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Everything posted by bartorious

  1. im going nuts here....fuck cant find it
  2. im planning on going if i get selected...i stay in los angeles...so hopefully i get 2 go
  3. u can go 2 the vma's to see linkin park .....they are casting people....go 2 www.1iota.com.....to grab tickets to the vma's in los angeles....but u have to wait for a confirmed email 2 be in for sure....good luck peepz
  4. yo adam i wanna go i signed up also...... johnny arciniega i stay in south gate ca, email: elflacovato07@yahoo.com plz plz pick me also.....im the hardcore fan that went 2 the 8-bit rebellion testing in santa monica
  5. hey yeah...los angeles LP's HOME TOWN...i sent an email hopefully i get selected....fingers cross
  6. listening 2 the song......very mellow catchy hook.....all chester no mike....mike maybe in the background
  7. i just paid 60 bucks....but fuck it at least i have the demo and a confirmed ticket 2 the los angeles laser show and able 2 listen to the album.......
  8. is it me or does the catalyst lyrics talking about the mad chaos of this resession.....thats how i see it???
  9. shit if anything i think the guy that won the remix contest....[no brain] his song is better than original version of the catalyst....thats the way i see it...
  10. hopefully its missing verses....because im not feeling it and im a hardcore fan for about 10 years now.....its an ok song but not good for a lead single 2 promote the album bad idea mike....im starting 2 hate mike with his fucken production...little by little im started 2 slip away....looking forward 2 the full song and album hopefully they dont let me down....fingers cross
  11. try it backwards....somebody
  12. mike does alot of music backwards...somewhere i belong intro and not alone.....
  13. wait can someone play it backwards....mike does that alot in the studio....try it out
  14. im guessing day by day it will get clearer and clearer to show us the album cover and info...but we just have to wait im guessing
  15. is anyone some how able to record it and pause it bit by bit...to see any text
  16. mike....come out come out where ever you are???
  17. im so sleepy...but i must wait till midnight....
  18. 41 mins left here in cali...b4 midnight
  19. hurry up mike and blow our mind's already..
  20. we did crashed twitter....us LP fans rule this planet...lol
  21. my girl is about 2 give birth to my child but im not really paying attention to her...im more focus on this big LP news.....hurry mike....lol jk it would be funny if it was true
  22. i never seen twitter down...us lp fans shut that bitch down....hell yeah
  23. us linkin park fans broke twitter....thats how you know we control the world...lol still waiting mike
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