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Mike Shinoda 2018

58 shows in this category

  1. 2018.12.06 Brooklyn, New York

    Photo Icon: Yes Ticket Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 12 Day: 06 Show Date: 12/06/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda18/20181117 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181206 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181208 City: Brooklyn State: New York State Abbr: NY Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Barclays Center Venue Type: Arena Venue Website: https://www.barclayscenter.com/ Event Website: https://alt923.radio.com/events/alt-923s-not-so-silent-night-december-6th-barclays-center-ft-muse-florence-and-machine-more Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: ALT 92.3's Not So Silent Night Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    Muse, Florence + The Machine, Death Cab For Cutie, Foster the People, Bastille, *, Chvrches, AJR

    Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 3 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 1: Video - AUD (iPhone X)

    Taper: RogueSoul

    Time: 29:35 mins

    Format: .MOV / 4.81 GB

    Comments: Full source uploaded to YouTube the night of the show. Released on LPLive on December 9, 2018.

    Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Remember The Name Song Notes 1: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 2: Mashup Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Make It Up As I Go Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: About You Song Notes 4: Shortened (No Intro/Bridge/Ending); Hard Start; Transition Ending Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Over Again Song Notes 5: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Papercut Song Notes 6: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: In The End Song Notes 7: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 8: Mashup Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Running From My Shadow Show Notes:

    - The 'Waiting For The End' and 'Where'd You Go' mashup didn't have its usual singalong outro.

    - 'About You' started right with the first verse, skipping both the usual vocoder intro and the first chorus. It transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.

    - After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'

    - Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned for 'Good Goodbye/Bleed it Out'.

    - Mike messed up parts of 'In The End'.

    - 'Crossing A Line' was on the setlist after 'In The End' but was dropped due to time, likely because the band had a 2+ minute break before 'About You'.

    - 'Running From My Shadow' closed the show for the first time since 2018.11.12 Cincinnati, Ohio. It did not have an outro.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  2. 2018.12.09 Inglewood, California

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 12 Day: 09 Show Date: 12/09/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181208 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181209 City: Inglewood State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: The Forum Venue Type: Arena Venue Website: http://www.fabulousforum.com/content/forum/home.html Event Website: https://kroq.radio.com/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: KROQ Absolut Almost Acoustic Christmas Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    Florence + The Machine, Death Cab For Cutie, Bastille, *, Billie Eilish, Young The Giant, Chvrches, Mike Posner, lovelytheband

    Show Number: 3 Show Number Total: 3 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 1a: Video - PROSHOT (Webcast) (720p)

    Taper: LinkinPark:br

    Time: 42:44 mins

    Format: .mp4 / 900 MB

    Comments: Webcasted live by KROQ. Censored. Uploaded to YouTube by LPBR. Original file shared on LPLive.


    Source 1b: Video - PROSHOT (Webcast) (720p)

    Taper: Lexx

    Time: 42:19 mins

    Format: .mp4 / 894 MB

    Comments: Webcasted live by KROQ. Censored. Shared on lp-bits after the show.


    Source 1c: Video - PROSHOT (Webcast) (720p)

    Transfer: KROQ LIVE Webcast -> Streamlink -> FFmpeg (edit) -> uncompressed .ts

    Taper: indykid

    Time: 42:07 mins

    Format: .ts / 967 MB

    Comments: Webcasted live by KROQ. Censored. Shared on Dime after the show.

    Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: When They Come For Me Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Remember The Name Song Notes 2: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: About You Song Notes 3: Shortened (No Intro/Bridge/Ending); Transition Ending Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Over Again Song Notes 4: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Papercut Song Notes 5: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 6: Piano Style Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 7: Mashup Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: In The End Song Notes 8: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Crossing A Line Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 10: Mashup Song No 11: 11 Song Name 11: Make It Up As I Go Song Notes 11: False Start; w/ K. Flay Song No 12: 12 Song Name 12: Running From My Shadow Song Notes 12: w/ grandson Show Notes:

    - 'When They Come For Me' opened the show on its own for the first time since 2018.10.23 Raleigh, North Carolina.

