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Everything posted by yagamilight207

  1. Spotify link https://open.spotify.com/album/7qKEQkRXySP0rhjtXJksfg?si=s91s35eGRdmvGw6YbADVIA
  2. Not sure if this is mentioned anywhere, somehow I'm hearing Good Things Go almost the same beat as how Good Goodbye is.
  3. lol the link no longer works.
  4. missed this as well. wanted to ask about asia tour.
  5. there's still some gap after Jakarta show (16 Feb) to Nevada (12 Apr). let's hope the band will consider adding more Asia shows..
  6. indeed. i could've accepted Singapore, but they choose Indonesia.. looks like we need to go to jakarta.
  7. Wait,$5 for all songs AND 3 additional track?
  8. still hoping for either Malaysia or Singapore.
  9. they updated the profile icon. now its yellow and blue.
  10. Not sure if the bridge is part of the song but it reminds me of the scratches joe did for part of me.
  11. to add on, something i wrote in the chat previously. the guitar mistake at the intro of Papercut is the same as the previously leaked HT instrumental. this means they used the same instrumental back without correcting the mistake.
  12. just noticed the link is already in chat.
  13. 1st, can someone point me which part is the guitar mess up? 2nd, i think the proshot version doesn't do justice at all to this fancam version, this one feels much better.
  14. so currently there's no full recording for this concert?
  15. Just listened. Love the intro of the track. A very different take on HITC indeed.
  16. is the band trying to compete MTM's release with all of this different colored vinyl? it will be a nightmare trying to collect all of this, especially the casette.
  17. even more suprising that the video is still up.
  18. Guilty All The Same page is missing Music Video information. Guilty All The Same - Linkinpedia Final Masquerade page is missing Music Video Information. Final Masquerade - Linkinpedia Is The Wizard Song wrongly included in Lost page or due to the sampling shared between Lost and Resolution? Also Missing the info for Alternate Reality Version Music Video. Lost - Linkinpedia Missing info for Burning In The Skies Music Video. Burning In The Skies - Linkinpedia
  19. i think the moment LP closed the secret show is the last Chester's tribute they will do, as they have to start going forward. If during every concert they keep on mentioning it's a tribute, it's going to downplay the whole setlist. Maybe Lost is indeed the last tribute they will do. For the Intro, I do agree that it's better to do a distorted vocal, as they don't want people to compare Emily to him. It's the same situation as how A7X plays So Far Away as tribute to the Rev every time, it might be Lost is the song that they perform for him. Let's see how it goes at the next concert.
  20. The CD is already ripped by someone and posted.
  21. Travelodge wifi isn't doing justice. 5 hours and all of the videos in the playlist simply mentions deleted video.
  22. they followed exactly as the setlist. even the official setlist doesn't list Act 2.
  23. i second this motion. Would love to get the professional camera POV with the mixed with Ethan's edit.
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