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Mike Shinoda YouTube Q+A (March 30, 2021)

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Mike answered to some questions under the "Happy Endings" music video on YouTube, check it out.

Any advice for someone who wants to explore more their creative side?
"It’s OK to make mistakes while learning. And we’re always learning."
What was the writing/making process behind happy endings like?
"We did it on Zoom lol — it was a collaboration with Upsahl, Sam Ronson, and Pete Nappi, at the end of 2020"
This is probably a stupid question: what exactly does the artwork for happy endings represent? Is it a face?
"Actually yes! It’s Cain’s version of me!"
"Cain started it, and I worked on it second"
Question for you Mike:
How did y'all come up with the idea of the animated video? Did you have rough ideas of how the video will be animated or did pix3lface just do their job and it was a surprise till the end?
"PIX3LFACE and I brainstormed on it a bit. He and his team led the process, but I did contribute some animations (which you might recognize!)"
I don’t know if you’ll ever perform this song live, but if you get the chance to do it, how do you think you’re gonna pull off all the vocals?
"With a little help from my friends lol"
What’s your biggest accomplishment of 2020?
"Not going crazy"
What can we expect from you in the future on NFT's?
"I’ve been looking at NFTs in two ways 1.) like gallery art, and 2.) as a new technology that, while it’s fun, is less important than the emotional / narrative / conceptual content you’re trying to communicate. So I’m focusing on concepts, not the medium."
Which plugins did you use on Happy Endings?
"Only Ableton stock EQ"
Would you like to have a "TikTok dance" for Happy Endings? 💃🕺
"Sure. Please tag me when you make one. lol"
Hello Mike! Massive fan here. What’s the story behind this song? Also once it’s safe do you plan to do shows in the uk? It’s a dream of mine to see you perform live one day. Also also how are you Mike haha.
"It was just a reaction to how insane last year was. And I'm good, thanks!"
Hey! You said that we could ask questions so here goes. Do you like being in a band or being a solo artist?
"I like both!"
Covid must have been also affecting the way you guys had to shoot the music video for #HappyEndings .so if Covid wasn’t a thing now, would you consider shooting it any other way?
"I think the video came out so good. I don't think I would've chosen a different approach, COVID or not"
It is very beautiful what you did during the first lockdown and you are still during this very difficult phase for all humanity. As a fan of your work, ever since I pretended to be you miming your songs while listening to the DSP of the 2008 concerts😂, I think it is really generous what you can do today, especially with many emerging artists, which surely (and I know yours story), they didn't. will there be other projects like this and shinodaproduceme in your future? thanks Mike
"Thanks! I'll be back on Twitch doing ShinodaProduceMe next week, let's talk about it then"
I saw you’re answering questions... any chance of a tour when COVID is over?
"I have no idea!"
How did you came up with the guitar chords of the song? Was it an old idea or it was the starting point for Happy Endings?
"I think the chords came first, yeah. New idea, not a re-purposed demo"
After writing about last year, what do you find yourself writing about now? Thank you for all that you do to connect with your fans. We greatly appreciate it!!
"Thanks! I write about whatever's going on in my life...either literally or as an emotional reaction"
Great track everyone. I just found out today I might be Nerdcore. Have you ever heard of that genre?
"No, but I feel like I'll be looking it up today"
Would you do a breakdown of Happy Endings on Twitch? Talking about the production, listening to the multitracks and stuff...
About how long did it take to write/produce the song?
"It was in progress for a few months. Not every day though"
How fun was this video to make on a scale of 1 to 10, Mike?
"The concept and result were a 10...however, I had quarantine fatigue from not going out and doing anything , so I was actually really sore from doing the video shoot hahahaha"
Is there any version of Happy Endings sung by Samantha Ronson before UPSAHL joined you?
"Sam doesn't sing!"
How'd the Platonic Love collab come together?
"Instagram DMs, lol"
2 hours ago, PurpleFlinstoneVitamins92 said:

Promoting like hell a song that, as of what he himself said, didn’t even want to put out 

I bet he has like a 1000 of songs like that. Good point

16 minutes ago, PurpleFlinstoneVitamins92 said:

I hope he has 10 songs better than HE and drops a surprise album. 

That should not be that hard tbh

5 hours ago, PurpleFlinstoneVitamins92 said:

Promoting like hell a song that, as of what he himself said, didn’t even want to put out 

Thats what happens when you are under a label

1 hour ago, PurpleFlinstoneVitamins92 said:

The artsy/alternative guy forced by the evil label to put out a mediocre song (to be kind) against his will ? Nah. 

Do you happen to know how the music business works. Do you think all the interviews he is doing now are because he seeks them? do you think the video, the instastories, the promotion, is stuff he comes up with and not the record label.

We are old enough to know the basics of the industry by now

1 hour ago, Cesar656 said:

Do you happen to know how the music business works. Do you think all the interviews he is doing now are because he seeks them? do you think the video, the instastories, the promotion, is stuff he comes up with and not the record label.

We are old enough to know the basics of the industry by now

Do you think the label saw a big potential in the song ? Because it’s not doing great commercially (not comparing it to LP obviously, but it did less than CAL). 

12 hours ago, PurpleFlinstoneVitamins92 said:

Do you think the label saw a big potential in the song ? Because it’s not doing great commercially (not comparing it to LP obviously, but it did less than CAL). 

Labels do not only push potentially big songs, they seek revenue for whatever is published

12 minutes ago, PurpleFlinstoneVitamins92 said:

So it was Loma Vista pushing Amends editions 


Mace said the band decided that and thought it was a good idea.

4 minutes ago, LPLStaff said:


Mace said the band decided that and thought it was a good idea.

The book edition was a great idea IMO, i love that book. The many vynyls ehhh, maybe not that much, ok. 


I'm going to start removing Grey Daze posts from unrelated threads. You guys sound like children.


"GD is cashgrab"

"no, it isn't"

"yes, it is"

"no, it isn't"

"yes, it is"


Everybody already knows you disagree with each other, just stop replying. If you want to continue this shit show you're free to do so in the privacy of your PMs where it won't bother other forum members.


Please don't reply to this post either. Just end this discussion already.

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