    - 'About You' transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.

    - After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'

    - Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned for 'Crossing A Line'.

    - Mike messed around with the piano intro on 'Crossing A Line'.

    - K. Flay joined Mike for 'Make It Up As I Go'. Mike accidentally started the track before the band and K. Flay were ready.

    - grandson joined Mike on stage for 'Running From My Shadow'.

    Other Notes:

    - Mike's stage backdrop appeared to be a large, digital Christmas-themed drawing that he and his kids drew and colored.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  3. 2018.12.08 San Jose, California

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 12 Day: 08 Show Date: 12/08/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181206 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181208 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181209 City: San Jose State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: SAP Center Venue Type: Arena Venue Website: http://www.sapcenter.com/ Event Website: https://alt1053.radio.com/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: ALT 105.3's Not So Silent Night Event/Festival Italics: 0 Other Bands:

    Florence + The Machine, Death Cab For Cutie, Bastille, Young The Giant, Chvrches, *, The Struts, Elle King.

    Show Number: 2 Show Number Total: 3 Show Category: showwithoutsources Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Remember The Name Song Notes 1: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Make It Up As I Go Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: About You Song Notes 3: Shortened (No Intro/Bridge/Ending); Hard Start; Transition Ending Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Over Again Song Notes 4: Shortened (No 1st Verse or 2nd Chorus); Transition Ending Song No 5: 06 Song Name 5: Papercut Song Notes 5: Shortened (No 1st Chorus or 2nd Verse); 'Over Again' Ending Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: In The End Song Notes 6: Piano Version; Piano Intro Song No 7: 07 Song Name 7: Crossing A Line Song No 8: 08 Song Name 8: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 8: Mashup Song No 9: 09 Song Name 9: Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out Song Notes 9: Mashup Song No 10: 10 Song Name 10: Running From My Shadow Show Notes:

    - 'About You' started right with the first verse, skipping both the usual vocoder intro and the first chorus. It transitioned into 'Over Again' after the second chorus.

    - After the second chorus of 'Over Again,' Mike transitioned into a shortened version of 'Papercut,' where he rapped the first verse, chorus, bridge, and ending before going back into the end of 'Over Again.'

    - Matt and Dan left the stage before 'In The End' and returned for 'Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go'.

    - 'Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go' was not on the setlist and was added after 'Crossing A Line' mid show.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  4. 2018.06.15 Los Angeles, California

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 06 Day: 15 Show Date: 06/15/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180614 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180615 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180619 City: Los Angeles State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: KROQ HD Radio Sound Space Venue Type: Bar/Club Venue Website: https://kroq.radio.com/categories/hd-radio-sound-space Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Show Number: 2 Show Number Total: 6 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 1: Video - PROSHOT (KROQ YouTube Webcast)

    Taper: LinkinParkBR

    Time: 43:18 mins

    Format: ? / ? GB

    Comments: Webcasted at 5pm on the day of the show (a five hour delay). Uploaded to YouTube by LPBR. Includes post-performance interview.

    Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 1: Piano Style Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Ghosts Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Waiting For The End/Where'd You Go Song Notes 3: Mashup Song No 4: 04 Song Name 4: Crossing A Line Song No 5: 05 Song Name 5: Remember The Name Song Notes 5: Shortened (Intro/Chorus/Mike Verse 1/Chorus/Mike Verse 2/Chorus/Chorus) Song No 6: 06 Song Name 6: Running From My Shadow Show Notes:

    - On 'Where'd You Go', Mike asked all the girls to sing the higher parts in the song.

    - Mike went into the crowd during 'Running From My Shadow'.

    - After performing a short set, Mike did a Q&A with KROQ's Ted Stryker.

