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LinkinPark:BR Interview with Marc Ostrick

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LPBR recently interviewed Marc Ostrick, who you probably know because he filmed some old rehearsal footage of Linkin Park (then called Hybrid Theory) in 1999 for an episode of his series called Lockout. Along with the trailer below, he also posted a video he did with just Joe.


Of interest in the main video, you'll see their temporary bassist Scott Koziol who even toured with them for a bit before Phoenix came back to the band. While they rehearse Esaul at the beginning of the video, at 2:34 you see them rehearsing a (then unknown) song that later was finally identified as Slip when the LPU 11 CD was released in 2011, over 6 years after the video was posted online. It even sounds like it could be a different version of Slip in the video.



Before I get to the LPBR interview, I don't think too many fans have seen Ostrick's video with Jeff Blue (Warner A&R who was involved with getting LP signed). It features him listening to some LP demos like Untitled and Super Xero and discussing the band...you can watch that here.


In the LPBR interview he gives a few cool answers....


Do you have any interesting stories about the band (other than the ones in the documentary)?
I got a ticket on my car and they told me about how they were spending all of their record advance on parking tickets. They felt bad that I got a ticket and we filmed it and pretended like they got the ticket instead of me. It was a fun bit and then we all got a bite to eat and talked about music and movies. They were all good guys, struggling to pay bills. But they were determined to make it. And they did.
Lockout features a really old Linkin Park song called “Slip” which was unknown to fans until the band finally released it in 2011. Did you record any other songs besides the ones shown in the documentary?
There may be a couple.


Unfortunately, at the end of the interview he states that he has seen the band only twice which is conflicting with what we originally thought for years. In this Lockout series trailer, it says that each episode ends with a live performance by the band, so we assumed that he had a Hybrid Theory live performance from 1999.


Ostrick probably never realized how interesting his material would be to Linkin Park fans until he released it online in 2006 and likely received an onslaught of YouTube messages inquiring about it. Of course, LPLive tried to get the footage quite a few times over the years and Ostrick wanted not a penny less than $10,000 for his 2.5 hours of footage. We figured not even a Kickstarter campaign would be worth it so we never pursued it.


Maybe the footage will be released someday, but I wouldn't count on it.

Posted (edited)

I hope you guys enjoy the interview.

About a campaign to get his footage, i think it worth to do a kickstarter campaign even if takes much time to collect the entire money for that. (maybe 1 year or more)

Edited by Biel

Every time that I watch that video, I always end up replaying the whole little ''fight'' between Brad and Chester like 10 times. It's just so epic.


Every time that I watch that video, I always end up replaying the whole little ''fight'' between Brad and Chester like 10 times. It's just so epic.


Well now we know it was staged! :P


Ostrick probably never realized how interesting his material would be to Linkin Park fans until he released it online in 2006 and likely received an onslaught of YouTube messages inquiring about it. Of course, LPLive tried to get the footage quite a few times over the years and Ostrick wanted not a penny less than $10,000 for his 2.5 hours of footage.


More than 6 dollars for just a second! :mellow:
Can we buy just one part of the show? I'm able to pay for 5 seconds! hahaha



Linkin Park was recently featured in a episode of MTV’s The Ride. They used some of your footage. Have you watched it yet? It was a great episode.

I just watched it and saw my footage in the beginning. I am about half way through. Did they use any more of my footage? Looks like I will be speaking with their clearance people. Thanks for the tip.

Uh-oh. :lol:


Well now we know it was staged! :P

Honestly, if you think about it, why would it be not staged?

"Hey let's go outside to finish this episode and see if you guys got another parking ticket like you mentioned earlier.

"Shit I got one instead, that's not funny, let's pretend it's yours. aaaaand action!"

That scene always felt acted to me.

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