. In The End
20. Bleed It Out (Reading My Eyes verse Over Intro; Drum Solo Bridge; Ext. Outro)
21. One Step Closer (Reanimation Bridge; Ext. Outro)
22. Guilty All The Same
23. A Place For My Head (Drum Sample Intro)
24. A Line In The Sand



1-A Place For My Head [ext.intro]

2-Easier To Run

3-Given Up

4-In My Remains

5-The Catalyst

6-Keys to the Kingdom

7-Joe DJ Solo [Cure For the Itch/Victimized Remix/Opening/Krwling]

8-Runaway [shortened;Wastelands Verse1]


10-Figure.09/From The Inside [Medley]

11-Leave Out All The Rest [Full Version]

12-Blackout [Full Version]

13-Lost in the Echo [shortened]


15-Mike Solo [Wretches and Kings/Remember the Name/SCOM FM Remix instrumental/Petrified]

16-In the End

17-Numb [Numb/Encore Outro]

18-What I've Done [Ext. Guitar Solo]

19-Burning In the skies

20-New Divide


21-Burn It Down

22-Final Masquarade

23-Until Its Gone [in Stereo Verse Intro]

24-One Step Closer


26-Bleed It Out [Ext.Intro w/Feel Like Home Verse/Ext.Bridge w/Inside Of Me /Ext.Outro]

Posted (edited)

1. The Summoning

2. War

3. No More Sorrow (Long Intro)


5. With You (2014 Intro; Scratch Outro)

6. Keys To The Kingdom (Hard Start)


8. Blackout

9. Rebellion (Ext. Intro)

10. Wastelands

11. In The End

12. CASTLE OF GLASS (Experience Version; Bridge w/ MLK Jr. Speech; Oppenheimer Outro w/ 'The Catalyst' Vox)

13. Drawbar (Shortened (Piano Ending Only))

14. Final Masquerade


16. Until It's Gone (Synth Intro)

17. Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro w/ 'UNTIL IT BREAKS' v3; Wall of Noise Outro)

18. Mike Solo Medley (w/ 'Wretches and Kings', 'Remember The Name', 'High Voltage')

19. Faint (Ext. Outro)

20. A Line In The Sand


21. Mark The Graves

22. What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)

23. Bleed it Out (Ext Intro w/ 'Reading My Eyes' v1; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'A Place For My Head' v1/Bridge; Ext. Ending)


24. Guilty All The Same

25. From The Inside (Long Intro)

26. One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)


Thought I'd tackle a shorter set, though 18 songs seems more reasonable.


01. Guilty All the Same

02. Given Up

03. Somewhere I Belong

04. Papercut

05. Waiting for the End

06. Lost in the Echo

07. Rebellion

08. Numb

09. The Catalyst

10. Crawling

11. Final Masquerade

12. What I've Done

13. Wastelands

14. In the End

15. Burn It Down

16. Bleed It Out


17. Faint

18. One Step Closer

Posted (edited)

Possible Guitar Center set:


1. Mashup Intro #2 (w/ Session, The Summoning, 1stp Klosr, The Requiem, The Catalyst, Guilty All The Same)

2. Guilty All The Same

3. One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)

4. Rebellion (Ext. Intro)

5. Wastelands

6. Final Masquerade

7. Numb (Numb/Encore Outro)

8. In The End

9. Faint (Ext. Outro)

10. Until It's Gone

11. What I've Done (Short Ticking Intro; Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)

12. Bleed it Out (Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'The Catayst' Refrain; Ext. Ending)


One Step Closer (ext intro / outro)
Faint (ext outro)
No More Sorrow (Short Intro)
Given Up (Ext. Outro w/ Extra Note)
Points Of Authority (There They Go Outro)
With You (Short Meteora Tour Intro)
By Myself (ext outro)
Guilty All The Same (w / Rakim)
Figure.09 (Blood, Anger, Suffering Outro Transitio)
From The Inside (Ext. Intro)
Runaway (short version + Ext. Intro; Ext. Outro Transition w/ Wastelands V1Transition)
Until It's Gone
Rebellion (w/ Daron Malakian)
P5HNG ME A*WY [w/ Stephen Richards]
Final Masquerade
A Line In The Sand
A Place For My Head (Guitar Solo Intro)
Lying From You / Papercut (Medley)
New Divide (Abbreviated)
Lost In The Echo
In The End
What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)
Bleed It Out [Ext. Bridge w/ Reading My Eyes Verse 1; Ext. Outro]


