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Posts posted by JZLP-NaughtyNottingham

  1. Now that everything is out I want to thank @martinez for giving us the info of the full tracklist you were always accurate and  that's probably one of your best moments in this forum that i will always remember, thanks so much man!


    I was wondering if you could tell us your experience of the day that you found out about this? 

    im not sure if you can tell me how you found it, if its not possible im just fine if you tell us your experience from that day.

  2. Just heard the song im blown away ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


    -Meteora era Chester was his prime, fucking badass voice


    -Are you guys crazy? This song has the Meteora DNA in every second Mike's rapping, power chords, scratching, synths, drumming


    -It doesn't sound like any other song very different from Numb and ETR. Based on your comments I thought that it would sound like a mix of both songs but it isn't 


    -Mike's parts weren't re recorded it is old school Shinoda


    -The new mix is awesome I love that the bass sounds great and the power chords are loud


    -I fucking love it but it still the #4 ballad of the Meteora sessions it isn't better than Numb, ETR or BTH

  3. 9 minutes ago, gorast said:

    A little late on this topic, but it's definitely disappointing to see that Mike's bringing the web3 shit to Linkin Park material. I would have much rather had a music video that was fully done by, you know, real people, or even just a She Couldn't-style video with photos from the era spruced up a little. Not to mention the main character of the video, according to this article, is from an "NFT-driven web series" done by the production company, so on top of everything else, including interspersing AI-affected footage of Chester from Live in Texas (weird!), this video is an ad for an NFT peddler! Gross.


    I can at least appreciate that Mike has a genuine interest in cutting-edge technology and how it intersects with art, but I really do not like that we're at the point of using AI-generated material to promote LP directly. That's all I've got on that.



    Mike had to find a way to connect NFTs w LP


    This time I'm not angry because we will be getting a new official video and it will help to promote the song.


    I don't expect much from the video but it's better than slides.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Justin said:

    I love SFN. I never understood what makes people think it's one of their worst songs ever. The lyrics are inspired and Mike and Chester both give good vocal performances on that song.


    SFN has Chester's worst -rap- performance ever. 

    I love the style of singing-rapping that he uses when he sings with Mike the last part of Easier To Run


    I fucking love Easier, Mike's flow is so good and i dont remember any other song that he sounds like that, Chester's perfomance its so powerful


  5. 5 hours ago, Bambitt said:

    Yeah, for sure. Too many soft songs, and I know as an angsty teenager wanted the heavier shit 😀 but tbh I didnt like the live version of Nobodys listening, I prefer the album one 😀 what a polarizing song


    Still better than good goodbye haha and its yo i want to be migos flow.

    Yeah its a really weird song but i still listen to it once in a while.


    5 hours ago, STRANGELOVE92 said:

    I find it inferior to ETR honestly, but it's treally similar 


    Easier To Run its on my personal top 5 LP songs of all time

    how dare you? haha

  6. 6 minutes ago, Bambitt said:

    I like the original Meteora tracklist. HTF is one of my warm up go to songs when I play the guitar. And I love the wierdness of Nobodyd Listening, its so cool. I think this one could replace Easier To Run or even Session tbh.


    Nobody's is one of those songs that sounded better when they did it live.

    I still havent heard Lost but -lost- to Easier To Run, BTH and Numb they probably thought that having 4 soft songs on a nu metal album was a bad idea.



  7. Blackout versions missing:



    • Censored.
    • Different mix.
    • At the end of the song, Mike sings "We've been waiting to collect the things you know" twice instead of changing the second line to "We've been waiting to collect what you've let go".


    BLACKOUT A Thousand Suns (AU Album Advance)

    • On September 3, 2010, the Australian website The Music Network posted a review of A Thousand Suns, according to which "Blackout" had the same lyrics as the LPTV episode "Blackout" Freestyle.
    • While this version of the song has never surfaced to the public, it is important noting that it exists and it is out there.


  8. 2 minutes ago, NJPLP said:

    True. I wonder what the first verse will be like. Supposedly, the lyrics "I've carried this weight for too long... Disassociated, unappreciated. And everything I've hated, keeping me so jaded. I look into the mirror, and I hate what I see. All my lifes disfuction, alive in front of me" that were shown in Art of Meteora documentary that Chester scribbled are lyrics to "Lost", according to me and @AJ93. I was wondering these lyrics are a part of the first verse. I guess we'll find out that, the second verse and the bridge on Friday.


    kinda sound like rap lyrics.

  9. I'm glad that this song was shelved for 20 years, it makes it even more special! 

    It's easy to tell why this song didnt make the cut, they already had 3 *ballads* ETR, BTH and Numb.


    I'm glad that Easier To Run made it to the album because it's my favorite Meteora and easiyly part of my top 5.

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