    Other Notes:

    - Ted Stryker from KROQ introduced Mike to the stage.

    - After the performance, Mike stuck around and signed autographs for almost everyone in the crowd.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
  5. 2018.06.19 New York City, New York

    Year: 2018 Month: 06 Day: 19 Show Date: 06/19/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180615 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180619 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180620 City: New York City State: New York State Abbr: NY Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: 30 Rockefeller Plaza (NBC Studio 6-B) Venue Type: Studio Event Website: https://www.nbc.com/the-tonight-show Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Show Number: 3 Show Number Total: 6 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 1a: Video - PROSHOT (NBC)

    Time: 4:30 mins

    Format: ? / ? MB

    Comments: Uploaded to YouTube.


    Source 1b: Video - PROSHOT (NBC HD)

    Taper: fstambuk

    Time: 4:21 mins

    Format: .mp4 / 141.1 MB

    Comments: Aired on June 19th, direct TV rip in 1080p. Posted on Sharemania.us.

    Pre-Show Song No 1: 01 Pre-Show Song Name 1: Crossing A Line Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal; w/ The Roots Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Crossing A Line Song Notes 1: w/ The Roots Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Crossing A Line Song Notes 2: w/ The Roots Show Notes:

    - Mike performed 'Crossing A Line' with The Roots, who are the house band for The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon.

    Other Notes:

    - Black Thought, the lead MC from the band, previously worked with Mike on 2005's 'Right Now' from Fort Minor's The Rising Tied.

    - This was Mike's first solo TV performance since he performed 'Welcome' as Fort Minor on Conan in 2015.

    - This is the first time Mike had a backing band perform with him during a solo performance.

    - In a May 2020 stream on Pooch and Tater's "Wrong End of the Snake" series, they talked about this performance. Tater (monitors) explained that he wasn't allowed to touch anything because he isn't allowed to touch the console at a TV show. He immediately told Jim (production manager) when he heard the click track on the first performance of the song that he knew things were VERY wrong, but he couldn't touch anything. Mike said the house band (aka The Roots) was two measures off. In Mike's click track, he only heard himself and the click. He said he wanted to just keep going, and the band ended up just playing around Mike. Mike's manager was there and Mike immediately asked him how it was... his manager wanted to do it again. Tater explained the house guy had the wrong program open in the console. They ended up playing "Crossing A Line" again and then they were good to go on the second play.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  6. 2018.06.21 Brooklyn, New York

    Year: 2018 Month: 06 Day: 21 Show Date: 06/21/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20180620 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20180621 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20180630 City: Brooklyn State: New York State Abbr: NY Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Apple Williamsburg Venue Type: Other Venue Website: https://www.apple.com/retail/williamsburg/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: Today at Apple Event/Festival Italics: 0 Tour: Post Traumatic Promo Performances Show Number: 5 Show Number Total: 6 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 1a: Video - AUD (Unknown Phone)

    Location: Center, 5-6 rows back

    Taper: Abhi Kolal

    Time: 12:01 mins

    Format: .MOV / ? GB

    Comments: Missing the very beginning of 'Crossing A Line' intro. Uploaded to YouTube.


    Source 1b: Video - AUD (Unknown Phone)

    Location: Center, 5-6 rows back

    Taper: Abhi Kolal

    Time: 30:15 mins

    Format: .MOV / ? GB

    Comments: Full interview. Uploaded to YouTube.




    Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Crossing A Line Song No 2: 02 Song Name 2: Running From My Shadow Song No 3: 03 Song Name 3: Castle Of Glass Song Notes 3: Piano Style Show Notes:

    - After 'Crossing A Line', Mike asked how many more songs he could perform due to the time limit. He was told just one song, and he immediately said, "oh no, I'm at least playing two more."

    - Mike went into the crowd to get people to sing the chorus of 'Running From My Shadow' with him and then he went further out on the bridge, which caused all of the fans to swarm him to sing the last part of the track. He joked that he had "incited a riot in an Apple Store."

