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We launched the new version of the site early so we could cover and discuss the European tour.


There are unresolved issues that we still have to fix:

- Original links to forum threads are broken

- There are <p> brackets in the titles of show pages

- Some older shows are missing from year pages

- There are no pages for Julien-K


Firefox users: If you get security warnings when logging in, change your bookmark to use https rather than http.


Permission to use the chatbox changed from 10 post minimum to 1 post in the past year.

If you meet this criteria and are still restricted from chat let me know.


Please reply to this thread if you find bugs or errors on the site.

We also want to hear your feedback.



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On 6/30/2021 at 9:44 AM, martinez said:

I can't post ANYTHING, ANYWHERE I can do that only once in a while. I didn't change or update anything. I think I would be less pissed off if I would have ban because that would be the reason why I can't do that right?


Why would anyone ever ban YOU?!

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This is a bug I've had for a long time.

Whenever I try to login from a different IP than the one I'm normally using, it says that the username or password is wrong.

When I try to reset anything, the email won't reach me.

I'm not very active on the forums so it doesn't bother me too much, since it only happens when I'm not at my own computer.

But maybe other people have the same problem, dunno. Just wanted to note it.

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