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Everything posted by thecyril

  1. Great flag =) thx to the man who made it up on the stage
  2. The live version is just amazing , i don't really like the studio version ><
  3. Really nice video !! 1st row =). Sad that they didn't come in the crowd :/
  4. It was an amazing show ! I was just in front of the stage but my girlfriend had crowdsick =D, so I retreat me a little .. There was a fucking sound restriction? Because the sound was (very) low.. I think they don't give all they have , chester doesn't sweat , doesn't unclothe his shirt =O But there is just positive remarks, so i don't understand if it's me or.. Hear the LPU members at M&G is awesome !!
  5. I will be at the show in Frankfurt =) Real name : Cyril
  6. BIO/APFMH is fucking amazing !!! @ SpikeMinoda I hope that Mike remeber you once again , and play the same version of BIO/APFMH in Frankfurt !! =D
  7. I hope that Frankfurt will be an amazing show too =)
  8. Pfff.. I really like Papercut .. And they've played all the time LFY.. :/ But it's cool that they didn't play the same set list in the differents shows of tour =).
  9. Hey guys! I've just seen that a LPU member has a chance to meet LP =). So i've one question : Do you know how many will be selected in each show? Because If i buy the LPU annual , it's just for that. (The show is in Germany) Thank's a lot!
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