    - After 'Castle Of Glass', Mike walked up to the front row of the fans and asked for everyone to come in for a big group hug. He signed autographs and took pictures with fans until he had to leave for The Today Show.

    Other Notes:

    - "Join us for an intimate look into the creative process and journey of Linkin Park’s founder, Mike Shinoda. He’ll join music journalist Rob Markman in conversation about the loss of his bandmate and his journey to his current solo career. We’ll celebrate the release of his first solo album, Post Traumatic, with a performance and video by Shinoda."

    - Fans were shown clips of the 'Crossing A Line' and 'Ghosts' music videos before the interview. Rob Markman talked to Mike about the album and the details behind the making of the songs ('Place To Start', 'Over Again', 'Make It Up As I Go', and 'I.O.U.') before Mike performed three songs.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  7. 2018.11.01 Los Angeles, California

    Year: 2018 Month: 11 Day: 01 Show Date: 11/01/2018 Previous Show: mikeshinoda/20181030 URL Link: mikeshinoda/20181101 Next Show: mikeshinoda/20181102 City: Los Angeles State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: CBS Television City (Stage 56) Venue Type: Studio Venue Website: http://www.cbstelevisioncity.com/stages Event Website: http://www.cbs.com/shows/late-late-show/ Event/Festival Heading: Event: Event/Festival: The Late Late Show with James Corden Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithsources Sources:

    Source 1: Video - PROSHOT (CTV / CBS)

    Time: 3:40 mins

    Comments: Aired on November 1st. Uploaded to YouTube by The Late Late Show.

    Pre-Show Heading: Soundcheck Pre-Show Song No 1: xx. Pre-Show Song Name 1: Make It Up As I Go Pre-Show Song Notes 1: Rehearsal; w/ K.Flay Setlist Icon: , Yes, Notes: , Yes, Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Make It Up As I Go Song Notes 1: w/ K.Flay Other Notes:

    - This was the first television performance of Dan and Matt with Mike.

    - Frank Maddocks, long time art collaborator with Linkin Park and Mike since Hybrid Theory, created exclusive, unique backdrops for this performance.

    - The band ran through the song at least once earlier in the day at soundcheck.

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY
  8. 2018.03.08 West Hollywood, CA

    Photo Icon: Yes Year: 2018 Month: 03 Day: 08 Show Date: 03/08/2018 URL Link: mikeshinoda18/20180308 City: West Hollywood State: California State Abbr: CA Country: United States Country Abbr: US Venue: Old Tower Records Parking Lot Venue Type: Other Event/Festival Italics: 0 Show Number: 1 Show Number Total: 1 Show Category: showwithoutsources Setlist Icon: Yes Notes: Yes Song No 1: 01 Song Name 1: Crossing A Line Show Notes:

    - Mike played 'Crossing A Line' on a Bluetooth speaker for fans and then played it a second time, this time singing/performing the track for them.

    Other Notes:

    - On March 8th, Mike posted a photo on his social media of the old Tower Records location saying, "Who wants to meet up and be in a music video? I’m shooting something for my solo album at 8:30 in Hollywood tonight. In 45 minutes. Roll thru." This was the first mention and confirmation by Mike that he was releasing a solo album.

    - After meeting with fans, Mike walked through Hollywood and filmed the rest of the 'Crossing A Line' music video.
    - The morning after the event, he posted a photo of the crowd that showed up and said, "Had an unforgettable time hanging with you all last night. Thank you for sharing your time and your stories. Very excited what’s yet to come."

    Show Stats: 0 Show Stats 1: ## Show Stats 5: YEAR Show Stats 2: ## Show Stats 6: TOUR Show Stats 3: ## Show Stats 7: CITY Show Stats 4: ## Show Stats 8: STATE Show Stats 9: ## Show Stats 10: COUNTRY Uploads Field:
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