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Unfortunately the September 2017 reunion of Grey Daze did not get to occur, but that hasn't stopped the band members from working on band projects.


The members of Grey Daze united with Julien-K last year in Las Vegas to perform at a Chester memorial event. They played Let Down and Morning After by Dead By Sunrise and The Down Syndrome by Grey Daze. Ryan Shuck does a great job on vocals here in tribute to his brother Chester.



The decade-old project by Grey Daze to remaster the No Sun Today album (which LPA released most of, but not all of the tracks due to an issue where Sean was forced to stop posting the songs) apparently kicked off a new remaster project that began in 2017. In this one, the songs appear to actually be "reimagined"/"remixed".


Fast forward to present day, where Sean and Mace hit The Mason Jar, a venue Chester performed at with Grey Daze many times as well as Linkin Park, today to work on filming an upcoming video documentary they are making about Chester.


In the live stream on social media, they allowed fans to hear remixes and remasters of completely new versions of In Time and Hole.




It would not surprise us if Grey Daze is readying a release of the No Sun Today remaster as well as a video project. A year after Chester's passing, things are beginning to gain traction in releasing CB material. Ryan Shuck just hinted at a Dead By Sunrise video release of the Las Vegas 2009 acoustic show, following their Time Capsule release of Chester singing two Julien-K songs at Stars of the Season.


Let's see what the rest of 2018 brings us, as we could see more Chester stuff coming out this year into next year. One thing is for certain - the bands Chester was in continue to honor his musical legacy for fans.


These sound great and people will buy this because they didn't just remaster the songs, they like re-recorded the songs. Especially if they put a video thing on there too.


Funny how the vocals are so old on this but Chester sounds fantastic. His voice... just... damn.


Good stuff, excited to see what else comes from the vaults for Chester. I think a year after his passing is kickstarting some of the projects. It takes a lot of time to heal individually and then to sit and look at what you have... it's a process. I have no doubt that since Talinda gave an "ok" to LP to release CB stuff that LP releases some stuff in the future.


One very important thing I want to say about this is how classy all parties are here. Talinda first and foremost. She could veto anything, but she's friends with everyone involved. LP next, for giving us OML Live, LPU, etc right afterwards. And Julien-K / Grey Daze have gone above and beyond. Lastly, Warner Bros. They could also veto anything and it looks like things are moving ahead. Things could be so much worse for us if any of these parties were hostile.


This is awesome news! Sublime and Linkin Park are my favorite bands, and it's been tough as a fan of the former, knowing there is potentially a ton of unreleased Bradley Nowell material that hoarders and record labels keep vaulted. Some will whine that anything LP or others release with Chester attached is exploiting his memory, but to me it's a celebration of his once-in-a-lifetime talent.


On a side note, is there a way to hear the Julian-K Time Capsule songs mentioned in the article?


I wouldn't call this a remix it's like when LP did Reanimation... It feels like a new song..


Its like a Linkin Park version of Grey Daze


@hahninator im surprised not by how old these recordings are im surprised by how a very young Chester sounds so fucking amazing


Can't wait for the release date of this.


This sounds awesome... Never been able to find the No Sun Today remaster because I wasn't part of the LP community then, so it'll be nice to finally have them. it's great by the part of Talinda too, giving the green light to give the fans this Chester material. She just as easily could have said no, but the love that everyone (Mike/LP/Talinda etc.) shows us fans is amazing. I couldn't be prouder to call myself a fan of these people


This sounds awesome... Never been able to find the No Sun Today remaster because I wasn't part of the LP community then, so it'll be nice to finally have them. it's great by the part of Talinda too, giving the green light to give the fans this Chester material. She just as easily could have said no, but the love that everyone (Mike/LP/Talinda etc.) shows us fans is amazing. I couldn't be prouder to call myself a fan of these people

This is a completely different thing from the remastered version of No Sun Today from a few years back.

Posted (edited)

Time Capsule digital download here: http://www.julienk.com/music-ciey(you can get just the disc with CB on it) or here https://www.amazon.com/Time-Capsule-Future-Retrospective-Julien-K/dp/B079YXJQZN


And it is also on Spotify.


Those two Chester performances are cool. I wish they released that PR07 set with Chester that they said they have the entire film of, that was epic as hell. We got Kick The Bass from it years ago but the quality was shoddy. It was still cool. To me, having that Chester filling in for Julien-K set would be better than anything Grey Daze or even DBS at this point. The DBS demos that got leaked earlier this year were good enough for me, all I ever really wanted was 20 Eyes studio version and the My Suffering demo from 2008 in studio version and I got those and then some. I also wish Julien-K put Technical Difficulties with Chester from PR07 on the disc too since they have that too and it was great. Also got released years back in shoddy quality but still cool enough. Of course that acoustic DBS show will be epic to have though, if it ever does get released. But if I had to pick, I'd pick that PR07 set where Chester performed the whole thing.


As far as this Grey Daze stuff goes, meh. Never was a huge fan of Grey Daze to begin with but they have some good stuff. To me, Chester's best stuff on his entire career was the heavy shit where he was screaming his lungs out like a demon from Hell over heavy guitar, etc. but some of his acoustic stuff is cool, too. These seem way more acoustic and softer.


Still praying we get that collab track he did with Mark Morton at some point. But not looking too good. Probably was the last track he ever did with screaming in it. Something I would cherish forever. And has anyone heard about the track he was doing with Watsky? Mike was in on it, too.

Edited by Geki

OMG Chester sounds like he is still living, like he recorded that vocals in this year. It's so amazing and perfect made *_* can't wait to hear more!

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