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'Over Each Other' Out October 24


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5 minutes ago, LPLStaff said:

A música em si soa como uma música pop moderna da Miley Cyrus. Não é para ser uma crítica ao LP ou à Miley, mas a produção pop e a entrega vocal têm um estilo muito perceptível da Miley. Parece que combina com One More Light se você aumentar um pouco o volume das guitarras OML.


Acho que vai levar um tempo para o cérebro compreender uma "música do Linkin Park" sem Chester OU Mike pode ser a banda - não é algo a que estamos acostumados e pode levar um tempo para as pessoas entenderem isso. Eles precisaram arrancar o band-aid em algum momento, no entanto.


Não tem muita coisa boa, mas não é uma música ruim. Curta, pop, etc. Não gosto muito do som da bateria, mas teremos que nos acostumar com isso com um novo baterista. No geral, não é pior do que Battle Symphony ou Lies Greed Misery, provavelmente as duas piores músicas de pré-lançamento que eles já fizeram. A música é boa, mas não tem muita coisa boa como Emptiness Machine, que é uma faixa absolutamente monstruosa.


Espero que o resto do álbum tenha mais uma pegada de "rock throwdown jam" e não pop.

I agree with you!

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24 minutes ago, JZLP-Benningstrong said:

My problem with this little track is that there shouldn't be space for a bad song in a really short album.


They are capable of creating better music, Emily is a beast and somehow they made her sound like if she was a limited vocalist, she sounds like any generic women in music.


Just let her be Emily.

"Bad", "better", "limited" and "generic" were all words that got out directly from your opinions, with no flat facts about them. I'd rather not tag the music, but your feelings about the music.

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57 minutes ago, JZLP-Benningstrong said:

My problem with this little track is that there shouldn't be space for a bad song in a really short album.


They are capable of creating better music, Emily is a beast and somehow they made her sound like if she was a limited vocalist, she sounds like any generic women in music.


Just let her be Emily.


I agree that the song is a bit generic, but I don't think we can call it bad.

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Come on guys, if it is not your favorite, look at the bright side. It is like the 3rd shortest song on the album - or I guess 2nd shortest if you don't count the studio chatter.


Wouldn't it be ideal if your least favorite track was also one that's quickly over with ? :lol:

Edited by Qwerty18
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7 hours ago, Stranger said:


when it comes to this, always care more about yourself than the other people opinions. trust me, it's much better. what you like doesnt mean anyone else like. i love LP stuff and that's why they remain my number fav band in the entire life. i have tons of fav band but nothing come close like LP. people might call you "ass-licker" for liking whatever the band do but hey, it's your choice buddy. always care bout your happiness. dont let them ruin it. 

Yes. Yes. Yes.


8 hours ago, juancpin said:

I understand you all.


For me, music is like someone talking to you, sometimes there are certain things you don't want to listen to, but they need to tell you. Like sad songs, they make you cry and they hurt, but you listen to them, because they need to tell you that.


Over Each Other is something they are saying to me, and even though it may seem light or mellow, I listen carefully, and I find the details in it.


With LP, or Beatles, or Arctic Monkeys, I always find respect and details, and something valuable to listen to.

Also yes. I know that somethings are better than others, but i just enjoy listening to them.

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3 hours ago, LPLStaff said:

The song itself sounds like a modern day Miley Cyrus pop song. That's not intended to be a knock on LP or Miley, but the pop production and vocal delivery has a very noticeable Miley style to it. It sounds like it fits on One More Light if you turned the OML guitars up a tad.


Think it will take the brain a while to comprehend a "Linkin Park song" without Chester OR Mike can be the band - not something we are used to and it might take people a while on that. They needed to rip the bandaid off at some point, though.


It doesn't have much going for it but it isn't a bad song. Short, poppy, etc. Don't really like the sound of the drums but we'll have to get used to that with a new drummer. All in all, it's no worse than Battle Symphony or Lies Greed Misery, probably their two worst pre-release songs they've ever done. The song is fine but doesn't have much going for it like Emptiness Machine which is an absolute fucking monster track.


