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Those LP fans who have an iPhone can now purchase ringtones inspired by LP's upcoming release: 8 Bit Rebellion.


Ringtones available include:


One Step Closer [intro]

One Step Closer [chorus]

Papercut [intro]

Papercut [chorus]

Hands Held High [verse]

Hands Held High [chorus]

New Divide [intro]

New Divide [chorus]

In The End [verse]

In The End [chorus]

Crawling [intro]

Crawling [chorus]

Qwerty [intro]

Faint [chorus and bridge]

A.06 [intro]

No More Sorrow [intro]

No More Sorrow [bridge]

Leave Out All The Rest [intro]

Numb [intro]

Numb [chorus]


On your iPhone, go into iTunes, search Linkin Park and scroll down to ringtones. Each ringtone is $1.29 for US users, £0.99 for UK.


Thanks to Red_Zero for the heads up!


what happened to the d/l link? for some reason my itunes won't display ringtones.

Links have been removed.


From what I gather, you'll need an iPhone to access ringtones via iTunes.


OSC intro and the only Faint one that I have (2nd chorus and breakdown). I thought there was only one ringtone out for Faint?


OSC intro and the only Faint one that I have (2nd chorus and breakdown). I thought there was only one ringtone out for Faint?

yeah there is one ringtone for faint

i just didn't remove it my bad

okay which ringtone did you assign them to

like txt msg or when sum1 calls u.


I would've preferred an actual 8bit album with all of the songs in full.

That way Mike doesn't waste time making a full song when we only hear 30 seconds of it.

They sound really good, I am diggin' New Divide and One Step Closer the most though.


We are getting the full songs in the game, so whats the problem?

It's not the first time we are getting ringtone version before the actual songs.


Most of them are very shitty

and paying 1 dollar for every ringtone is stupid


I have heard better midi's over the years..

well I dont get em through my iTouch.


whatever you can easily make ringtones, there are several online editors (free) around + you can even do it on your device with dtunes...


and yes we get the full "album" probably for 8.99$


Is there anyway people can like throw em all into a zip file or something for Non Iphone users for ringtones?


Most of them are very shitty

and paying 1 dollar for every ringtone is stupid


I have heard better midi's over the years..

it obious that you have heard better midis... but that's not the point, they're 8 bits version of the songs... recreating how it could be done in games at the end of 80'/start of the 90'. but most of the midis around the web are with far more bits than 8 :blink:

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