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Everything posted by Revolution1985

  1. as the date of departure gets closer, ticket prices go up.
  2. thanks, sounds good...are these on the CD single? P.S. those links will most likely be deleted by a mod. There is already a thread about these and these links aren't allowed
  3. yes the premiere of T2 is on June 23rd
  4. Damn, wish I lived in SoCal. I want it to be released like Live in Soho, cause I bet you won't be allowed in the show with recording devices.
  5. damn, wish i lived in or near there....i like the logo!
  6. Congrats Mark, wow i remember when i graduated in 2002 lol
  7. Hopefully, he will tell us when the New Divide video is premiering
  8. Haha, this shouldn't even be a thread
  9. I hope there is some more Mike on this cd, just sucks we have to wait so long.
  10. final-fucking-ly!
  11. i hear that, ever since it came out it has been the only song on.
  12. times change my friend and so does music, and i really wouldn't call LP pop-punk
  13. technically we are both right...
  14. that already happened, hence the interview in the first post
  15. I cant wait till then!
  16. Song is fucking sweet! Just real annoyed that its not on Itunes yet, shit should have come out at 12am like everything else
  17. so where can i get this?
  18. why isn't it on Itunes, getting mad I need this song to be on me wherever I go
  19. Holy shit! It was worth the wait, there will not be a better song released this year.
  20. I cant fucking wait!
  21. i could tell it was LP cause of the drumming (sounded just like Rob), but its nice to have confirmation
  22. Happy B-Day Astat! Thanks for the show, sounds awesome!
  23. fantastic news!!!
  24. sounds like Rob's drumming and the guitar does remind me of Lockjaw
  25. no dates near me
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