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While randomly chillin' on FaceBook, i noticed a brand new fan-page about Joe Hahn.

Because of the few (and well known) fans on it, i've asked for a confirmation and yes, it's the one and only Joe Hahn.


Posted Image


"Like" the page HERE


Update: Joe is also signed up on Twitter, follow him HERE


Thanks to Adam for the confirmation!


This could rival Dave for most hilarious tweets ever. I got excited when I got this email this morning.

Yeah, it's the first thing i thought too about him on facebook\twitter

This will be epic :lol:


Heh, I like how we're all following him now, but he hasn't said anything yet. <_<


But, yes, in the future I expect it will provide great entertainment. :lol:


Thanks for the info. Joe is actually the last person in the band I'd thought would get a facebook or twitter considering he's sorta anti-social when it comes to interviews and such.

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