1. The Requiem

2. The Radiance (w/ Savio Speech)

3. Faint (Ext. Outro)

4. What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)

5. No More Sorrow (Long Intro)

6. Keys To The Kingdom (Hard Start)


8. With You

9. When They Come For Me

10. Blackout

11. From The Inside (Long Intro)

12. Rebellion (Ext. Intro)

13. Wastelands

14. Somewhere I Belong

15. Until It's Gone

16. CASTLE OF GLASS (Experience Version; Bridge w/ MLK Jr. Speech; Oppenheimer Outro)

17. Drawbar (Shortened (Piano Ending Only))

18. Final Masquerade

19. Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro w/ 'UNTIL IT BREAKS' v3; Wall of Noise Outro)

20. Mike Solo Medley (w/ 'Wretches and Kings', 'Remember The Name', 'Carousel'; Ext. Outro Transition)

21. Dirt Off Your Shoulders/Lying From You (2014 Abridged Version)

22. Bleed it Out (Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ 'Reading My Eyes' v1, Drum Solo, 'A Place For My Head' v1 + Bridge; Ext. Outro w/ Guitar Solo)


23. A Line In The Sand (Ext. Transition Outro)


25. White Noise

26. One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)


This is the Set B of the Honda Civic Tour, modified for The Hunting Party World Tour.

1. A Place For My Head (Long Intro; Ext. Outro)
2. Given Up (Ext. Outro)
3. In My Remains
4. Rebellion
5. Empty Spaces
6. When They Come For Me
7. New Divide
8. Victimized/QWERTY
9. Wastelands (Album Intro)
10. Points Of Authority
11. Until It's Gone
12. Castle Of Glass (Experience; WJL Bridge; Radiance Outro)
13. Final Masquerade
14. Waiting The End (Apaches Intro; Wall Of Noise Outro)
15. Lost In The Echo (2012 Intro w/Holding Company synth)
16. Numb (Numb/Encore Outro)
17. What I've Done (Ext. Bridge)
18. Burn It Down
19. In The End
20. Bleed It Out (Ext. Bridge w/Sabotage; Ext. Outro)
21. Faint (Ext. Outro)
22. Mashup Intro #2
23. Guilty All The Same
24. Lying From You/Papercut
25. One Step Closer

Posted (edited)

Just some sets I think the band could rotate and please just about everyone:

Set 1
1. The Summoning (Transition Outro)
2. Keys To The Kingdom
3. Guilty All The Same
4. No More Sorrow (Long Intro)
5. With You
7. Lying From You/Papercut
8. Blackout
9. From The Inside (Long Intro)
10. Rebellion (Ext. Intro)
11. White Noise
13. War
14. Wastelands
15. Somewhere I Belong
16. CASTLE OF GLASS (Experience Version; WJL Bridge; The Radiance Outro)
17. Drawbar (Shortened (Piano Ending Only))
18. Final Masquerade
20. Numb (Numb/Encore Outro)
21. Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro w/ 'UNTIL IT BREAKS' v3; Wall of Noise Outro)
22. In The End
23. Bleed It Out (Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge w/ 'Reading My Eyes' v1, 'A Place For My Head' v1/Bridge; Ext. Ending)
24. Mike Solo Medley (w/ 'Wretches and Kings', 'Remember The Name', 'When They Come For Me'; Ext. Outro Transition)
25. Jigga What/Faint (2014 Abridged Version; Ext. Outro)
26. Until It's Gone (Ext. Intro w/ 'Points of Authority' rap)
27. What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)
28. One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)


Set 2

1. No More Sorrow (Long Intro)

2. Don't Stay (Foreword Intro)

3. Keys To The Kingdom (Hard Start)

4. Papercut

5. From The Inside (Long Intro)


7. Lying From You


9. With You

10. Runaway (Shortened (Intro, Verse 1, & Chorus Only); Transition Outro w/ 'All For Nothing' v1)

11. Wastelands

12. Rebellion (Ext. Intro)

13. Points of Authority (intro w/ 'High Voltage' v1; Outro w/ 'UNTIL IT BREAKS' Hybrid Verse)

14. UNTIL IT BREAKS (Shortened (Chorus A Capella Only))

15. Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro w/ 'UNTIL IT BREAKS' v3; Wall of Noise Outro)

16. Final Masquerade

17. BURN IT DOWN (Shortened (No First Chorus or Second Verse)

18. In The End

19. What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)

20. Bleed it Out (Ext. Intro w/ 'Reading My Eyes' v1; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo + 'The Catalyst' Refrain)

