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Posts posted by [NiKmaN]

  1. I won't attend the site because I don't wanna see them >.<

    I wanna be suprised in Gräfenhainichen xP


    one of my favourite moments: Mike getting the I <3 Phx shirt from Ana. at the end of this video:

  2. yeah that's what Chester said isn't it?

    I'm looking forward to hear them, I gues that'll be great! But hopefully they don't shorten the LP-sets because of DBS. Like 20 or 21 LP-songs and 3 DBS or something like that would be cool.

  3. I don't understand what you're saying. They said MtM would be different from the other two albums and it absolutely is. So what is it that you don't trust?

    I'm not just speaking of LP ^^ It's like every band says that of their new albums: "Oh, it'll be something really different but amazing and you'll still know that it's typical XXXX".

    Imo MTM didn't sound anything like typical Linkin Park. Now e heard it we say yeah that's LP-style but if you just look at the three albums it isn't.

    That's why I never trust those statements regarding anything about the music before I heard the new music. Of course Mike says it will be different or do you think he'd ever say: "oh hm yeah, we're probably gonna write a MTM 2."

    They didn't say that about Meteora as well so I think it's really hard to get anything reliable out of the statements....

  4. It's like everyone forgot all the past news posts we've posted of Mike saying how much different the new album will be. People, wake up before you post please. The new album will be different from the other albums.

    did you ever realize that they always say the same? I will never trust those statements again until I hear the music.



    And about Rick Rubin, I don't think he'll be the prducer as lots of people already said. anyway, it's still LP's job to wirte the music so stop fuckin around with Rick Rubin, pls.


    I don't think LP is the best live act. They are really good and I love their concerts but if you consider a good live act as proper playing and singing there are way better bands (such as Alter Bridge, Myles Kennedy has amazing vocal-skills). And imo LP's live performances were better back in '04 and '06, but I would never blame MTM for it. I just felt more power while they played th songs. I hope they can really reach Chester's goals. They should start talking more to the crowd and stuff, there are a lot of things they could still improve so I'll see if Chester is right on 02.08 at Gräfenhainichen... ^^

  5. Take California as any European country and the USA as Europe and you will get the exact same situation.


    Whatever, anyways, I wish everyone going there much fun! and I hope we get to see something of the show on MTV.

    yeah, that's right. ^^

    and me too. I'm looking forward to read lots of reviews. =)

    Whoever said they didn't win on either KROQ or LPU is full of it, btw. Anyone notice they were the only person who said they DIDN'T win so far....

    what do you mean? did everyone win who entered?
  6. It would be EXACTLY the same over here, no matter where they do it. "My parents don't let me go there", "I have no car", "I have no money to travel". All the same.


    I guess most of the people are showing up and it might be like 500 to 1000 ? people, maybe even more.

    nah I don't think so. I think at least the people here at LPL would go and anybody has the chance to go. if they pick Kassel or something it's near to a lot of places...

    Really you can't compare the smaller European countries with USA LOL Even the harder fans from the Netherlands, Polen etc would have a chance to attend a show...

    So it's not EXACTLY the same. Of course there are always people who'll say what you wrote but these are not the main reasons we got to hear here last days...

  7. $1.92 million of a 32 year old mother... someone must have fucked up their brains!! that's not a good law but an epic fail. really it's so ridiculous. for 24 songs *facepalm* sometimes I think the government is hunting the wrong people. if a president kills 1000 of civilists with more or less reasonable war there's nothing to do but when a mother downloads 24 songs it's time to show their power, huh?

  8. I'd say yes too. It's a part if of the pre-band history and it would be sad to losse all the informations we have. I think it's good to collect them and to help that they won't get lost somewhere as AndOne said. Every live information about LP-related stuff we have should be archived on LPL imo. That's one reason for running the site isn't it?

  9. haha yeaah! :D

    But I have to save a lot of money first...


    So we'll have to enjoy the german shows first, I'm sure they'll be great. I'm excited about DBS ^^

    Is there someone who thought about sleeping near to Gräfenhainichen at a campground or something? I'll perhaps drive there with my old VW Bus and slepp in it. I don't wanna drive home after the concert.

  10. Sounds great to me. Hopefully locals know what a good bar is near the venue or something. We could all grab some food.

    I think, at least at G-Town there won't be much locals (and if, they won't be on LPL) as it is a pretty small town :D


    btw how can you afford 4 shows and a trip to europe? that's really cool ^^

    I'd love to do the same for an american tour in the future!

  11. A big THX for the upload AndOne! =) Do you have more kinda good vids of the concert? There were some - at least concerning the audio - good vids on youtube titled "Impressions from Hamburg (Part 1 - 10)" but they dissappeared somehow =/


    Absolutely the best LOATR performance that LP has ever done.

    Yah and it was absolutely the best LP gig I've been to! (Maybe because it was my first LP show...)


    I was far behind, where the soundegineer is, and it is a 2px nokia mobilephone cam so =)

    Hahaha how cool is that? xD

    And did you stay where the soundengineer is? You might have seen me and my friend then, he has had crutches because he broke his shin one evening befor the concert... And then went to the concert without visiting the hospital, that was totally crazy ^^

  12. you must be a crazy good song writer than if you are criticizing lp's lyrics wow haha can i see some of your work id really like to listen to it. and even if it is similar to what ive done...what ive done was a great song and one of the best from mtm so there is nothing wrong with it being similar. and no one cares if you have to listen to it for a month..no one is going to be waiting for your critic of the song. im not trying to be mean or an asshole here im just trying to say that everyone enjoys different things. its not electric pop rock. that is the worst title ive ever heard someone name linkin park...everyone is tired of these linkin park haters

    Hey really c'mon, you don't have to be a song writer to judge songtexts especially because it's everyones own opinion how he feels while hearing this lyrics and if they are good or bad. It's the same with every kind of art, nobody can say you're stupid because your opinion is not mine or something...

    And I also said the !vocal snippet! sounds like electronic-pop-rock . It's just what I hear when I listen to it and I can really understand Prestons opinion. And I'm NO Linkin Park hater, they are my favourite Band. But I'm also a musician and I don't just listen to their songs because they are by Linkin Park .

    Im sure Preston is no LP hater either so be carefull what you say about other people just because you don't aggree with their opinion.

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