Hopefully the rest of the album is more of the "rock throwdown jam" vibe and not pop.

I instantly fell in love with Battle Symphony on the first listen, this song doesn’t come even close to BS quality wise. 

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14 minutes ago, Soeffingnaive92 said:

I instantly fell in love with Battle Symphony on the first listen, this song doesn’t come even close to BS quality wise. 

Yeah BS was and is an amazing song, I don’t feel it was a weak release. I’ll say OEO is the weakest out of the 3 songs so far but it’s not bad and after constantly listening to it over and over with some breaks, each time I come back to it, I like it more and it grows on me each time and is more revealing each time 

Edited by DylHDZ
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It does not have enough energy to belong to MTM and it is not vocal-oriented to be something from Post Traumatic. For me, it feels like they couldn't decide on the side. 
And I just caught on to the idea that after listening to it, the melody did not remain in my subconscious. Truly neutral.

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15 minutes ago, juancpin said:

Why are we trying to place it in some past record? If it’s new, it’s new. It belongs to From Zero, like it or not. 

Not the worst take I must admit. I think it's natural to compare everything with their past work but you are right.

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5 minutes ago, KeysToTheLinkinPark said:

Not the worst take I must admit. I think it's natural to compare everything with their past work but you are right.

I understand,  but it’s like comparing Strawberry fields forever and Love me do. The are from different times. But if you like the Beatles, you like both, and that’s it. 

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It is a song that works by subtraction and that lives on atmosphere, the greatest characteristic of this new song. The structure is simple, but I wouldn't say banal or even complex. Interesting, yes: I love the pre-last chorus entry with EM's acapella with the piano. Among other things, very short. The rest is pretty good for a radio-friendly third single. Vocally it works, she is perfect and does not perform "useless" virtuosity which would then take away the atmosphere from the listener. Those will come live. I still agree that I want more exciting structures and twists in the album.


-The Emptiness Machine: 5/5

-Heavy Is The Crown: 3/5

-Over Each Other: 3/5

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2 hours ago, GreyFox-AFCA said:

About OEO, i really thought you would be liking this song more.


If you look at it objectively the song sounds much different then anything on OML.


it sounds like a OML outtake, its short, forgettable, the vocals dont have enough power and the instrumental its super simple and repetitive.


I remember that one of the things that I hated about OML is that Chester sounded like he wasnt doing any effort at all, most of the vocals of OML were plain.. and this track shares all those characteristics to make it sound like a OML outtake.


and guess what? Jon Green its also involved in this track.. not  a coincidence.

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28 minutes ago, Chazy987 said:

It is a song that works by subtraction and that lives on atmosphere, the greatest characteristic of this new song. The structure is simple, but I wouldn't say banal or even complex. Interesting, yes: I love the pre-last chorus entry with EM's acapella with the piano. Among other things, very short. The rest is pretty good for a radio-friendly third single. Vocally it works, she is perfect and does not perform "useless" virtuosity which would then take away the atmosphere from the listener. Those will come live. I still agree that I want more exciting structures and twists in the album.


-The Emptiness Machine: 5/5

-Heavy Is The Crown: 3/5

-Over Each Other: 3/5





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1 hour ago, Chazy987 said:

It is a song that works by subtraction and that lives on atmosphere, the greatest characteristic of this new song. The structure is simple, but I wouldn't say banal or even complex. Interesting, yes: I love the pre-last chorus entry with EM's acapella with the piano. Among other things, very short. The rest is pretty good for a radio-friendly third single. Vocally it works, she is perfect and does not perform "useless" virtuosity which would then take away the atmosphere from the listener. Those will come live. I still agree that I want more exciting structures and twists in the album.


-The Emptiness Machine: 5/5

-Heavy Is The Crown: 3/5

-Over Each Other: 3/5

That pause, I loved it, and how it goes up until the end.

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