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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. you mean https://www.yahoo.com/tv/into-the-badlands-title-sequence-152910342.html
  2. Is it really worth it to have all those domains? I dont understand why you needed the .com and the others that sucre pointed. Just asking Congrats
  3. Thanks god FM is out probably Welcome was something like this is all you'll get from me shut up haha
  4. Totally agree at the M&G in Monterrey I met only 2 guys who lived the 2001 era like me #LPGrandpa.
  5. I'm sick of Steve Aoki, anyway I would love to see DTB full song debut.
  6. Don't mess with Monterrey dude I would kill you.
  7. They should giveaway more shit for free, it's extremely dissapointing that they giveaway one fucking t-shirt per month
  8. Mike doesn't have vocals in any part of the song it's all Chester super awesome post I feel identified with it One Step Closer it was love at first sight, I still jam to it 2001 was an awesome year. thanks Mark for writing that only an old school fan like us could write it.
  9. I would love to read the story behind the HT original art sketches and some other pieces.. how you obtained them?
  10. Lol like if marzo was part of LP management
  11. Wow that's the best performance of Interestate ever from Chester, I don't understand why he moves like Scott lol Why security did not knock out that guy? haha it was a great moment. Seems like STP fans kinda like Chester.
  12. ShinodaGe and Soul made great remakes of that one I can honestly say that we don't need another studio remake
  13. In this episode, we see the finale of the The Hunting Party Tour in China.
  14. Why you wouldn't want to have all those super casual fan favorite tracks? they are fucking awesome.
  15. What if they don't bring back the DSP's and due to the massive request the next LPU album will be all live tracks? I would only take that if they give us ALITS from Monterrey I would love to have 5 demos and 5 live tracks, that would make all of us happy.
  16. It doesn't sounds like the mixing they used for the LPTV video, seems like it was just a test... I really want a sbd of ALITS
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