21. One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)


22. CASTLE OF GLASS (Long Intro; Experience Version; WJL Bridge; Oppenheimer Outro)

23. Breaking The Habit (Piano + A Capella Outro)

24. Until It's Gone

25. Guilty All The Same

26. A Place For My Head (Ext. Bridge; Ext. Outro)

27. Faint (Ext. Outro)


Set 3

1. Joe Solo Medley (w/ 'Cure For The Itch', 'Technique', 'Session', 'VICTIMIZED Remix', 'Buy Myself', 'Wretches and Kings', 'With You')

2. With You


4. By Myself

5. Keys To The Kingdom (Hard Start)

6. White Noise


8. All For Nothing

9. Wastelands

10. From The Inside (Long Intro)

11. Rebellion

12. Blackout

13. Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro w/ 'UNTIL IT BREAKS' v3; Wall of Noise Outro)

14. Numb (Numb/Encore Outro)

15. CASTLE OF GLASS (Experience Version; WJL Bridge; The Radiance Outro)


17. Final Masquerade


19. New Divide (Shortened (No First Chorus or Second Verse)

20. What I've Done (Ext. Guitar Solo Bridge)

21. In The End

22. Faint (Ext. Outro)


23. Mark The Graves

24. Until It's Gone

25. A Line In The Sand (Guitar Transition Outro)

26. Guilty All The Same

27. One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)

28. Bleed it Out (Ext. Intro w/ 'Reading My Eyes' v1; Ext. Bridge w/ Drum Solo, 'Burning In The Skies' Chorus, 'A Place For My Head' v1 + Bridge; Ext. Ending)


1. One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)

2. Faint (Ext. Outro)

3. No More Sorrow (Short Intro)

4. Rebellion

5. Points Of Authority (APFMH Rap Outro)

6. Forgotten

7. Papercut

8. Wretches and Kings

9. Wastelands (Album Intro)

10. Until Its Gone (With You Rap Intro)

11. Castle Of Glass (Experience Version 2.0 w/ WJL Bridge; The Radiance Outro)

12. In My Remains

13. Shadow of The Day

14. Waiting For The End (Apaches Intro w/ UIB V2; Wall of Noise Outro)

15. Final Masquerade

16. In The End

17. Numb (2004 Guitar Intro)

18. A Line In The Sand


19. By Myself (2003 Intro)

20. Guilty All The Same (Short Intro; No Rakim Verse; Short Drum Transition Outro)

20. Lost In The Echo

21. A Light That Never Comes

22. What I've Done (Brad Guitar Solo)

23. Bleed It Out (Ext. Intro; Ext. Bridge with Drum Solo + Catalyst Refrain; Extended Ending)

Posted (edited)

Setlist made for show that supports Charity cause.


1. Mashup Intro #2

2. Guilty All The Same

3. Papercut

4. Lying From You

5. Rebellion

6. Wretches And Kings

7. Wastelands

8. Castle Of Glass (Experience)

9. Hands Held High

10. What I've Done (Piano Intro; Ext. Bridge; Singalong Outro)

11. In The End

12. Lost In The Echo

13. Bleed It Out (Ext. Bridge with Drum Solo; Ext Outro)

14. Faint (Ext. Outro)


Acoustic Set

15. Burning In The Skies

16. The Messenger

17. Final Masquerade

18. Roads Untraveled

19. Not Alone


20. The Little Things Give You Away

21. A Line In The Sand

22. One Step Closer (Ext. Outro)

Edited by HyruleKing
Posted (edited)

Set Awesome


1. Joe Solo

2. White Noise

3. Points of Authority (Ext. Intro w/ High Voltage v1)


3. With You (full "COME ON!" scream; Bass Boosted)

4. Papercut

5. By Myself

6. Rebellion

7. Runaway (w/ Wastelands v1; Transition)

8. Wastelands

9. In My Remains

10. Castle Of Glass (Studio)

11. Lost In The Echo (Holding Company Intro)

12. Until It Breaks (v1; Chorus; Transition)

13. Waiting For The End

14. Mike Solo Medley (w/ Wretches and Kings, Remember The Name, WTCFM v1; Transition outro: Refer to the first post)


16. Ballad Medley

17. Final Masquerade

18. Crawling (Studio)

19. Numb (w/ 2004 Guitar Intro; Piano/Drums Transition)

20. In The End

21. What I've Done (w/ Solo)

22. Bleed It Out (w/ Drum Solo; Catalyst refrain)


23. A Line In The Sand (Transition Outro)

24. Guilty All The Same

25. Mark The Graves

26. Until It's Gone (w/ Europe Intro and Outro)

27. A Place For My Head (2003 Intro)

28. Faint (w/ Extended Outro)

29. One Step Closer

30. Foreword

Edited by IrresistibleCookie

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