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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. Does Grey Daze has more b-sides? Would you release them? What do you think of Chester's vocal range in the GD recordings? Tell us something crazy that a fan did in tour? =D Why GD didnt got sucess? Are you still making music? Tell us the real story, why Chester left Grey Daze? no more questions haha hope that you choose one.
  2. Yay, I'm not angry because I knew that this was going to happen also i sleept =D
  3. I don't think that they will annouce the name of the album They will give us a date of a press conference. A W E S O M E
  4. you've got a problem with me, I dont get it you always throw me shit, stop that man.

  5. Commit if from the Grey Daze recording sessions, it has nothing to do with SD & Friends actually one of my GD favorite songs!
  6. I hope that they do a little US tour before that something like a.. mini PR =D
  7. Fine, let's talk about your mom so you can feel the same i felt when that.... guy said that.
  8. chiharamurera or whatever is your name XD congratulations, im jealous XD
  9. My favorite Linkin Park live moment: I'm a real hardcore fan, from the old school, im with you guys since the 2001 My favorite moment was back in the 2002 when you guys came to my country, Mexico, you opened for Korn and oh god that is a highlight for my life, the energy, the passion, all the soul that you give in your concerts!!! And other live moment to me is when Chester broke his wrist in Australia, man! he had a lot of pain but he didnt cared, he still played the show, that's a rock star to me! ps: GREAT GREAT PRIZE... good luck everyone!
  10. Someone told me that it's going to be a piece of art from MTM/Meteora.
  11. Fuck, you beat me! the album is coming to pretty soon.. why? Mike said that he recorded some vocals in ustream, last thing that they record and now they are mixing some songs, plus I believe in what LPBrasil said. Oh, and they are releasing new LPTV's in june or july... I think that the album will come out in august or september.
  12. what about the other channels? isnt there a effects output?
  13. Is this true? would be more than interesting to have this RTR has also a 5.1 version right?...
  14. I want to believe in this, but i cant, not at 100%.
  15. LPL4 is holding up the new album!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol cant wait for the new image of the site =)
  16. I dont have em anymore but i rememember that the sound was good I really want to have them again.. Chester Sings.. Taylor rocked!
  17. I'm so fucking sick of the lack of updates of the new album everybody is tired everybody is angry let's do something people We should post or spam lol shinoda's blog that's the only way to voice our opinion we need updates i know that you all hardcore fans are desperate to get updates so who's with me? WE NEED REAL STUDIO UPDATES.
  18. I've got a better deal iTorrents $00.00 any album that you want.
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