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Everything posted by StuckNMove

  1. Fell on some hard times guys, and I'm looking to make some money to pay some medical bills. That being said, I figured I'd give you guys dibs first before I go the eBay route. I have a HT RIAA Award and a Meteora RIAA award. If anyones interested shoot me an email at filtysith@gmail.com with an offer.
  2. It's time I throw in the towel guys Everything's being sold as a lot. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=261239064065 I've loved collected the past 15 years, but now I just have the time, space, or money for it anymore. Take a look!
  3. Shoot me an E-mail, zach@zachtaylor.org
  4. Hey Guys, selling my collection, I figured I'd give you dibs first before it goes on eBay. The Autographed m2m poster, and HT RIAA Award I prob wont sell unless the offer is really good. Otherwise everything else (CD's/Cassettes/DVDs, etc) is fair game. http://www.flickr.com/photos/69357629@N02/...57627912776405/ Email zach@zachtaylor.org
  5. I'm looking to get some pics of LP RIAA Awards, does anyone have any of the others? Know Awards: Hybrid Theory Gold Hybrid Theory Platinum Pic Reanimation Platnium Meteora Platnium Pic Looking For: Live in Texas - Platnium Frat Part - Platnium A Thousand Suns - Gold Minutes to Midnight - Platnium Some awards may have multiple versions, IE Gold, and Platnium, Multi-Platnium. Basicly I'm looking to comiple photo's of each RIAA Award LP has been awarded, so If you have any pictures of anything listed, or even that I don't have listed please share!
  6. Leaving at 1am to get there! I'm excited! I hate having to go alone though All that traveling is gonna succcck! Can't wait to meet you guys though!
  7. "Fuck yooouuuu" Glad to see they're having a good time again!
  8. Nice... I like this alot.
  9. Why not? Mike admits that the album will be leaked. I just think its funny that record labels can't be intuitive to do anything about it.
  10. Why don't record companies 'leak' fake albums. With the album name, proper track listings but really off the wall songs, or extreamly bad quality songs. Then re-leak it 3 or for days later but add 'real' to the title. All they would have to do is have everyone who works for the label seed it and it it'd at least saturate the torrent and p2p market enough for a few days to throw off and real leaks for a while. As soon as a real leak is discovered, re leak the fake AGAIN and title it exactly like the real leak. Just saying.
  11. When you think about it, they are more likely to remember set lists rather then track lists.
  12. Well it's interesting... not what I expected. Not bad though
  13. Because I haven't heard it yet and I'm impatient lol
  14. Can't wait to hear it!
  15. Well shit, stream never loaded for me. Guys tell me what'd I miss?
  16. It couldn't be any worse then this lol
  17. Ah I've done it before for Bamboozal. I'll live lol
  18. Anyone coming from Maine, NH or Mass? I'm looking to find some one to car pool with!
  19. 2011 was in January, and in the middle of a snow storm, so I'm not surprised it wasn't sold out.
  20. Isn't that what would happen after an all out nuclear war? New life and a reinvention of how it all comes together? Learning or using knowledge from the past but adapting and changing at the same time.
  21. I've been putting some thought to the last 3 LP records, and how they form a trilogy. Think about it, Minute to Midnight is taken from the Doomsday Clock, the closer the clock is to midnight, the closer the world is estimated to be to global disaster, such as a nuclear war. A Thousand Suns is a reference from the Manhattan project dealing with nuclear warfare. Living Things well we don't know much yet about the feel of the record, but the album art suggest Nuclear Winter, and the title may suggest the resurfacing of 'Living Things' after the Nuclear War is over. It's far to say too that some of the songs and song titles touch on similar feelings an emotions Bleed It Out/Burn It Down When They Come For Me/I'll Be Gone Wisdom Justice Love/Lies Greed Misery Thoughts?
  22. And in the end, that all it boils down to. Saving some money. Plus it's advertising by having it online. Basically its a win win for everyone except us collectors.
  23. I asked them who was better at Halo LP or Incubus, because I know both bands used to play a lot. They talked about it for a bit but didn't say who was better I'm sure they'll have plenty of time to figure that out on tour though.
  24. A Certain Shade of Green
  25. Kind of a bummer as I've always enjoyed the making of DVDs. I guess LPTV and LPUTV have kinda taken over as far as behind the scenes stuff goes though.
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