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Posts posted by nkramar

  1. This is nonsense and not a wish .. I'm sorry. What meaning do DVD format, if the original is in HD? the DVD does not even have a simple menu ..

    Many DVDs that are circulating amongst traders don't have simple menus. At least this one has properly authored chapters (again, many circulating don't).


    Be thankful for what you get. You're sounding a bit ungrateful for something that you're not paying for. /2.5 cents.

  2. I'm having problems with way more than just Crawling/OSC, the audio and video go WAY out of sync about halfway through Waiting For the End and stay that way for the rest of the show (the video freezes for a couple seconds during WFTE while the audio keeps playing, and it never catches back up).

    Correct. Fail for me not picking up on it earlier, had only scanned through the show.

  3. Argh, frustrating! I just noticed this, Crawling/OSC seem messed up. Fuck! Could have swore it was fine when I checked before the upload.. Apparently its an issue with the program I used, it automatically tries to re-sync audio, even if its fine to begin with.


    Sorry guys, you'll all just have to put up with it for now. Working all week, then I'm having a minor procedure done at the end of the week, so I won't have a chance to fix it this week.


    If audio issues bother you DO NOT download the show now. I'll fix the files next week and reupload.

    If you don't mind a few songs a bit out of sync, download it now and just download the updated version when its uploaded.


    Alternatively, run it in VLC or another player that lets you temporarily change the audio sync and match it up.

    I want it fixed and I want it fixed now!




    No worries, I'm sure many people won't notice it - It's not like it's the entire show out of sync.

  4. God damit, this is so fucking lame! When I was complaining about the Australian Tour with still the same set, you called me an idiot, but what now?

    You have a right to complain if:


    A) You're going to every show on a particular tour

    B) Are buying all DSPs from the tour

    C) If the band hadn't changed their setlist at all since they started touring for ATS.


    Complaining about this shit is pointless otherwise. 90 percent or more of attendees at any given show are quite happy with getting to see and hear the band at all and only a small percentage of fans gives a flying fuck about the lack of variation on setlists in any given night. Y'all are so spoiled now with youtube, DSPs and sites like this one which give instant updates and highlights from shows almost before they're over that you take for granted the thing that you're not supposed to take for granted - Seeing and hearing the band play live.

  5. If I understood correctly, you are making a DVD out of a HD video... Otherwise not sure, what you meant by saying "I'm currently piecing together the unedited version with a dvd menu and chapters".


    In that case it's hard to call it unedited.


    I'd vote for 3 releases:

    1) Unedited. RAW files from camera. Upload them now, no matter how big are they. Preferably torrent.

    2) DVD with CAM audio for those who are impatient and can't download big files.

    3) DVD with both CAM and SBD audio.

    Or, secret option number 4, stfu and be happy with whatever is released.

  6. interesting... they always want everyone to release good or rare stuff.. but won't release something when they have :)

    Funny, because both have released and contributed quite a bit to the community to my knowledge.


    Let's not start a pissing contest about releasing things, Felipe. You've got plenty of stuff as well that remains unreleased and uncirculated for future trading, as do all of us who trade and collect.

  7. Xero Demo Tape (Still looking high and low -_-)

    Hybrid Theory Demos US Internal Acetate



    Hybrid Theory "Album" Not Mixed/ Not Mastered US Internal CDR





    I know it's a little weird as all these items are relatively rare, but I'm willing to negotiate :P


    I might add other items which I still have 2 think of :P, Hit me up with a PM I know we can work sumthin out. Thanks :)

    If you're serious, hit me up on the above items.

  8. are you sure that this is a fake?

    I think it's just the wrong case because it's normally clear and not black...

    The sticker isn't glossy enough. CD itself is mostly out of the picture and partially obscured by a Warner Malaysia business card. Dunno why that would be offered as proof of anything as these would have been distributed prior to the band signing with Warner. Rule of thumb - any 'rare' items being sold by a seller in Asia = don't bid.


    /2 cents.

  9. After 9 years, the lpunderground.com domain will be put to rest today and lpu.linkinpark.com will be the home of the LPU.


    The LPU was a birthplace of sorts for this site and was the source of a lot of information contained within our pages, especially information shared there by members. Join us in saluting the retired site and welcoming the new!

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