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About Revolution1985

  • Birthday 01/22/1985

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    North Wales,PA

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  1. This band has been with me through everything since 1999. I was 14 back then and now at 32 they are still who I fall back on for good and bad times. I had cancer a few years ago, LP was on my iPod every single day during my treatments. Wish I could tell you what you did for me. I was lucky enough to meet Chester and have seen the band 13 times (14 was supposed to be August 1). Chester is the voice of our generation and will always be remembered as that. We love you Chester, thank you for blessing us with your voice and words.
  2. Woohoo got my tickets for 01/23 in Atlantic City. Will be my 13th show and it's the day after my 30th birthday!! Happy birthday to me haha
  3. Is anyone nervous that the song topped out at like 36 on US ITunes chart. It has been steadily dropping (down to 98). Reception isn't that well here in the states.
  4. I know everyone is so excited about this (cause I can't stop listening lol) but will this song be in Transformers? Or are they not in it this time? I can't see us getting another song before May so maybe they just haven't released it? Any opinions ??
  5. Ahh high quality iTunes version in my headphones make this even better. Love the instruments throughout the whole song.
  6. Love love love this track. Glad to see Brad is still a member of LP. It will be exciting to see them all actually playing instruments and rocking out on stage. When is this coming out on iTunes?! I need it!
  7. Always wanted to see AFI and this will be my 11th LP show so win-win! Sooooo excited. Plus the touring bassist and keyboard player for 30STM is Steve Aiello from Monty Are I. Met those guys, they are awesome!
  8. I like that name!
  9. My guess: single, album title and release date, and US your info. No matter what I'm excited!!!
  10. Oh my. The judge's face in that short pro shot sums it all up. Lol
  11. It's felt like way too long for a me LP song. All of this other music out is crap.
  12. Last night kicked ass!! The rain (downpour lol) made the show that much more epic. Set list was great!! LP killed it all night. Fantastic!!
  13. Soooooo pumped for tomorrow! No summit for me but super stoked to hear set B (hopefully). This will be my 10th show so I know LP won't disappoint!
  14. I cant wait for tonight!!! I want Blackout!
  15. SOOO Excited for the shirt!!!!
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