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Everything posted by chesterbe76

  1. awesome a muse fan :D

  2. i hate you for releasing this during my a thousand suns marathon XD
  3. he also did ti in st gallen, went to that show and on itunes festival(changing the catalyst vox)
  4. i'm starting to think that your life consists of bicthing about lpu
  5. LOL, so lpu9, and lpiux weren't good?
  6. i was at work at this time =(, if the winners of the lpu2.0 shirt or the fort minor militia cd are interested in selling them, just write me a pm
  7. i read something of 2001 here, don't remember which show, but i don't know if they allready made it "bug" ther
  8. download 2004? aur you serious? they got boo'd and bottle'd out there
  9. YAY thanks derek
  10. seems like you've never been at a gig or specialy not at a festival -.- Crawling is a perfect live song, same with in the end, wfte isn't a good opening song at all and they shpould bring back figure.09 instead of don't stay
  11. i was at a lp gig yesterday, and crawling was one of the crowd's fav songs
  12. i thought they're going to play apfmh, after chester started the pick em up if someone falls down thingy xD
  13. wasnt there a little drum solo after apfmh over bio?
  14. HELL YEAH, fucking awesome show, was there, and even thought someone burned a cigarette in my arm, and i was wet(beer), it was awesomebut i didnt hear many people singing ats songs, and there were some booh's on the radiance and wjl
  15. i was there, they didnt play osc and they closed with bio xD
  16. will take a pic of my st.gallen tic (;
  17. im really hoping for figure.09, i dont really wanna see somwhere i belong, and apfmh is much better as mashup with bio, but with you would be awesome too =)
  18. i found my namethat's AWESOME
  19. im going to be at the gig and can someone tell how big the chances are too get a m&g?
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