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Everything posted by [AndOne]

  1. Even if the Mods/Admins don't post them, they don't remove the transcripts, anyway you can't keep it secret and some site will always have it online.
  2. Ehm... the transcripts are not exclusive at all. They get posted in the LPMB every time. Only the chat itself is LPU exclusive.
  3. Genres are totally 2001.
  4. The HD digicams are quite good but camcorders still beat them by far. Front row should turn out pretty good. Well we'll see. About the taping itself, I think it's not a good idea to talk about it pre-show. After the shows it's not a problem.
  5. Closed. Continues here: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopi...iew=getlastpost
  6. I'm pretty sure there will be enough tapers at Sonisphere. The question is just which of them likes LP and will tape them. Hard to tell in advance, we have to wait till after the show how things turn out. You can bet your balls on it that someone will tape Metallica and they sell the show on LiveMet anyway.
  7. Seem to be the 19th in Europe according to Warner Music Germany and Amazon Germany.
  8. I hardly believe this website made this info up. It's easier to believe that Chester tries to hide it. Or Warner put it on the soundtrack without his knowledge, lol. But it's cool that it is a song we totally don't know.
  9. It will be released on the 19th in Germany. Source
  10. Isn't it the first LP single with instrumental and acapella released on CD? Excluding the collaborations.
  11. wow what an honor that jesus visits our forums ^^.

  12. The songs on LP's Myspace are not meant to be downloaded for free. There's no download button. Sizedude, check your PM for the song
  13. I set this filter up, but I'm sure someone else knew about it, oh well. It was more a prank, nothing really serious. But the thing is I thought the filter didn't work so I forgot about it. When Nick and I were trying it the filter didn't work...The filter changed bootleg to recording and bootlegger to live a/v archivist or something like that. I did it cause so many people use the word bootleg in the wrong context. I know some people think different about this topic but this is not part of this discussion. I apologize for setting it up, it was a mishap, cause it wasn't working before. Even if it's not officially from the label/band it's still official in some way and copyrighted! Our very detailed rules about what's allowed and what's not clearly state that.
  14. You should disable the other older ones.
  15. Is it just me or is Rick like a ghost? You can see him only for like 10 seconds on the entire Making of Minutes to Midnight.
  16. Stuttgart, Germany, Cannstatter Wasen
  17. The new design looks great, but what i liked about the old one that it was smaller. Now the posts are massive and the font is pretty small compared to it. Due to the shoutbox you have to scroll a lot more and the controls used to be on the left side. Don't get me wrong, I really like it and the shoutbox, but it disturbs me a bit. It seems like firefox saves that if you make the site look bigger or smaller. But the main site is also smaller due to that and you a few errors in the design.
  18. It doesn't matter how they are called now, we list them as they were called back then. It's simply too much work to keep up with all the current names. Some venues have been renamed very often.
  19. Releasing it much later in other countries is so stupid.
  20. Updated the first post with the kroq interview.
  21. continues here: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1538&st=0
  22. continues here: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1538&st=0
  23. continues here: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1538&st=0
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